Monday, September 2, 2019


The very foundation of what we do as educators is based on feedback. Feedback is defined as information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement. Feedback is necessary for our students to grow and equally as important for we as educators to grow. Mrs. Tollison and I started our walk-through observations last week and hope to provide feedback for our faculty and staff through these. During an observation, we want to come in for 20 minutes or so and document what we see via WeClimb. When we submit your observation, you will receive an email that you can access to read through our observations and thoughts. You can also wear blue jeans on Friday. Even more vital is the feedback you provide to your students. When you will groups in ELA and Math, for instance, think about what specific feedback you are providing for your students. Are they able to quickly discover where they need to grow and what specific steps they can take to reach this growth? We all need to get comfortable giving and receiving feedback. Doing so means we are ready to embrace all challenges!

Ms. Tammy Lee was able to speak to our third grade classes this week. She introduced herself and began the important process of building positive relationships with our students. 

We love seeing our outdoor leaning space utilized. We want to incorporate this space throughout the year and already have some ideas in mind. Thanks for intentionally planning to use this wonderful area for students to enjoy. 

We enjoyed watching students spin the magical wheel during our sorting ceremonies this week. Seeing the students excited and fired up really encouraged me. I was so proud to see our faculty and staff really embrace the House system and show House pride throughout the week. 

Thriving Thursdays started this past week and our students enjoyed their new learning opportunities. Our PLCs also officially started and we look forward to continue growing in this area as a faculty and staff. 

MAP Testing This Week:
Please refer to the email sent by Mrs. Tollison with MAP testing information. Obviously, we are testing ELA on Tuesday and Math on Wednesday. Teachers are free to test during whatever period(s) they prefer based on their schedules. Remember, this is important data that we use to help shape and build our intervention and instructional plan of attack. If a student is absent, please use your discretion to get their tests made up ASAP.  Mrs. Tollison's email included instructions for setting up test sessions and a video tutorial (see below).

Live PD This Week:
We do have Live PD this week on Wednesday immediately following dismissal. We plan to meet in the media center. Please check out our updated Live PD agenda for more information including sessions and start times. 

iPad Update:
Per our shared calendar, iPads may be sent home beginning on Thursday, September 5th. Please ensure that you have gone above and beyond in terms of explaining your expectations for using the device at school and at home. Mrs. Patty Ellison will be providing home room teachers with a list of students who have not yet paid the protection plan. These students should not take their devices home until their parent has paid this fee. Parents can set up a payment plan with Mrs. Patty Ellison in the front office. Make sure you send a reminder to parents via SeeSaw when you receive this list. 

Professional Learning Communities:
Just a word to remind everyone that this process and implementation is not formulaic. There is no one way or right way to accomplish the process of becoming a collaborative team. There are key markers and indicators. Consider these:
  • Does your team adhere to group norms and take them seriously?
  • Does your team understand and implement roles vital to the team's effectiveness and efficiency? 
  • Does your team focus its efforts on the 4 questions of a PLC?
  • Does your team focus on essential standards, learning targets, common formative assessments, and data?
Mrs. Horn has worked with scribes so that all of this information can be documented on our Google Site. Additionally, Mrs. Tollison and I will work with facilitators to provide necessary feedback when needed. Remember, we are a team focused on all students learning at high levels. We have to believe it before we can live it. 

Moore's Musings:
As you level students and get to know their strengths and weaknesses, please be thinking about how you will use your PRIDE Time to intervene on their behalf. We will also be asking you for students who need another level of intervention in the form of a pull out. Mrs. Jeanie Thomas and Mrs. Jill Kallin will be working as interventionists this year. Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Tollison and I also hope to continue our RISE groups for intervention. Stay tuned for more information.

OLWEUS bully prevention class meetings are scheduled for Monday, September 9th during PRIDE Time. Remember, the first six lessons are in our shared folder along with plenty of ideas and resources for you to use. Our goal is that we have a common language in our school to proactively engage our students in conversations about what bullying is, what it is NOT, and what we can do when we see it or experience it. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
  • MAP ELA - 9/3
  • MAP Math - 9/4
  • Live PD - 9/4 at 3:10 P.M.
  • iPads Sent Home - 9/5
  • PVES Wendy's Spirit Night - 9/5 from 5-8 P.M. (staff who attend receive House points and Jeans pass)
  • Friday - PVES Spirit Day (staff and students wear House shirts/colors)

Video of the Week: MAP Testing Tutorial

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