Sunday, August 25, 2019


We have collectively accepted the responsibility to "embrace the challenge" this school year. I could not be more proud of our faculty and staff for making the first week back the BEST first week back. During this crucial time of year, we are simply just beginning. Yet, "just beginning" can be the most significant and most difficult of challenges we will face. We are initiating the process of building relationships in order to create an environment where learning and growing at high levels is the norm. I like the word initiate. There is indeed a sense of urgency to it that rings true for us all. defines initiate as to cause (a process of action) to begin. Initiate is a verb. Thanks for reading the blog carefully. Feel free to wear blue jeans on Thursday with your favorite college shirt and Friday with your House shirt. We must be courageous enough to begin and take action; no matter the uncertainty or fear. As we initiate Thriving Thursdays and Collaborate Planning Time and as we initiate all those procedures and routines that will be the driving force behind our most successful school year to date, do not forget that we need leaders who will initiate the type of change that causes us to be different; be better. No matter your age or experience level, this can and should be you.

The BEST first week ever at PVES ...

Our team takes "next level" to the next level. Thanks to everyone for making our school the best place to work and learn. I can assure you, this does not happen by chance. Every day that you get up and come to school, you initiate an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of countless children.

Another congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Brenna Horn (left), and Support Staff of the Year, Kriste Berry (right). They show up daily and do the work. They know that their efforts initiate the type of positive change that continues to take place at PVES. 

Mrs. Tollison and I enjoyed speaking to our students last week in grade level meetings. I was impressed with the behavior of our students and their attention. We hope this initiates a re-dedication to our school/classroom rules and expectations. 

Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for having iPads in classrooms and ready for student use! This provided teachers with the opportunity to initiate iPad implementation in all of our classrooms. Teachers are doing a great job of getting iPads set up for students and discussing Digital Citizenship and expectations for those devices. And Mrs. Fowler has thoroughly enjoyed having students once again in the media center! 

Our PTSO has worked tirelessly to provide a fun and creative space for students to learn. Our courtyard has truly been transformed! Just a small group of people initiated this effort and now look at what has taken place. Our Pride Stride fundraiser is set for Friday, October 18th. Can we top last year's effort? 

Fire Drill Tuesday:
On Tuesday, August 27th around 9 AM, we will have our first Fire Drill. We are required by state law to have one within the first 10 days of school and one each month. The first few will be announced. You should have an evacuation map in your classroom. If you do not, please notify Mrs. Tollison or me. Additionally, please remember that we use the red/green card system to notify us of any missing students or issues during a Fire Drill. We will place new red and green cards in teacher boxes by Tuesday morning at 8 AM. When the signal has sounded, calmly and quickly exit the building following your evacuation map. Please close your classroom door behind you. If you have a walkie, take it with you. Ensure that all students are presented and accounted for. Then, display a green card to indicate you have all students or a red card indicating you are missing a student or need assistance. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

"Pride Time" Intervention Block:
If you have any questions about the ideas behind our intervention block, that we refer to as Pride Time, please view this slides presentation from several years ago. Pride Time officially begins as soon as announcements are over and no later than 8:10 A.M. Pride Time ends at 8:40 AM when the bell sounds. We work hard not to interrupt your PRIDE Time with all calls and/or announcements to your room. This intervention block is not a study hall and is not an opportunity for teachers to complete paperwork or check email. Be intentional about getting to know your students and pulling students who are in need of a focused, intentional and targeted intervention time. Protect this time and use it to its fullest extent. 

Dismissal Procedures and Duty:
In the afternoon, the 2:25 PM bell signals the end of the instructional day. After this bell, students may pack up and complete their behavior reflections. 3rd graders, both 100 and 200 hallway, will then begin lining up with their teachers in the designated areas. Great job so far! The 300 hallway is tricky, but we do ask that teachers walk with their students down the hallway at dismissal time. This means having students lined up in your classroom and then walking out with them when it is your turn in the line to begin moving. This does create gaps in the line between classes which is perfectly fine. Please stress to your students that they need to "walk with a purpose" to the bus circle or MP Room/cafeteria. We cannot begin the car line until all students are in the correct locations. 

Please ensure that you are on time for your morning and/or afternoon duty. In the morning, Mrs. Fowler will assist with having a chapter book to read to holding locations. I would love for this to become a consistent part of our routine as reading aloud to students is so important. The 7:50 bell signals the transition from holding areas to the classrooms. The 8 AM bell signals the time that all students should be in the classroom. In the afternoon, please help us get students situated and quiet in the MP Room. Once this is done, please leave quickly and have any conversations that you need to have in another area of the school. Mrs Tollison shared the video tutorial if you need assistance with your responsibilities regarding duty. If we work together as a team and with a sense of urgency, we can improve on our afternoon dismissal time.

House Sorting:
We are so excited to sort our 3rd grade students into Houses on Wednesday morning (100 hallway - 8:10 and 200 hallway - 8:50). We appreciate Coach allowing us to use the MP Room! Before students come to the sorting ceremony, have them watch this quick introduction to get them excited. Students will have a chance to spin the wheel and find out to what House they will belong. Teachers should be prepared to bring their laptop as you will be helping us document to what House each student belongs using this google sheet. For any new 4th and 5th grade students, they will spin the wheel in our atrium in front of their classmates. Please make sure you have signed up for a time to do this with your class. We are so excited and hope you will bring plenty of enthusiasm this week! 

Thriving Thursday/PLC Time:
This week, we begin our Thriving Thursday schedule. We want students to thrive in these new opportunities, but we also want our collaborative planning time to thrive. Yes, it is now time to take our PLCs to the next stage (dare I say, next level?). Grade levels will meet in the classroom of the teacher whose class goes to the library that day for Thriving Thursday. Keep in mind that we do not have data to discuss as of now, so your focus may be on the first two questions of a PLC. Feel free to review our PLC discussion from the first week back for teachers. As you will recall, there are roles to be assigned for each grade level within our collaborate framework. Two of those roles, the facilitator and scribe, will be performed by the same individual throughout the year. Mrs. Tollison and I will choose the facilitator. The grade level should choose a technology-savvy scribe to edit the google sites page for your grade level. The other two roles will rotate among the other individuals. It is our recommendation that the process checker is the teacher whose classroom is being used. The time keeper should remember to monitor time closely to ensure that the team starts and stops on time. Work these issues out among your grade level and have these in place for the first meeting on Thursday. Feel free to refer to the collaboration roles and recommendations handout if you have any questions. Simply put, this will be a challenge, but if this becomes embedded in our very culture, it will be life changing. 

Video of the Week: "You Just Have to Get Started"

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