Sunday, September 22, 2019

BYOE: Bring Your Own Enthusiasm

Long after the excitement brought forth by the beginning of a brand new school year fades away, a teacher sits alone in her classroom after another long and difficult day. So much was invested by this teacher; those summer days spent in a warm and muggy classroom getting everything set up just right, the long nights of grading countless assignments when grades were soon to be due, and those fleeting moments of success outweighed by a plethora of frustrations and demands. This teacher closes her door and begins to walk down the dark hallway toward her car, but she stops momentarily to notice sticky notes placed on the outside frame of her classroom door. These notes, written by current and former students, offered high praise and thanks for the teacher who suddenly smiles and realizes her "why" in all this chaos. The students. No, I can never promise an uneventful day or less work. I certainly cannot fathom the teaching profession becoming any easier. However, I do know this. PVES remains successful and continues to grow because of your enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is defined as an intense and eager enjoyment. Our teachers bring their own enthusiasm each day. This manifests itself in many ways: dancing to music in the car line, rapping to students at dismissal, dressing up for a school transformation day, and countless other small acts. Our students feed off of our excitement. So when you feel overwhelmed and unsure of the future, just remember your enthusiasm. Be who we are. Be yourself. And show off your Powdersville Pride. 

Our students enthusiastically serve our school in many ways. The school store is open for business on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning. Remember, students need a pass to visit the store!

If you want to see enthusiasm manifested among our students, make plans to visit one of our monthly Skate Nights. We have so much fun at these events. It's a simply and exciting way to connect with our school community. 

Molly Spearman visited ASD1 recently. Principals and teachers of the year were able to enjoy lunch and time together with her. She could not help but be impressed during her time in ASD1. The enthusiasm for building relationships and making a difference in the lives of students is tangible to others who visit our school communities. 

Students in STEM Lab enjoyed the mystery box challenge and presenting their inventions. When we make learning fun and applicable to real life, their enthusiasm is visible and that's exactly what we love to see!

We posted leadership opportunities within our school for people to lead. The response was amazing. I never expected so many to enthusiastically offer their time and energy. We will be contacting you soon with next steps. Thank you!

Thanks to everyone for showing your enthusiasm during our House meetings on Friday afternoon. Our students were fired up to participate in the fundraiser thanks to you! Please keep students and parents motivated as much as possible to support our school. Our fundraising website should be shared often in SeeSaw!

OLWEUS on Monday:
On Monday morning during PRIDE Time, we will proceed with our OLWEUS class meetings and lesson #3. This lesson focuses on Rule #2: We Will Try To Help Students Who Are Bullied. As always, refer to our shared folder for templates, ideas, and other resources. Make this a unique and special time to enthusiastically build your classroom culture.

Data Meetings for Grade Levels:
We have postponed data meetings that were scheduled for this Monday and Tuesday. They will now take place on October 7th and 8th. Please see the shared calendar.

From Our Reading Coach:
We are excited to begin our "One School, One Book" initiative provided by PTSO. The kick off will be Wednesday, September 25th. Teachers can use the suggested schedule for reading or do it on their own as long as they finish by October 25th. Teachers can use the book with OLWEUS because it is about acceptance of others. Thanks for helping us celebrate literacy and making this initiative a school-wide success!

Author Visit:
We are so excited to have our author Max Brallier joining us on Tuesday, September 24th. We want our students to be on their best behavior and show off their Powdersville Pride for our visitor! He will be presenting to two groups of students in the MP Room; one AM presentation and one PM presentation. Thanks for being flexible and allowing our students the opportunity to enjoy this experience. 
  • Session 1: 10:30-11:15 - 5th grade plus 100 hallway 3rd grade
  • Session 2: 12:40-1:25 - 4th grade plus 200 hallway 3rd grade
If your class happens to have related during this time, related arts teachers will assume responsibility of your class, but you are certainly invited to stick around and enjoy the author. Let us know if you have any questions!

Wednesday Afternoon Event:
We have a unique opportunity to meet with our local delegation.  They have asked to have a forum in each area of the District to talk with our educators.  We hope that we will have a great turn-out and that our educators will have the chance to thank our delegation for what they have done to support public education and your hope for support in the 2020 session.   Please see the dates and locations below.  Each forum would begin at 3:45 and will end by 5:00.  The District is offering PD credit for attending.  Please sign up in Performance Matters for the date/time you plan to attend.  This is a great opportunity, and we hope you will plan to attend! If you attend our event, you can leave early on Thursday and Friday and wear blue jeans both days as well! 

Wednesday, September 25th Powdersville Elementary School (3:45 pm- 5:00 pm)
Wednesday, October 2nd Wren High School Auditorium (3:45 pm-5:00 pm)
Wednesday, October 16th Palmetto Middle School Auditorium (3:45 pm-5:00 pm)

Moore's Musings:
We have several professional development opportunities taking place in our building this week. On Wednesday, Sandra Goff will be working with "new to PVES" home room teachers in the Strings Room. On Friday, Lindsay Reyes will be here working with all 3rd grade teachers from ASD1. We will have sessions taking place in the Strings Room and Media Center so both of those locations are closed. We want to show off our Powdersville Pride to our visitors so thanks for talking to our students about what this looks like when we have visitors in the building. Additionally, please know that subs are at a premium on Wednesday and Friday. Thanks for making every effort to be here. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Author Visit - 9/24
  • PVES Spirit Night at Tropical Smoothie Cafe - 9/24
  • Sandra Goff PD - 9/25
  • West Cox Town Hall Meeting - 9/25 after school in cafeteria 
  • Team 2 Patrols Begin - 9/26
  • Lindsay Reyes PD (Media Center Closed) - 9/27
  • 5th Grade Dance - 9/27 at 6:00 P.M.

Video of the Week: Failure and Enthusiasm 

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