Sunday, September 29, 2019


Development; professional development that is. It is quite appropriate that this week's blog takes a closer look at this idea of development. Our culture at PVES is one of continuous improvement. I have always been so impressed by the "next level" approach our teachers embody as professionals. You are constantly breaking the mold, stretching the limits, and shifting the paradigm to do what is best for your students. Development is the process of developing; growth; progress. Whether it be through the lens of a PLC during collaborative team time or simply learning from some of the best in the field like Lindsay Reyes, we are reminded that we are involved in a never-ending pursuit of growth and progress. Every day builds upon the previous day and every teachable moment impacts the next. So on and so forth we go as we develop ourselves, our team, our students and our school to be the best we can be. Embrace the challenges, learn from your mistakes and as the graphic above suggests - keep on learning! 

What an incredible week at #PVES

We begin with a quick glance at our Lindsay Reyes PD from Friday. 3rd grade teachers from around the district enjoyed professional development focused on what a true reading workshop should look like: just right books, mini-lessons and conferring were hot topics. 4th grade is up next on Monday and we look forward to learning and developing alongside you. Thanks to Kelle Martin for her hard working in planning and preparing for this very impactful opportunity. And a huge thank you to our PVES Ambassadors, under the direction of Mrs. Hughes, for greeting our many visitors and showing great leadership and pride in their school. 

Author Max Brallier presented to our students this week and discussed his development as a writer. Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for organizing this event. Our students enjoyed this time! 

Congratulations to Ms. Lee who represented our school at the ASD1 Board Meeting on Tuesday evening. Ms. Lee talked to the board about our BARK reading program and the positive impact it has made on our students. I love the way our guidance program continues to develop based on the needs of our students! 

It was great to see writing celebrations taking place in 5th grade. 5th grade is working on full implementation of LC Units of Study in writing. As you know, it is important to celebrate the development of our students in all areas. 

3rd grade students enjoyed Rounding Roundup as our teachers once again proved learning can be both fun and engaging. I think back to how much we have developed in this area as a faculty and staff from when I taught and it brings a smile to my face. 

Define success. How about when over 80% of your entire grade level shows up for the 5th grade dance. Thanks to our teachers for making this a fun event that is all about developing our school culture. 

OLWEUS Class Meetings:
On Monday morning (Tuesday for 4th grade) during PRIDE Time, we will proceed with our OLWEUS class meetings and lesson #4. This lesson focuses on Rule #3: We Will Try To Include Students Who Are Left Out. This is always an important topic; as we discuss how easy it can be to include someone at the lunch table, recess, etc.  As always, refer to our shared folder for templates, ideas, and other resources. Make this a unique and special time to enthusiastically build your classroom culture.

Stop the Bleed on Monday:
The district is providing a mandatory "Stop The Bleed" refresher at each school. We are offering two sessions: scheduled for Monday, September 30th from 3:15 P.M. - 4:15 P.M. or Wednesday, October 16th from 3:15 - 4:15 P.M. You must attend one. New to the district employees took full course on September 24th. Please note that ALL returning staff need to attend the refresher session (teachers, office staff, coaches (if they are employed by the district), cafeteria, custodians etc.). If staff cannot attend on the date scheduled for our school, they may attend a session at another location. Please check with me. You have been notified if you are exempt. 

Live PD on Wednesday:
On Wednesday, October 2nd we will have our next Live PD event in the afternoon. Please refer to our Live PD agenda for more information. The topic for this Live PD is ALiCE protocol and procedures so it is obviously important that you attend. We continue to develop in this area and we will have an active intruder drill on Friday, October 25th. 

From Our Reading Coach:
Remember our "One School, One Book" initiative provided by PTSO. If you have not shown the book trailer to kick off the initiative, please do so ASAP this week! Teachers can use the suggested schedule for reading or do it on their own as long as they finish by October 25th. Teachers can use the book with OLWEUS because it is about acceptance of others. Thanks for helping us celebrate literacy and making this initiative a school-wide success!

From PTSO:
Please don't forget to promote our ongoing fundraiser - The Powdersville Pride Stride. Keep reminders and celebrations flowing through SeeSaw to keep families engaged. Congratulations to Mrs. Melton's class as they are currently in the lead in terms of collecting pledges. Students can submit pledge promise notes or encourage friends and relatives to donate via our fundraising website

Additionally, our next Spirit Night is Thursday evening at Wendy's in Powdersville. Last month at Wendy's, we raised over $300 for our PTSO! Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend and support school events whenever possible. Thanks!

Moore's Musings:
We have received a few PLC-related questions so I wanted to answer those as thoroughly as possible:

Q: Are we discussing lesson plans too much during PLC time?
A: Obviously, collaborative team planning time is built upon the PLC framework. You should be primarily engaged in discussion focused on one of the four questions of a PLC. This is where your time should be spent. 

Q: When do we discuss lesson plans and other grade level matters?
A: Some grade levels have opted to spend the last 5 minutes or so of Thriving Thursday to do this. I believe the best option is to find another time to meet after school to quickly discuss grade planning issues and upcoming events. We provided Thriving Thursday as a means to free grade levels up to do just that. 

Q: How do you think our PLCs are doing overall?
A: I am very proud of our grade level teams for embracing the PLC process. I have seen so much growth in the year plus that we have adopted this model. This is a three year process of implementation and we are well on our way to establishing true professional learning communities at PVES and changing the way we educate our students forever. We need to find a way to ensure reliable and valid CFAs are developed to provide the forum for data to be discussed in depth. If teachers are not walking out of PLC time with a specific plan in place to address students who didn't learn the material and students who already know the material, then we are just not there yet. Let's keep growing! 

Mark Your Calendar:
  • 4th Grade Lindsay Reyes PD at PVES - 9/30
  • Stop the Bleed Refresher Training at PVES - 3:10 P.M. on 9/30
  • RTI Team Meeting - 3:10 P.M. on 10/1
  • Progress Report Folders - 10/2
  • Live PD - 3:10 P.M. on 10/2
  • PTSO Spirit Night at Wendy's - 10/3
  • Rikki Brown, Open Enrollment, at PVES - 10/4
  • Spirit Day - Wear Your House Shirts! - 10/4

Thanks for reading the blog! I know it is a very busy week with several after school events. Therefore, please feel free to leave early on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of this week as soon as your responsibilities have been completed. Additionally, Wednesday-Friday are looking like great days to wear blue jeans. Thank you for being a professional, fun, and hard working staff! 

And if you are still reading...we are receiving some information in regard to our school report card and where our score ranks in the state of South Carolina. Last year, our score of 81 ranked 3rd in the state. Can we improve? Stay tuned....

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