Sunday, October 6, 2019


Lately, we have spent a good bit of time celebrating our #2 ranking in the state of South Carolina based on our school report card. Last Thursday, we were even notified that we qualified for Palmetto Gold recognition based on our test scores. While it is important to celebrate such achievements, I think we also need to be careful to not let such recognition define us entirely. Of course, in this thought, I am asking us to consider our collective worth. Worth is defined as the level at which something or someone deserves to be valued or rated. I am asking you to pause and consider your worth as related to your work at Powdersville Elementary School. And while you are at it, reflect upon the worth of the students for whom you are responsible. In order for us to reach our ultimate goal of high levels of learning for all students, we must remind ourselves constantly that we as educators are worth so much more than a rating could ever capture. Excellent doesn't begin to describe what we do and who are. Today, remember that you, our students and our school are worth so much more than the sum of all these awards and recognition.

Another successful week in the books at PVES...

4th grade teachers enjoyed learning in their professional development with Lindsay Reyes. It has been interesting to hear the feedback from 3rd and 4th grade teachers who have attended these events. We will make some time on October 14th to discuss our learning. Regardless, the hours of preparation for hosting such an event are certainly worth the struggle when we see our teachers engaged, learning and growing during professional development. 

The safety and well being of all the precious lives in our building are worth it. I was proud that our faculty and staff remained engaged in learning about emergency procedures including "Stop the Bleed" and ALiCE training. Don't forget to complete your ALiCE worksheet for your classroom, review the staff training presentation, and begin the conversation and training you will need to have with your students. 

We love to make learning fun and enjoyable for our students at PVES. But don't we, as adults, enjoy it also when the learning is a little more fun? 4th grade teachers became multiplication ninjas this week and reminded us all that going that extra mile is worth it for our students!

OLWEUS Class Meetings:
Home room teachers will hold OLWEUS class meetings on Monday, October 7th. The focus for this meeting is lesson #5. This lesson introduces Rule #4: "If we know that someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home." As always, there are plenty of resources in our shared folder and we ask that teachers continue to share and add items in this folder. Let's make this a valuable time to positively impact our classroom and school climate. 

Data Meetings:
While we have shared most data with everyone, we do want to finalize a few conversations and discuss MAP data from the Fall administration as well. Please see the schedule below. 
  • 10/7: 8:50-9:20 A.M. - Melton's Room (313)
  • 10/7: 9:40-10:10 A.M. - Michael's Room (310)
  • 10/7: 10:25-10:55 A.M. - Barnett's Room (107)
  • 10/8: 11:10-11:40 A.M. - Henderson's Room (203)
  • 10/8: 1:00-1:30 P.M. - Odom's Room (305)
  • 10/8: 1:50-2:20 P.M. - William's Room (303)
Live PD on Wednesday:
Live PD is scheduled for "new to PVES" teachers on Wednesday, October 9th after school. Please refer to our Live PD agenda for additional information. 

Tech PD with Thomas:
We are excited that Thomas McAuliff will be with us on Friday, October 11th to further our planning for E-Learning days. Last month, Thomas talked to us about the structure of E-Learning days. On Friday, we want grade level planning teams to start to work on actual lessons/assignments for the learning menu students will use at home in the event of inclement weather. Next week, on October 16th, we will have a mock E-Learning experience at school to basically train and walk students through the process. We will meet in the same classrooms at outlined above for data meetings. 

Homecoming Parade:
On Friday, October 11th (Weather permitting), our students will have an opportunity to watch the PVHS homecoming parade. Around 1:40-1:45 P.M., Mrs. Tollison will begin calling classes to the back of the school where the bus access road cuts between our school and the football field. Our students will sit/stand on the sidewalk on our side of the road. The middle school should remain on the other side of the road. If you have a walkie, please bring one outside with you to the parade. When the parade is over or it is time to go in, Mrs. Tollison will begin signaling to classroom teachers to bring students inside for dismissal. Make sure students have packed up prior to leaving the classroom for the parade. It is important that our students stay together and with the classroom teachers at all times. Non-homeroom teachers, we need your help as well so please plan to help supervise and direct traffic as needed. I love the fact that our students can celebrate with our other campuses and experience true school community! 

Monday, October 14th Plan:
Monday, October 14th is a professional development day in ASD1. We will have teachers from other schools on our campus and will work around those sessions taking place in the MP Room and Media Center). However, we do have a plan of action. See below:
  • Arrival for All Staff - 8:30 A.M.
  • 3rd - 5th Grades: Using Data Effectively in Collaborative Team Meetings (PLCs) - 8:30-10:00 A.M.
  • 3rd & 4th Grades: Lindsay Reyes Feedback and Discussion - 10:00-10:30 A.M.
  • Remainder of the day to work collaboratively and in classrooms
***For the data discussion, we are asking that all grade levels be prepared to bring a CFA to this session. It can be as basic as an exit ticket or somewhat more involved. The point is that we want you have to have something on hand that provides real data to be used in a real data conversation. 

We will send out more information prior to Monday. 

Moore's Musings:

  • How are you using Pride Time? Do you have a specific and targeted plan of action that details how you will spend this sacred time of intervention? Please reach out to us if we can assist you in planning this time to be most effective for your students. 
  • The Pride Stride fun run is Friday, October 18th. That means we need to work hard to reach our goal of $30,000 raised. Thank you for getting the word out to parents via SeeSaw and email. Mrs. Tollison and I will be "beanboozled" on Monday and will share that video ASAP. We are very close to raising $15,000 which means Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore will have to dress/talk like a pirate for a day. Thanks for your enthusiasm! 
  • Thanks for being on time for morning and afternoon duty. In the morning, don't forget our homework table is a great place for students to student and receive assistance on homework. Encourage your students to visit the homework table! In the afternoon, please ensure that all walkies are taken to the front office and plugged in on the desk in the office work room so they can be used with a full battery the next day. 
Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
  • Data Meetings During Planning - 10/7 & 10/8
  • Math Committee Meeting - 10/9 at 3:00 P.M.
  • Live PD - 10/9 at 3:10 P.M.
  • Spirit Night at Pizza House of Powdersville - 10/10
  • Tech PD with Thomas During Planning - 10/11
  • PVHS Homecoming Parade - 10/11

Video of the Week:
"If you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth!"

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