Sunday, September 15, 2019


I think many people consider those who teach crazy. And, in fact, to do what we do on a daily basis we might be just that. However, let us remember the alternate definition of the word crazy; extremely enthusiastic and passionate. I am proud of our school because the adults in our building are crazy. They are crazy about teaching. They are crazy about trying new things and always improving. And, most importantly, they are are crazy about our students. A school that professes to have a "do whatever it takes" mentality means embracing the craziness that comes with teaching 660 3rd through 5th graders. We don't hide from it and we certainly don't back down from it. We are crazy enough to believe that we are making a difference; one day at a time. 

OLWEUS meetings are a great way to start the week at PVES! Through dialogue and intentional conversation, we establish expectations for the way we treat one another and rules against bullying behaviors. In our school, we are crazy enough to believe positive relationships and respect mean more opportunities to learn from one another and grow. 

Collaborative team time on Thriving Thursdays is another example of just how crazy we are to be our best for our students. This is a sacred time meant to explore how we can become better through the four questions of a PLC. The more intentional and specific we are in our conversations about essential standards, common formative assessments, and data, the more we improve and adapt to meet the needs of all students. 

We enjoyed our first Tech PD with Thomas last Friday. Some of you who have taught in ASD1 remarked how crazy snow days could be; finding out at the last minute about school cancellations, etc. Now, we have a plan of action. Don't forget to work on your grade level learning menu. We will use our October PD time with Thomas to discuss and make necessary changes. 

There is nothing wrong with a little positive publicity. I have seen pictures of our teachers at Wendy's for Spirit Night, teachers attending football games to support students, and one class even made the news. After a while, our community learns that we really are crazy about our school! 

Mrs. Tollison and I hope that your survival kit helped you get through Friday the 13th. I will say this, however. It was just another day at PVES with great things taking place. We embrace challenges just like this one and know, no matter how crazy, we can accomplish great things together as a team! 

As is the expectation each Monday morning, we will have OLWEUS class meetings during Pride Time. Following our lesson plan, we will work on lesson #2: We Will Not Bully Others. As always, refer to our shared folder for activities and resources. Additionally, feel free to drop additional idea/resources in this folder. Remember, this time will only be as successful as you make it. 

Live PD:
Live PD this Wednesday, September 18th will be for any teachers on formal evaluation (i.e. induction, re-certification eval, or GBE) who missed last week's meeting. Refer to our agenda here and let us know if you have any questions. Additionally, everyone should be able to log into SCLead and sign off on orientation from several weeks ago. Please email us if you are still not able to do so. Finally, all grade levels should now be involved in developing pre-tests for SLO evaluation. The timeline has been shared multiple times now. While we are so appreciative of the efforts of our ELA planning teams and Kelle Martin, but we do want input from all grade level teachers. 

Pride Stride Information:
Our second annual Pride Stride fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, October 18th. This is our one major fundraiser for the school year. Last year, we raised over $38,000! If our teachers are fired up about it, our students will be too! PTSO will be sending home an informational letter on Monday. We will follow this up with a "kickoff" during House meetings. Remember, we do not have individual student prizes. Rather, we have class and whole school prizes. Speaking of rewards, please feel free to wear blue jeans on Thursday and Friday this week. Long after the excitement of the house meetings has come and gone, it will be up to us to maintain the enthusiasm and communicate well with parents to spearhead this fundraising effort. 

Moore' Musings:
Fountas and Pinnell levels are due Friday, September 20th. We have also shared a document for teachers to let us know what students may need to be considered for intervention. Mrs. Martin will be working with our two interventionists, Jill Kallin and Jeanie Thomas, to establish a schedule for serving some of these students. That brings us to a logical impasse: what about all of those students on my list who don't make the cut? Great question! PRIDE Time is our built-in intervention block each day. Teachers should have an intentional plan of action to serve students, based on needs, during this time. Mrs. Tollison and I will be popping in rooms to observe all the great things taking place during PRIDE Time. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
  • Guided Math PD for New Teachers in Strings Room - 9/16
  • PVES "New Best" Meeting - 9/17 at 3:15 in Media Center 
  • Progress Report Folders - 9/18
  • Live PD - 9/18 at 3:10 P.M. in Media Center 
  • PVES Skate Night (Neon Night) - 9/19 from 6-8 PM at Roller Time Family Skate Center in Piedmont 
  • F&P Levels Due - 9/20
  • House Meetings - 9/20 at 1:50 P.M. 

Video of the Week: Be Crazy and Think Different!

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