Sunday, October 7, 2018


We have much to celebrate here at Powdersville Elementary. Anyone who steps into our building walks down our hallways and into our classrooms will see amazing things are happening for our students. Teachers are working hard and with a passion to reach every student and make sure each student is better today than yesterday. Staff members are connecting and communicating with one another to build intentional relationships. Teachers are being purposeful in their PLC discussions and professional development opportunities. It is all of this that makes PVES next level and gives us much to celebrate. So in the midst of all the day to day preparation and planning, take a moment to stop and truly celebrate all you are and have accomplished this school year. In the celebration, you will find the strength to keep pushing forward and finish strong. 

Here are wonderful things worth celebrating at PVES...

Teachers met during their planning periods a few weeks ago to review data by the grade level and content area. We had some good discussions as we celebrated and looked at taking things to the next level. 

PRIDE Time is in full swing! Thank you to our teachers who are being very intentional during this time. Below are some third grade teachers working with students on math, writing, and reading. Be sure you take advantage of this built-in intervention time to help students reach the next level. 

We had the privilege of hosting professional development for the Powdersville area last week. Thank you to our teachers and staff members who attended the reading endorsement class. We celebrate all you are learning and applying in the classroom. Thank you on behalf of our students for taking their reading to the next level! 

Ms. Epperson and our fourth grader chorus students are working hard to learn the music for their Christmas performance. We are thankful we have teachers completely dedicated and committed to sharing their passion with PVES students. We look forward to celebrating their hard work in December! 

We have some amazing teacher leaders in our building! Thank you to Ms. Lee, Mrs. Thomas, and Mrs. Freeman for leading our Live PD sessions last week. Teachers, Mr. Moore and I appreciate your participation and attention during these sessions. We will have the same sessions offered again this week. See below for more information.

House Meetings
We will have our October House Meetings tomorrow. Please remember to wear your house shirt to the meeting, and you are free to wear jeans. We ask that you begin transitioning to your meeting spot immediately following the Roar Report (emailed to you by Ms. Jordan). We will share updated fundraiser information, review the PRIDE Practices for this nine weeks, and talk about our upcoming PVES PRIDE Celebrations. House Leaders, do not forget to give point updates and end with your house chant/cheer. Thank you to everyone for making this a fun time for our students as we reinforce good citizenship. 

Red Ribbon Week
Mrs. Lee sent out information regarding Red Ribbon Week (October 22nd-26th). Teachers, please be sure to talk this week up with your students and share the daily themes with families via Seesaw. Below you can find the themes. Coach Thompson will be going on over information and sharing a video during his classes this week. Teachers can wear jeans each day this week! 

Monday: "Follow Your Dreams-Don't Do Drugs" (Wear pajamas to school)
Tuesday: "Real Heros Don't Do Drugs" (Dress as your favorite hero-no masks!)
Wednesday: "Put a Cap on Drugs" (Wear your favorite hat- make-up picture day)
Thursday: "Team up Against Drugs" (Wear your favorite team shirt)
Friday: "Our House Says No to Drugs" (Wear your house t-shirt or color- Pride Practice Celebration) 

Parent/Teacher Conferences
As many of you know, our district calendar does not include a date for "Conference Day" this October. Our expectation is that conferences still take place. Keep in mind that we report on our school report card that we meet with 100% of our parents (this can include phone calls, etc.). Keep in mind the following as you schedule conferences:
  • Conferences can begin immediately and should be concluded by Friday, November 9th. 
  • Conferences can take place before or after school or during your planning. Please make sure that your grade level PLC, morning/afternoon duties and Live PD are not impacted
  • Consider using Sign-Up Genius to allow easy access for parents to sign up for conferences.
  • Remember that parents of high performing students enjoy being able to conference as well. 
Please refer to our Conference Day Checklist for specific expectations. Thanks!

Tollison's Tidings
  • RISE Groups begin on Tuesday, October 9th. Teachers who have students participating in this program have been notified. Please be sure to send students to the media center before the 8:10 bell. This program is longer and will require us to start right at 8:10. Students will have folders/pockets they will need to return (Wednesday-Friday). Students going straight to related arts can bring iPads and any other needed materials. 
  • Tuesday is a busy day with many subs in the building. Please make every effort to be at school on this day. If a situation that arises your class may be split among the grade level. Thank you for understanding.
  • Wednesday we will have another Live PD session. The same sessions will be offered as last week. Thank you for signing up and participating! 
  • When planning your field trips, please remember to refer to our Field Trip Checklist. Remember parts of this checklist need to completed and signed-off during the planning process. 
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):

  • House Meetings- 10/8
  • Papa John's Dollar for Dough- 10/9 and 10/10
  • Progress Report Folders go home- 10/10
  • Live PD- 10/10
  • SLO and GBE due in SCLead- 10/12
  • Rikki Brown at PVES for Open Enrollment- 10/15

Video of the Week: Enjoy watching Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore being "dunked" by some of our very own PVES Teachers! Thank you for helping us celebrate not only reaching but exceeding our fundraiser goal! 

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