Sunday, October 28, 2018

Courage to be Consistent

This job requires the courage to be consistent. Consistent is defined as acting or done in the same way over time. To be at our best, we are forced to sacrifice a great deal in our quest to consistently bring our "A game" every single day for our students. Educators are not just teachers of content. They dabble in the many other rigors of the job including public relations, encouraging, nursing, counseling and, well, you get the point. All the while expectations are other-worldly and the demands constant. Therefore, it is crucial that we focus our efforts ever-forward; striving to be a better version of ourselves each day we clock-in and go to work. This doesn't mean we are immune to struggles and bad days. In fact, on the contrary, it means we accept that those roadblocks will forever be present and choose to rise above these. No one said this type of consistency was easy to obtain. It means we must have a plan, we must be be intentional about executing that plan, and we must be on a mission.  The collective teacher efficacy we discussed at the beginning of the year, that impacts student achievement greatly, is very much based on our ability to be consistent in our daily approach to planning and carrying out quality instruction. Our school is focused on student success in many areas. We know the price we must pay to be great at what we do. We can never accept mediocrity and must always pursue consistency. To me, this is what #pvespride is truly all about. 

Another consistently positive and successful week at PVES...

In 3rd grade, students learned about multiplication using mini-pumpkins and then used the app Goose Chase to review math. Finding ways to consistently make math hands-on and fun makes a difference to our students!

Speaking of math, 4th grade students used manipulatives and various strategies to solve multiplication problems. When we are consistent vertically, we offer a powerful instructional program that yields incredible results. 

5th grade students used play dough to map out the ocean floor. Again, a consistent approach to making learning hands-on and fun makes our school second-to-none. Have something great planned or just want some peer feedback? Make sure your lesson/activity on our pineapple chart located in the office across from the teacher boxes. 

And speaking of consistency, our culture is only as strong as our expectations for students. We expect our students to be kind, well-rounded and hard working. We have to model this and certainly reward these behaviors. Our Pride Practice ceremonies were wonderful and parents were so grateful for the kind words our teachers read at the podium. Our House initiative has gotten off to a very positive start, but we must consistently teach and reward those who exemplify our expectations (practices). 

PLCs are meant to be "next level". Next level doesn't occur without hardship, confrontation, mediation and reconciliation. We continue to push through PLCs with the consistency that is required. Until the Book Fair is over, PLCs will meet in a location of your choosing. This symbolizes that a PLC is not a place or a thing; it is embedded in our culture and what we are all about at PVES. 

We will hold our next round of OLWEUS class meetings on Monday, October 29th during PRIDE Time. This week, we are focusing on Lesson 5: If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home. You can find a ton of great information, including the lesson plan for this week, in our shared folder. Remember, grade levels should be planning lessons and areas of focus for class meetings when these first 6 lessons are completed. Make them interactive and compelling. And make them applicable for students through meaningful discussion. A quick note for 5th grade - due to the field trip this week, please plan on getting lesson 5 accomplished on Monday, November 12th.

Report Card Information:
Please do not forget to send home first nine weeks report cards on Tuesday, October 30th. Students should get the plain white copy signed by a parent and return this to school. 5th grade students going on the field trip will receive their report cards on Thursday this week. From my vantage point, parent teacher conferences have gone well so parents should not be surprised with report card information being sent home. Through Parent Portal, SeeSaw, folders, etc. we are very consistent in our approach to sending home helpful information to our parents. 

First Nine Weeks "Wall of Fame" Breakfast:
Our first Writers "Wall of Fame" breakfast will be held on Friday, November 2nd at 7:30 AM in the media center. We love to celebrate our student writers and this breakfast allows for parents to come and celebrate with us. Student work is displayed outside the media center for all to see. We will have coffee, juice and water along with tasty breakfast treats. Teachers are certainly invited to come and celebrate with the student representing their homeroom. Thanks to Mrs. Horn for coming up with this idea last year! Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Fowler work very hard to make this a wonderful event for our families. 

A Quick Blog Update:
This will be the last blog until Sunday, November 25th due to Fall Break, Spring Break, etc. Mrs. Tollison and/or Mr. Moore will be sending out a weekend email blast with important reminders during this time. Thanks for your understanding. 

Moore's Musings:
Thanks to everyone for working with our students throughout the past week or two to prepare them for our ALiCE drill. More importantly, thank you for keeping the conversation open about safety and security. We must preach a consistent message to our students about our expectations during emergency situations. Keep in mind we will have another drill during the second semester and it will be far less scripted. By Thursday of this week, please post your reflections concerning our drill using the link to our Padlet wall. If you have completed this by Thursday, Friday is a blue jean day for you and you may leave early after your duties have been completed. Dr. Pew was present during our drill and was impressed. Please remember that this drill or any other is for everyone on site. Whether or not you have a class is inconsequential. Please participate. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • 5th grade field trip - October 29th-31st.
  • OLWEUS Class Meetings (3rd and 4th) - October 29th 
  • 1st 9 Weeks Report Card Sent Home - October 30th
  • NO Live PD (Halloween) - October 31st 
  • Sandra Goff for selected teachers - November 1st and/or 2nd
  • PVES Spirit Night at Pizza House of Powdersville - November 1st from 5 PM until close. 
  • Fall picture orders and money due - November 2nd 
  • Fall Break (No School) - November 5th and 6th 

Video of the Week: Consistency

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