Another week or fun, learning and growth at #PVES
Our House meetings were a wonderful way to kick off a new week. I enjoy the House meetings because they allow us to energize one another and make school fun. As we continue to change our culture through our House system, I wonder how much you have allowed this change to allow you to grow?
On Monday evening, I attended an event at PVMS in which parents and community members met with district and school leaders to determine how our district should plan for the future due to tremendous growth. It was wonderful to hear the support our parents and community have for our schools. Growth certainly creates challenges, but I am confident our district will develop a successful plan.
Thanks to everyone for attending our Live PD sessions on Wednesday. We especially thank our teacher leaders who facilitated sessions. Live PD is evidence of our growth as a school and your attendance is proof that you desire to grow as an educator.
There is never a dull moment at the PVHS homecoming parade, but I am glad our students were able to attend. Thanks to growth in our community, we now have a true feeder system and a special bond with our sister schools. We should be proud of Powdersville.
Our next OLWEUS class meetings will be held on Monday, October 15th during PRIDE Time. We will be teaching lesson three. Remember that these lessons can be found in our shared OLWEUS folder. After the first six lessons, grade levels and individual teachers are encouraged to be creative and cater OLWEUS class meetings to address specific areas and/or events. Read-alouds, opportunities for collaborations, and role play are all encouraged.
Login information for some OLWEUS videos:
username - pwdrsv1115082
password - Mr5DsgNte
Tuesday Planning/Professional Development:
Tuesday, October 16th will be a busy day at PVES. You should have been notified if you are participating an any of the planning/PD scheduled on this day. In the morning, 3rd grade math and 4th grade ELA will be meeting while 3rd grade ELA will meet in the afternoon. 3rd grade math will be working on mini-PBL while 3rd and 4th ELA will focus on LC units/planning. We will announce locations soon. Let's make the most of these opportunities and get a great deal accomplished. Also, we will have a good handful of subs in the building so please plan to be at school and help subs as needed.
Live PD:
Live PD will be held on Wednesday, October 17th at 3:15 P.M. This week's session is an important one as we will be discussing ALiCE - active shooter training, school safety and our upcoming active intruder drill. On Thursday, everyone will send home a parent letter about our ALiCE training and our upcoming drill. We will discuss in much more detail on Wednesday. Please refer to our Live PD agenda for details.
Thursday Drills:
Speaking of safety and drills, we plan to have two drills (weather permitting) this Thursday, October 18th. At 10:18 A.M., we will conduct an earth quake drill along with the rest of ASD1 schools. I will make an announcement with instructions at 10:18 A.M. when the drill is to begin. Please review this information to help you prepare your students for this. Immediately following our earthquake drill, we will conduct our fire drill for the month of October (weather permitting). Please take time to review all safety-related procedures and information with your students. Their safety and well being is our always our primary concern.
Book Fair Reminders:
The Book Fair is always a fun time at PVES and we look forward to supporting Mrs. Fowler and our media center through the Book Fair. Be sure to schedule a time to bring your students to the Book Fair and communicate to parents via SeeSaw about the Book Fair to keep interest high. The Book Fair officially opens for students on Friday, October 19th. Mrs. Fowler will host all teachers and staff at our Book Fair reception scheduled for Thursday, October 18th beginning at 2:45 P.M. Drop by and preview the Book Fair (and sample some incredible and tasty treats).
Moore's Musings:
Let's talk PLCs for a moment. We continue to grow as a school in the way we plan instruction. PLC should enable us to take a "next level" approach to planning. Please remember this is not a Mr. Moore or Mrs. Tollison thing. This is a PVES thing. Make the most of your PLC time; don't simply go through the motions. Speak up, engage in collaboration, share, ask questions...feel free to even disagree. If you walk out of a PLC without a clear understanding of the next week's plans and how to execute those plans with success, then you we did not enjoy a meaningful PLC experience. Please remember:
The Book Fair is always a fun time at PVES and we look forward to supporting Mrs. Fowler and our media center through the Book Fair. Be sure to schedule a time to bring your students to the Book Fair and communicate to parents via SeeSaw about the Book Fair to keep interest high. The Book Fair officially opens for students on Friday, October 19th. Mrs. Fowler will host all teachers and staff at our Book Fair reception scheduled for Thursday, October 18th beginning at 2:45 P.M. Drop by and preview the Book Fair (and sample some incredible and tasty treats).
Moore's Musings:
Let's talk PLCs for a moment. We continue to grow as a school in the way we plan instruction. PLC should enable us to take a "next level" approach to planning. Please remember this is not a Mr. Moore or Mrs. Tollison thing. This is a PVES thing. Make the most of your PLC time; don't simply go through the motions. Speak up, engage in collaboration, share, ask questions...feel free to even disagree. If you walk out of a PLC without a clear understanding of the next week's plans and how to execute those plans with success, then you we did not enjoy a meaningful PLC experience. Please remember:
- The 4 Questions of a PLC. Did you research and plan in such a way that you have logical, well though out suggestions for these four questions or did you just fill in the blank?
- Please select someone to turn on the Clear Touch board and pull all needed documents up on the screen.
- Go through Google slides/actual lessons and preview assessments.
- Teach. That's right, teach one another (whether it be a term, a strategy, an algorithm). This is powerful.
- Discuss data and engage in analysis of said data.
- Leave with clarity. Were all of your questions answered? Do you know what is being assessed and how it is being assessed?
I believe that we have to grow as grade level and as a school PLC. We should expect this and we are ready for a next level.
Mark Your Calendar:
- OLWEUS Class Meetings - 10/15 from 8:10-8:40 A.M.
- 3rd Grade Math Planning - 10/16 in AM
- 4th Grade ELA Planning - 10/16 in AM
- 3rd Grade ELA Planning - 10/16 in PM
- Live PD - 10/17 at 3:15 PM in cafeteria
- Send ALiCE Parent Letter Home - 10/18
- Earthquake Drill - 10/18 at 10:18 A.M.
- Fire Drill - 10/18 immediately following Earthquake Drill
- Teacher Reception for Book Fair - 10/18 beginning at 2:45 PM
- October Skate Night - 10/18 from 6-8 PM (Theme is wear your favorite costume with no mask).
- Book Fair Opens - 10/19

And for reading this blog carefully and working hard to grow and improve...Wednesday and Friday are blue jean days this week! Thanks for all you do!
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