Sunday, September 23, 2018

Have Fun

Fun. Do you have fun when you come to work? Do you consider it fun to work with children everyday to mold and shape them for success? Fun is defined as enjoyment or amusement and, in this observer's opinion, should be a huge part of our culture. In other words, fun should be weaved in the very sinews of the day-to-day operations within our building. This doesn't mean we don't give 100% or stay motivated to take it to a "next level". On the contrary, fun might be the missing piece to doing just that. My advice is to work through the hardship and negativity and stay focused on the goal ahead. Fight through the temptation to be negative or lose faith. Instead, come to work and have fun with the process. Challenge yourself and expect great things. Enjoy the journey and stay motivated and hungry. And, no matter the circumstance, never take yourself too seriously and have fun along the way!

We had fun last week!

Weekly class meetings began on Monday and are an integral part of our OLWEUS bullying-prevention program. However, they also help define the climate in your classroom. Student should feel safe having conversation about issues and experiences that important to them. And who says you can't have fun in class meetings too? 

5th grade teachers and students celebrated "Rock Your School" with fun activities and learning opportunities last week. We enjoyed the looks we received from parents and students (and some of you). Batman even attended an IEP meeting!

Sometimes, you have to show students your students that you can have fun doing almost anything. Mrs. Tollison and I attempted this as we were transformed into ice cream sundaes on Monday and then duct-taped to the wall on Thursday. All in the name of fundraising!

Wednesday's Live PD session was a little different, but sorely needed. We had some food and fun and celebrated some tremendous test scores! I know everyone felt motivated to continue our pursuit of #1.

It was a long and hot day, but well worth it in the end. Our first annual "Pride Stride" was a huge success. Thanks to everyone for having a positive attitude and, most of all, for having fun! Our students responded when they saw their teachers out there running/cheering them on! 

And after a long and hot day after a long week of school...the 5th grade dance? That's right. And our 5th grade teachers rocked it out. Battling through the mental and physical exhaustion, they maintained a positive attitude and managed to have fun (as evidenced by our Teacher of the Year - DJ Lil' Wayne).

OLWEUS Meetings Continue:
Class meetings continue on Monday morning with lesson #2 as part of our OLWEUS bullying prevention program. Related arts and specialty area folks have been assigned to rooms to participate in discussion and offer support to those teachers. This program will only be effective if implemented with fidelity. Take advantage of these opportunities to strengthen your classroom culture and make our school a better place to learn! FYI - when we miss school on Monday, we do not schedule OLWEUS class meetings that week. We simply wait for the next week. 

Monday's lesson suggests using a video from the OLWEUS website. Once you sign in with the username and password, click on Core Program, then click on Teacher Resources. 

Once you are in teacher resources, there are several videos you can show about bullying. I would suggest "Darryl the New Girl" or "Daniel and the Kickball Game".

Login information for some OLWEUS videos:
username - pwdrsv1115082
password - Mr5DsgNte

Data Meetings:
Data meetings will be held this week. Participants will need a laptop to view a portion of the material presented. We will also need to use your SmartBoard/projector if we are using your room. SPED folks, we will work with you to find a time we can meet to discuss data as well. See the schedule below:
  • Monday - 4th Grade 1st Planning - 1:00 P.M./Ashmore's Room
  • Monday - 4th Grade 2nd Planning - 1:45 P.M./Heath's Room
  • Wednesday - 5th Grade 1st Planning - 8:45 A.M./Melton's Room
  • Wednesday - 5th Grade 2nd Planning - 9:35 A.M./Gibson's Room
  • Wednesday - 3rd Grade 1st Planning - 10:20 A.M./Thompson's Room
  • Wednesday - 3rd Grade 2nd Planning - 12:15 P.M./Johnson's Room 

No Live P.D. This Week:

There is no Live PD this week. Please join us in the media center for Layne Johnson's shower at 3:15 P.M.  Thanks!

From Melissa Thomas (ESOL):
It is now time we have accommodations in place for our new ELLs. If you have a new ESOL student, please carefully consider what accommodations (if any) are needed. Fill out an accommodation sheet for each student and put those sheets in Mrs. Thomas's box. Feel free to write notes/explanations on the sheets as needed. If not accommodations are needed, please email Mrs. Thomas so she can update ELLevation. Please have these turned in by Friday, September 28th. If you see that changes need to be made on other students' accommodations, please let Mrs. Thomas know this as well. Below is a list that indicates who is new to Powdersville this year.

New to PVES without an IEP:
Svyatoslav A.
Luis L.
Joshua A.
Aarush P
Jade P
Beni H.
Cindy V.

From Kelle Martin:
3rd and 4th grade teachers who plan reading will have a Lucy Calkins half day planning opportunity on Tuesday, September 25th at the district office. 3rd grade will meet in the morning and 4th will have the afternoon slot. You will need to bring your own lunch. Mrs. Martin will email you additional information including what materials to bring. 

Tech Friday:
Thomas McAuliff will be meeting with teachers during their planning on Friday this week. All groups will meet in the Strings room. This is part of the district's required technology PD, and I know Thomas will have some useful information to share. Please report to the Strings room as soon as you have dropped your students off at related arts. Related/specialty area teachers will meet with Thomas at 11:00 A.M. after you have dismissed your classes. 

Monday, October 1st:
Do not forget that Monday, October 1st is a professional development day. There is no school for students. Teachers have three options: 1.) Attend the reading endorsement training offered by the district. Please sign up in PD Express. 2.) Attend the alternate technology PD offered by the district. Please sign up in PD Express. 3.) Take the day. You will need to email Mr. Moore your request and, once approved, enter this absence in Absence Manager as a "no sub needed" absence. 

Moore's Musings:
PLCs continue at PVES. Mrs. Tollison and I have been encouraged by the deeper discussions we are hearing. I would challenge each group to continue to remember your "collective commitments". Hold one another accountable. Is everyone arriving on time? Is everyone engaged and participating? Are the 4 questions of a PLC being addressed or do we simply include a line about them and check that box and move on? Some of the most powerful things we have observed:
  • Data being used. Not just a brief discussion, but actual data being shown and discussed.
  • Teachers teaching teachers. We have seen teachers on the ClearTouch Board or whiteboards actually teaching other teachers.
  • A focus on standards/strands. Heard in one PLC - "Why is that on the assessment? Is that even a standard?"
  • A focus on students. We love hearing discussion about what is best for students; especially when they don't get it. 
Again, this is powerful stuff here and Rome was not built in a day. The more these key components can become the norm, a common language if you will, in your PLCs, the stronger we become. Keep up the good work!

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Fire Drill (weather permitting) - 9/24
  • OLWEUS class meetings - 9/24 (during PRIDE TIME)
  • 4th Grade Data Meetings - 9/24 during planning
  • 3rd and 5th Grade Data Meetings - 9/26 during planning 
  • Send home progress report folders - 9/26
  • Layne Johnson shower - 9/26 in media center at 3:15 P.M. 
  • Tech PD with Thomas - 9/28 in Strings room during planning periods 
  • No School for students (PD at Wren) - 10/1

Videos of the Week: Making News & A Different Perspective

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