Monday, September 3, 2018


For most of us, we have arrived at that point in the school year where our first of many moments of adversity come knocking on our doors. Adversity is defined as a condition or event marked by misfortune and distress. These moments are inescapable, uncomfortable, and controlling. Even worse, no one is immune. Whether it be the challenging student, parent or even personal situation, I would challenge you this week and beyond to look at adversity through an entirely different lens. Might adverse circumstances actually be needed; welcome even? Whenever we face adversity, we must first look deep inside and reflect on our beliefs and our purpose. Calmly, we must face the challenge with a well-devised plan of action. We must show grit as we steadfastly attack the situation with a positive determination to overcome. As the quote above suggests, our real optimism and faith in our students and, in one another, will be revealed in the coming months as we respond to these adverse situations. I'll finish with a quote from my favorite professor: "You can tell me about your conviction today, but I'll see your courage tomorrow." I look forward to this journey together with you

We enjoyed another wonderful week at PVES...

PLCs are the driving force behind the transformation that is taking place at PVES. Thanks to all three grade levels for your preparation and willingness to tackle adversity in the classroom from an instructional standpoint. You will hear this repeatedly, but we are no where close to being where we want to be, but we sure are better off for starting. Mrs. Tollison and I shared feedback to each grade level related to your PLC meetings. It was great to have plans shared and on the Clear Touch board. We obviously, want to begin and end on time and make sure we adhere to those norms and collective commitments we agreed upon. However, the greatest challenge I have for all involved is to keep those four driving questions in the forefront of all you do. Those four questions are the engine that drives the PLC forward. Without them, you do not have a PLC. Fourth grade provided this document as a means to drive the discussion forward. I would strongly suggest others do the same. 

We enjoyed our second house meeting in as many weeks. Specifically, we used our meeting last week to kick off our "big" fundraiser for the year. The Powdersville Pride Stride is designed to celebrate fitness and fun at PVES. Our PTSO (have you joined yet?) has worked so incredibly hard to make this a reality. We are raising money for a avriety of things including improving our garden area to make it a more learning-friendly environment. Yes, our goal is $30,000 and this is attainable with your help. How can you help?
  • Communicate daily with parents.
  • Get your class excited about the fundraiser and celebrate successes. 
  • Discuss class and school rewards with students.
The "Pride Stride" runs are scheduled for Friday, September 21st so let's get busy and achieve our goal! 

MAP Testing:
The Fall MAP testing window opens on Tuesday, September 4th and closes on Friday, September 21st. Students will test on iPads. Our students are to take both the Reading and Math tests. Keep in mind that MAP is typically one of the data points used for teacher SLOs. More importantly, MAP data is to be used as an instructional tool. This year, we are allowing grade levels and individual teachers to determine when they want to MAP test. We will not be re-arranging schedules. It is critical that testing is completed by the September 21st date. If you are new toMAP or need a refresher, we have some information in this shared folder that will be of assistance to you. Mrs. Tollison and I are also available to assist. Do not forget the importance of discussing results with students and engaging them in goal setting (see forms in folder). Please let Mrs. Tollison and/or I know if you have any questions.

September 5th On-Site PD:
For some of you, Mrs. Tollison has emailed you to inform you of your day of learning on Wednesday, September 5th, 2018. That morning (8:30-11:30), fifth grade has a planning session with Sanrda Goff focused on upcoming units, assessments, and rigor. At the same time, Mrs. Tollison will be leading a session on the Guided Math components with all teachers new to PVES. New to PVES Teachers will then enjoy an afternoon session with Sandra Goff in the afternoon (11:30-2:30) focused on the Mathematical Process Standards. Thanks for leaving excellent resources and plans for your sub. For those not in PD, thanks for looking out for those subs and ensuring our students are being respectful and learning.

Live PD:
There is no Live PD scheduled for Wednesday, September 5th. We do look forward to hosting Hollyn Barnett's bay shower after school in the Media Center.

International Literacy Day:
PVES will celebrate International Literacy Day on Friday, September 7th (actual is Sept 8). The purpose of this event is to bring global awareness to the many issues surrounding adult and child literacy. Mr. Moore, Mrs. Tollison, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Fowler look forward to reading to classes throughout the day. Thanks to Mrs. Martin for setting this up and thanks to everyone for focusing on the importance of literacy!

Mulch Party!:
On Friday, September 7th beginning at 3:30 P.M, we will be spreading mulch on the main playground. It is much needed and will require some effort to get it done. I realize it is the very last thing anyone would want to do on a hot Friday afternoon, but we sure could use the help. Anyone volunteering to assist will receive a week-long blue jean pass and much gratitude from PTSO!

iPad Information:
iPads can be sent home beginning on Tuesday, September 4th.Only students who have paid the protection plan and do not have any outstanding debts related to the iPad should take their home. Mrs. Ellison will provide you with information about protection plan payment. Mrs. Fowler has already shared the list of students who still owe for lost/damaged items/accessories. It may be necessary to contact parents to remind them of what they owe. When you plan to MAP Test, simply notify parents so they will know devices will remain at school during those days.

Also, the district technology folks will be locking student pass codes on Tuesday afternoon. Students should have their codes set to the mandatory four-digit code based on their birth date before they leave on Tuesday. Thanks!

Moore's Musings:
The leadership team was charged with working with their teams to compile a "wish list" of items and materials that positively impact instruction. These should involve needs more than wants and, again, directly impact instruction. Your representative should be in touch soon to discuss. This money comes from the penny sales tax (local option). I am very pleased that the district is providing these funds to schools to impact the classroom. Leadership team, your information is due by Friday, September 7th.

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Fall MAP Window Opens - 9/4
  • iPads Sent Home with Students - 9/4
  • Good News Forms Sent Home - 9/4
  • Sandra Goff and Guided Math PD - 9/5
  • Barnett Shower - 3:15 P.M. on 9/5
  • International Literacy Day - 9/7
  • Spread Mulch - 3:30 P.M. on 9/7

Videos of the Week: Adversity

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