Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Little Things

There are 180 days of school in South Carolina. And if you think about that for a moment, you realize that 180 days go by quickly. Yet, pause for a few more moments and you begin to realize all of the intricate details, the little things, that make up the whole year. Not only do these little details create the school year as a whole, but they also define its success and its failure. In this blog, we ask you to focus on the little things that are often times overshadowed by "big things". Whether its an extra phone call home to a parent, tending to a colleague in need of assistance, or simply providing that extra push in your PLC after a long day of work, the little things truly make the big things happen. 

We enjoyed another busy week filled with little things ...

The little things just seem to show up each day at PVES. And they make a huge difference. Providing time with a therapy dog for some students in need. Of course! Dressing up for your students, including eye black, so they are motivated to read intensely? Check! Reading aloud to students before the day begins to foster a love of reading? Yes!

No one said all the little things were fun. However, completing them willingly and with a positive attitude make all the difference in the world. Thanks to Mrs. Tollison for leading the Teacher 4.0 training during Live PD and for Mrs. Heath for leading our SLO/GBE orientation. Don't forget that your SLO/GBE is due in the SCLead website on October 1st. 

Our assistant principal does the little things. This year, she is training substitutes for ASD1. I have seen firsthand the amount of effort she has placed into training these men and women to successfully fill in for our teachers when they need to be out of school. 

A coffee cart and some cute outfits might seem like little things, but they shape who we are as a school. Mr. Marino's class focuses on life skills and the Friday coffee cart, Powdersville Perk, allows these students to interact with our teacher and staff while raising money for their class. 

And sometimes, the little things can be fun. First of all, a huge thank you to our PTSO volunteers who give of their time and abilities to support PVES. And yes, little things sometimes can include taking a break from learning and using some silly string to celebrate the success of a fundraiser. Thanks to everyone for really pushing our fundraiser for another week! 

Thanks to Mt. Airy Baptist Church for providing lunch for our staff on Friday. I think we can all agree little gestures like this go a long way. It's great to be appreciated, and PVES staff, we appreciate you!

This is simply a friendly reminder that we are beginning this Monday, September 17th with OLWEUS class meetings during PRIDE Time. Also, PRIDE Time should be used as expected now that we have settled in to our school year. We plan to pull students for LLI groups this Thursday, September 20th based on names provided to us. Mrs. Thomas will be pulling 3rd grade groups beginning this week as well. Please refer to last week's blog with helpful links and information concerning OLWEUS and/or PRIDE Time. 

Live PD:
This Wednesday, September 19th, we have scheduled a special and important Live PD for you. Please refer to our Live PD agenda for details.

PRIDE Stride Details:
We are so excited about our first ever Powdersville "Pride Stride" coming up this Friday, September 21st. The weather forecast looks good. The event will be held at the practice field next to PVMS. Teachers, can you certainly dress for comfort as this is sure to be a busy day (i.e. shorts of appropriate length). 3rd grade Pride Stride begins at 8:15 A.M., 4th grade at 9:30 A.M., and then 5th grade at 10:45 A.M. You can expect parents and volunteers everywhere which means students safety is a priority (as always). Mrs. Heath has shared information with you, but please make note of the following:
  • PTSO will have breakfast and coffee for everyone from Kolache Factory on Race Day!
  • Teachers received Pride Stride shirts last Friday, along with student name tags, clipboard with lap counting sheet and a detailed description of the race day. (Everything is color coded, so make sure everything matches. Your color will determine your race tent).
  • PTSO will place race day snack bags in classrooms next Thurday afternoon (the day before the race). They will be placed on counter next to sink. If another location is desired please let PTSO know.
  • Pride Stride shirts should NOT go home before race day. It is up to you as the teacher if you would like for your kids to change into their shirts at school on the day of the race. 
    • Students can change shirts and wear them for the remainder of the day.
    • Students can put their t-shirt over whatever shirt they wear to school that day.
    • PLEASE make sure to remind kids to wear tennis shoes on race day.   
  • Each grade level has an assigned time and will be called to head over to the middle school. 
    • 3rd Grade: You will have to be at the practice field at 8:15 to race. Please be here by 7:45 on race day to get your kids inside the classroom, changed, and bathroom break before 8:00. We will call you to head over right after the morning announcements.
      • Remind students to be here on time, but we will have extra teachers available to walk students over if they are late. 

From the Reading Coach:
1. Please update students' F&P reading levels on the shared spreadsheet tilted, "Text Level and Intervention Plan".

2. Last call to add any more students to the "18-19 Pride Time Needs" spreadsheet. We are making LLI groups and would like to begin pulling groups during Pride Time on Wednesday or Thursday.

3. Teachers that plan reading for your grade level: Our next Lucy Calkins district planning day will be the following Tuesday, September 25. Third grade is 8:00-11:00am and fourth grade is 12:00-3:00pm. Please sign up in PD Express for your grade level session titled, "Lucy Calkins Training". 

Moore's Musings:
As things continue to get busier and busier, please do not forget to take the time to teach and stress our Pride Practices and to award House points. This goes for all faculty and staff; not just home room teachers. Our practices are a common language for our students and we have placed posters throughout the building as a constant reminder to us all. House points are awarded and compiled using Class Dojo. Let us know if you need any help with this. Being intentional and consistent about these will continue to develop and enrich our culture and push us forward! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Begin OLWEUS Class Meetings - 9/17/2018
  • Begin guided reading groups - by 9/19/2018
  • Fall MAP Window closes - 9/21/2018
  • "Pride Stride" at PVMS Practice Field - 9/21/2018
  • 5th Grade Dance hosted by PVES - 9/21/2018 from 6-7:30 P.M.

Video of the Week:

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