Sunday, August 26, 2018


In our 2nd blog of the 2018-2019 school year, I am happy to share "my word" for the year with you. It's on my key chain, yes, but more importantly it is in my heart. Steadfast. To be steadfast is to be fixed in direction and firm in purpose. I chose this word because I felt like we were at a turning point at PVES. We have a good thing going, but if we were ever going to take it to that proverbial "next level", I would need to remain steadfast in my vision for our school and in my purpose as a leader. I want to make that commitment to you. I am focused on making us better, fixed in that direction, and firm in my purpose to positively impact our students. I can, without wavering, say that this was the best first week of school ever. I had a hard time putting my finger on why at first. Then, it became quite clear to me. Together, as a collective whole, we remained steadfast this past week. We were all tired; worn down. It's difficult to get it all done that first week. Yet, our steadfast approach to remain positive and focused on success, one day at a time and one child at a time, paid off for us. My challenge to you is simple; yet profound. Take this year in pieces, day-by-day, and make the most of it. Remain steadfast in to the cause and unwavering in purpose. If we can do that, the best is yet to come.

It was indeed a fun week at #PVES

One final word regarding our "Meet the Teacher" nights...never underestimate the impact of a fresh start and a first impression. I am so proud of our school for doing what it takes to create a positive environment for our school community. It doesn't happen overnight and we must be steadfast in our words and actions, but it will pay dividends countless times down the road. 

I appreciate everyone for remaining steadfast in our preparation to improve in all that we do for our students. During our PLC kick-off, home room teachers began to build to foundation that is certain to take us to the next level.

As we began our latest adventure in kicking off our House system, it was so much fun to see the faculty and staff bond together quickly and take PRIDE in their Houses. A little visit from our superintendent was in order, and I have no doubt he was impressed with the positive culture at PVES. And the chants/cheers were awesome; even if I have trouble not singing the real words to "Ice, Ice, Baby" in the middle of ours. 

Our challenge was simple: to make this past week the best first week of school ever. And we succeeded. The house sorting ceremonies were the talk of the students and we receiving many positive comments from parents. We set the tone early and, again, this will pay dividends down the road. I ask that you remain steadfast in the way you approach House meetings, awards points for Pride Practices, and continue to create a culture of positive energy and excitement for learning and growing at PVES. 

Overall, our first full week of duty went very well. Please remember to be at your duty location on time and always watchful. Safety is our foremost priority. Make sure you check out the duty schedule and communicate to administration if you have switched due to an absence, meetings, etc. Please also keep in mind the following:
  • The quicker we get started with duty in the afternoon, the sooner we get done. Thanks for helping us with this.
  • Don't forget about teamwork and communication while on duty. You are not an on-looker; be involved.
  • Bring all walkies back to the office at the end of afternoon dismissal. 
  • Please work with students to listen carefully for their names and to come outside quickly and stand behind the yellow line. We are still struggling with this which is usual for the first few weeks. 
  • In the morning, parents should check in through the main office and not enter through the double doors by the cafeteria and MP Room. 
  • If you have questions about duty responsibilities, you can watch our video explanation here

Boy Scouts:
Don't forget to show the quick promo video for Boy Scouts on Monday morning after announcements. You can find that here. Additionally, a representative from the Boy Scouts will be in the cafeteria talking to students, etc during lunch on Monday. 

Fire Drill:
Our first fire drill of the year is scheduled for Tuesday, August 28th. We will not announce the time, but it will not interfere with lunch. Good news - we are no longer required to have a fire drill monthly. Do not forget the following for fire drills and in case of the real thing:
  • If you have a walkie, bring it with you.
  • You should have a class roll with you and be able to quickly account for your students. You should also have red and green cards with you to display. Green means you have everyone and red means you are missing someone. 
  • As classes leave, lights should be turned off and doors closed.
  • Someone from the office will be checking to ensure that the building is closed and that you have everyone accounted for. 
  • We will use the walkie on channel 1 to communicate that we are "all clear" or if we need to locate a missing student. 

Live PD
For those of you knew to us, we try to do Wednesday faculty meetings differently. First of all, we will not meet every Wednesday as our focus should be on a weekly planning and PLCs. When we do meet, we will attempt to differentiate PD in many cases. Please click here to view our Live PD agenda for this Wednesday, August 29th. It is expected that employees attend all sessions as needed or required.

*Please note we have a quick Leadership team meeting on at 2:45 P.M. in the media center. 

Thursday House Meetings:
On Thursday morning, at 8:10 A.M. This purpose of this House meeting is to kick-off our fundraiser and get students excited about raising money for our school. Our PRIDE Stride is very similar to our Boosterthon Fun Run of previous years (except we get to keep 100% of the profit. Our goal is 30,000 and if we surpass that, I have agreed to tandem skydive! There are some other really fun rewards that you will find out about during our House meetings on Thursday morning. The fundraiser will only be as successful as you are willing to talk it up and get kids motivated. Thanks for your help with this. Did I mention blue jeans on Thursday and Friday? House leaders -  we will send out more information to you this week so we are consistent in our message! 

Technology Fridays:
This Friday, August 31st, Thomas McAuliff will be leading technology training during planning periods for all teams. The focus will be Apple Classroom and the expectation is this will be used consistently when iPads are used in the classroom. The district vision if that we will meet once a month with our technology support staff to learn more about integrating our technology successfully. We will shoot for the third Friday or every month for these PD opportunities. This is a great way to receive some PD credits as well! See our Friday schedule below:
  • 8:50 A.M. (Garrett, Wayne, Melton, Horn) - Room 313 
  • 9:35 A.M. (Grier, Gibson, Michael, Thomas) - Room 317
  • 10:20 A.M. (Thompson, Barnett, Kallin, Plowden) - Room 109
  • 11:05 A.M. (Thompson, Nix, Epperson, Berry, Hughes, Fowler) - Media Center
  • 12:15 P.M. (Carey, B. Williams, McGaha, Henderson, L. Johnson) - Room 200
  • 1:00 P.M. (Ashmore, Barnhill, Crain, Odom, Scarborough) - Room 306
  • 1:45 P.M. (Heath, Williams, White, Jordan) - Room 302
***Any other teachers interested can choose what session they would like to attend. 

Moore's Musings:
I want to again thank you all for a tremendous first week. As we get down to business and focus more on content, it is still important to remember to stress routines and procedures. Additionally, we should be focusing on our first 20 days in ELA and first 10 in math. Thanks for also stressing our behavior expectations in the common areas of our school including the hallways, restrooms, and cafeteria. Please let Mrs. Tollison and I know how we can best serve you as we remain steadfast in our work! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Show Boy Scout Promo After Announcements - 8/27
  • Boy Scouts in Cafeteria - 8/27
  • Fire Drill - 8/28
  • Leadership Team Meeting - 8/29 at 2:45 P.M.
  • Live PD - 8/29 at 3:15 P.M.
  • House Meetings (Fundraiser Kick-Off) - 8/30 at 8:10 A.M. 
  • Tech Friday with Thomas - 8/31 during planning periods
  • Labor Day (No School) - 9/3

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