Sunday, September 24, 2017

Raise the Bar

Raise the bar. I've heard this phrase in countless meetings and professional development sessions. Raising the bar can best be defined as to do, produce, or be something better than anyone before so that other people feel they have to do better themselves. Often times, it's easy to flippantly respond that we simply are already doing everything we can. "I can't do anything else," some would say. Let us be reminded that 640 plus young men and women are relying on us to raise the bar, for ourselves and for them, this school year. We must have high expectations for our students, but also for ourselves professionally.  Whether you have taught for many years or you are a first year teacher, you are challenged to raise the bar this school year. Learn something new. Be a better teacher. Build stronger connections to students and staff. Be a better teammate. If everyone will buy into this concept of "raising the bar" then we will accomplish great things often thought impossible. 

It was great to get a full week in at PVES last week...

Our leadership team met last week to engage in a "book tasting". One common theme among professionals who have a"raise the bar" mentality is the willingness to read professional literature in an effort to learn more. Soon, you will get an opportunity to choose a book to read that will challenge you professionally. More on this later, but it will be integrated into our Live PD time. Please listen to this ShadowPuppet video so you will know which book you might be interested in reading.

Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Martin, and I had the opportunity to hear Baruti Kafale, author of The Principal 50 and The Teacher 50. His insight into school leadership and positive change is inspiring. He certainly challenges you to raise the bar in your school. I was reminded that conferences and other professional learning opportunities are so important when considering one's professional growth. You have to get out and collaborate, hear/see a different way to do things, and stretch your thinking. To quote Mr. Kafale, "every morning, before you get started for the day, envision yourself living your purpose so you can see beforehand what you are going to accomplish." In other words, get up and imagine yourself raising the bar at PVES. And then do it. 

LivePD sessions challenged us to raise the bar in various areas within our school. As we start to hone in our our PBL units, don't forget that infographics can and should be integrated as options for our students when they report their findings. ALiCE training again prompted great discussion among our faculty and staff. Each time we discuss ALiCE and practice, we are that much safer in the event that we are met with such a crisis. Don't forget to check out our ALiCE Resources such as handouts and the presentation you can use with your class. 

PRIDE Time is full steam ahead at PVES! Remember, we have 87.5 hours devoted to PRIDE Time this year. We don't grade papers or check lesson plans. We are committed to working with our students, specifically our "approaches" friends, in an effort to raise the bar. We have some great things going on during this period of time. As I continue to visit classrooms, I hope to compile a list of the great things taking place so I can share. Those teachers who are meeting with small groups are passionate about pushing these students to become better readers. They want to assist with "closing the gap" for these students. Please make sure you send students to PRIDE Time so they can begin by 8:10 A.M each day. You should also ensure you are starting no later than 8:10 if you a homeroom teacher. 

The Book Fair continues this week and will wrap up on Tuesday, October 3rd. Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for hosting our teacher reception and thanks to Mrs. Golden for the delicious food that greeted us during the reception. Mrs. Fowler wants to "raise the bar" in terms of the materials/books she can purchase for the library so make sure to promote this event in your email blasts and newsletters. 

The 5th grade dance was a huge success Friday night. We had literally hundreds of students from 4 ASD1 schools on our campus. Our 5th grade team made it happen. DJ "Lil Wayne" stole the show. Needless to say, we raised the bar for future dances! After the dance was over, some of us made our way to the office to lock up and noticed a terrible electrical smell and a great deal of smoke in the office. We made the decision to call 911 so the fire department could ensure our building was safe. Thanks to the Powdersville Fire Department for their quick response. We had a few issues with our HVAC in the office running very hot and malfunctioning, but everything is safe. This is why we practice our fire drill monthly. 

Next Live PD Session:
Our next LivePD session will be held this Wednesday, September 26th. View the attached agenda and let us know if you have any questions. Please plan to bring your iPad and laptop and be on time. We look forward to working together. 

PBL Planning:
We are excited to provide planning time for PBL Planning this week, as promised. We hope this will be a highly focused time to get good work accomplished. Be intentional about using this time wisely. PBLs can be a wonderful way to integrate real world learning across the curriculum. Please feel view the schedule below:
  • 3rd Grade: 9/26 from 8-11:15 A.M. 
  • 5th Grade: 9/26 from 11:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. 
  • 4th Grade: 9/27 from 8-11:15 A.M. 

Moore's Musings:
Let's talk PBL for a moment longer. Please read the attached article regarding PBL components to ensure that your PBL includes these very important pieces. We are excited about PBL becoming a higher priority in our instructional program so it is very important that our students benefit from these experiences and grow as learners. We should be able to look back on these units of study and proclaim that they made a difference in terms of student outcomes. 

Additionally, I challenged teachers to make sure you had a plan for parents who had not yet signed up for SeeSaw. That is our main platform for communication this school year. Also, please make sure that you are entering grades in the grade book in a timely fashion. Our teacher handbook indicates that you have a full week to get grades in the computer. Thanks for your help with this.

"New Best" employees are reminded of your next meeting on Tuesday, September 26th at 2:45 in the Conference Room! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Literacy Team Meeting - 9/25 at 3:15 P.M. in the PD Room
  • "New Best" Meeting - 9/26 at 2:45 in Conference Room
  • 3rd and 5th PBL Planning - 9/26
  • 4th PBL Planning - 9/27
  • Progress Report Folders - 9/27
  • Book Fair - All Week

Video of the Week:

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