Monday, September 11, 2017


As I type this blog, the remnants of Hurricane Irma are headed up the western coast of Florida and impacting our region throughout the day. The wind is howling outside my office door and the rain is picking up in intensity. While the school day was canceled out of an abundance of caution, my thoughts returned to this place of learning. With the school year now in full throttle, we must be prepared for the storms that are sure to flare up from time-to-time. I love the definition of storms provided to us by "a disturbance of the normal condition of the atmosphere." Isn't that spot on? We have worked tirelessly as a team to build a positive culture focused on collaboration, continuous improvement and learning. When storms arise, they take aim at this culture and seek to disrupt our atmosphere. Perhaps you are having trouble with a parent. Maybe a student is struggling and you don't know what you can do to help. It is certainly possible that your storm rages outside of school in the form of personal issues. Regardless, let us weather those storms together. If we truly are a team, then it is during those times that we remain strong and support those who need us most. In my humble opinion, there is not another way to better show your Powdersville PRIDE than to fight through a storm, remain positive and come out stronger and better on the other end. May your storm be brief; never knocking you off your course and preventing you from doing that which you were called to do.

Last week was another wonderful week at PVES ...

Many teachers participated in professional development last week; including guided math and guided reading opportunities led by Mrs. Tollison and Mrs. Martin. It was wonderful to see teachers collaborating, learning and getting better. No matter the storm, there are teachers here who press onward. 

No storm stops us from teaching, learning and building relationships. Mrs. Berry has worked with students to help them understand the importance of leaving a positive digital footprint. Mrs. Horn has students reflect on their learning each day and what "stuck" with them. Mrs. Henderson's students collaborating with buzzing partners about their books. Mrs. Golden entertained her students with a read-aloud. Ms. Marino taught a science using a new curriculum. Mrs. Nix is putting finishing touches on our "only one you" project. Mrs. Payne's class was skip counting to jumping jacks! 

We enjoyed celebrating International Literacy Day on Friday. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore were able to collectively visit and read to all of our home room classes! While only one presenter was able to provide a pronunciation guide, props and a QR code, it was so much fun to interact with our students. We can never underestimate the power of read and being literate in this day and age. In the midst of a storm, sometimes it is best to curl up to a good book. 

Finally, we met for our first Live PD session and collaborated to determine what we wanted out of professional development. Much of what each group shared is the desire to make this Live PD time useful and efficient. We want time to share ideas and build relationships with our team members. Heck, we even want a Mexican-themed Live PD session. Nothing wrong with food folks. I look forward to the true challenge of offering an improved PD time where we can truly grow everyone has educators. Regardless of the storm brewing, team Powdersville will never settle for being ordinary and blessing the status quo. 

Another Busy Week of PD:
Obviously, we will have to re-schedule our 4th grade PBL planning session. Please be reminded of the other PD opportunities occurring this week. As a reminder, please plan to be at school as there are no substitutes available.
  • September 12th: 3rd Grade PBL Planning (AM)/5th Grade PBL Planning (PM) - Media Center
  • September 14th: Science Tech Book PD (Full Day) - District Office
  • September 15th: Sandra Goff Math PD (AM and PM Sessions) - PD Room

iPads to Go Home:
iPads are scheduled to be sent home on Tuesday afternoon. As a reminder, students who still have not paid the iPad protection plan should not take iPads home until that is paid. Mrs. Patty Ellison will update you as to whom in your class has still not paid. Let's remind our students to be good stewards of their iPads - take care of them, bring them back to school each day and charged, and use them appropriately. As a reminder, we do not allow students to call for forgotten iPads in the morning after the 8:00 A.M. bell so please do not send students up to the office to call. 

ESOL Information from Mrs. Thomas:

As immigration continues and our population becomes more diverse, please be aware that we (school faculty and staff) are not permitted to question a student’s citizenship or immigration status. If a student happens to share information with you about citizenship, immigration, or anything of that nature, you are to keep it to yourself. This is not something that is to be shared with anyone (including any co-workers).

If you would like to learn more about this topic, click here (Titles IV and VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964).

Please understand that under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 it is not permissible for you to give out any type of personal information about any student. If needed, refer them to talk to administration. There are certain exceptions, but that is not a call a teacher should make.

Live PD:
Our next LIVE PD Session is Wednesday, September 13th. Please read over the proposed agenda for this session and let us know if you have questions.

Moore's Musings:
I would be remiss if I did not mention September 11th in this blog. Do you remember where you were on September 11th, 2001? I sure do. I was a first year teacher, 21 years old, at Concrete Elementary School in Anderson School District One. Someone texted me about a plane crashing into a building in New York City. I immediately went to investigate online and then ran across the hallway to my teaching partner to inform her. I remember watching those heartbreaking videos and actually feeling angry and scared. We were reminded on that day of just how helpless and vulnerable we can sometimes be. As parents began picking up their children for early dismissals, en masse, only then was the magnitude of that stormy day made clear. As a I reflect on that day, I was reminded of how precious life is and how tragedy can strike from anywhere at any moment. Though scars remain, our country rebounded from this event. Those brave souls who risked their lives that day reminded us that there is a higher calling for all of us. Let us never forget 9/11.

Mark Your Calendar:
Please check our shared calendar and let us know if any changes/editions need to be made.

Video of the Week: Hurricane Harvey - Helping Other During the Storm

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