Monday, September 18, 2017


Routine. We all depend on it. Our students thrive in it. The last few weeks have taken us out of our school routine. Many of you have been called out of the classroom to participate in professional development. And while we appreciate and require those opportunities to grow, it sure is nice to be back in the classroom and enjoy some routine. Routine, as defined by is an unvarying and constantly repeated formula. I would pause here for a moment and ask you to reflect on your routine. What in your routine is successful? What needs to change? How can improving your routine make you a better professional educator? George Washington Carver once said that "when you can do the common things in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." Our challenge should indeed be to provide a routine in which our students can grow and learn. However, let's guard against the type of routine that makes us "comfortable" and ineffective. Our formula for success should be a routine that is both challenging and engaging. 

Another successful week at PVES...

Part of  a successful routine as educators is to use data to drive our instruction. Our second Live PD of the year was spent working with grade level teams to discuss data from SC -READY testing. I was impressed with the candid and thought-provoking conversations that took place. We even found time for some delicious dessert. 

 Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. Horn transformed their classrooms into submarines as they explored their science unit. Mrs. Wayne's PVES Storm Trackers made an appearance on WYFF as well! This is the type of teaching and learning that I hope becomes routine at PVES!

Many of you have invited Ms. Marino and her students into your rooms the past few weeks. While this is a break in routine, I can think of no better reason to change routine than for our students to learn about Ms. Marino's precious class. 

Our teachers broke routine and attended professional development focusing on Discovery "tech book" and procedural vs. conceptual knowledge with Sandra Goff. We never stop learning or getting better. That is the mark of a successful school. 

Morning arrival time is an important routine. I am thankful for our students who serve as PVES Patrols, faculty members who make sure our students are monitored and safe, and PVHS football players who serve our students on Friday mornings during football season. Additionally, Mrs. Martin had a huge crowd for the dollar book store so keep advertising this to parents and students!

Live PD:
This week's Live PD focuses on a technology component and ALiCE violent intruder training. Please click here to read details about this Wednesday's plan of action. Make sure you arrive on time for Live PD so we can get started. Remember that Live PD sessions are planned for Wednesdays each week so do not schedule appointments to interfere with this time. We will share an agenda for each session in the blog each week. 

Odds and Ends for This Week:
Don't forget that Mrs. Payne's baby shower will be held Tuesday afternoon in the media center after school. The 5th grade field trip parent meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening from 6-7 P.M. Thursday is a big day with a scheduled fire drill during the day and the Book Fair Teacher Reception (word has it Mrs. Golden is making the dessert - reason enough to come!) after school that afternoon. The Book Fair is open to students for the first time on Friday. Our first Skate Night of the year will be held from 6-8 P.M. at Roller Time Family Skate Center in Piedmont on Thursday evening. The 5th grade dance will be held at PVES Friday evening from 6:00-7:30 P.M. Another busy week, but busy is rather routine for us! 

AirWorx Visit:
Don't be surprised to see visitors on Friday morning in our building. AirWorx will be flying a drone over our property to take video for a promotional video being created for ASD1. Additionally, they may pop into classrooms for video clips for the same promotional video. If you have something awesome going on Friday morning that would be good for this crew to capture, please email me and let me know ASAP!

Moore's Musings:
PRIDE Time should be up and running in your classroom by now. This focused block of intervention from 8:10-8:40 A.M. is built into the schedule for all homeroom teachers. We will begin pulling the rest of our LLI groups beginning on Wednesdays. These students should be sent to their designated intervention teacher ASAP after announcements, but definitely by 8:10 A.M.We will discuss this briefly during Live PD, but please make sure all students are engaged during this time. As I walked into some classrooms today, I noticed students playing on iPads and or simply not doing anything. Teachers should be pulling small groups or individuals for things like 1.) frontloading material, reviewing material, additional/supplemental guided reading or guided math groups, etc. Students should be working on building reading stamina and have a book that they can successfully read independently. Thanks for making this a very special and focused time for learning. Establish a great routine now for PRIDE Time. 

Mark Your Calendar:
  • Sarah Payne Shower - 9/19 in media center after school
  • 5th grade field trip parent meeting - 9/19 at 6:00 P.M.
  • Fire Drill - 9/21
  • Book Fair Reception - 9/21 at 2:45 P.M.
  • PTSO Skate Night - 9/21 from 6-8 P.M.
  • Book Fair Begins - 9/22
  • AirWorx Visit - 9/22 in the morning 
  • 5th grade dance - 6:00-7:30 P.M.

Video of the Week: Too Good Not To Share Again

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