Sunday, October 1, 2017

Whatever It Takes

The hallways, classrooms, and other areas around the building look and sound a little different this year at PVES. Classrooms are being transformed into "coffee shop" style learning environments, and a couple of classrooms even took on a submarine look. Teachers are meeting with small groups of learners all throughout the day during their reading and math lessons. In the cafeteria, some teachers cane be found eating with their students and getting to know them better. Our gardens boxes have produced sweet potatoes but even more impressive are the real world conversations and learning taking place between teachers and students outside their classrooms. Teachers continue to meet to plan some amazing out-of-the-box PBL units for our students. PRIDE time is in full gear and students are moving down the hall before 8:10 and being served during very intentional intervention. Teachers on morning duty are reading to students and some even studying for tests on the third grade hallways. The bottom line is we, as Team PVES, are adopting the mentality to do whatever it takes to reach our students. It is quite impressive to take a moment and reflect on it all. If you have have not done so I challenge you to stop and look around at all that is taking place in our building for our kids. As one teacher put it earlier last week, this is becoming the new norm. 

Here are some of the examples of the great things happening around PVES...

In art this week Mrs. Marino's class decorated pumpkins they picked on their field trip. They turned out so great! 

Fifth graders kicked off their Decimal Olympics this week with an opening ceremony led by their "coaches" on the blacktop. They have participated in various events to set the stage for their decimal unit. Thank you to all of these folks for working so hard to make learning fun and engaging! 

Teachers took the time to eat with their students and engage in some conversations. This is a great way to get connected and learn more about our students.

Another great way to connect and show our students we are invested in them is by supporting them outside of the classroom. Thank you to all these wonderful folks who took the time this week to go out and support our PLAY U10 football team. 

Our third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers had the opportunity to participate in planning for some Problem Based Learning units coming up this year. This was a refreshing time to see such wonderful educators collaborating and pushing the boundaries of traditional learning. Thank you to our teachers for coming in prepared and ready to work! You are an exceptional group, and I personally cannot wait to see these units in action. 

MAP Testing
We have received an extension for MAP testing to continue this week. A new calendar has been posted outside of both computer labs for folks to use this week to finish up. If you are a homeroom teacher and your class has completed MAP testing remember to start working on collecting this data in your homework sheets. Once these have been completed, please add them to this folder. We will start setting up data meetings for teachers soon. We want to use data to better know and serve our students.

Grade Level Meetings
Mr. Moore and Mrs. Tollison would like to meet with grade levels during your grade level meetings this week beginning at 3:30. We will have an agenda and some topics we want to make sure to discuss with grade levels. Thank you in advanced for your time and attention. 

Live PD
You do not want to miss this week's Live PD session as we work as an entire staff to learn about our new Anti-Bullying program called Olweus. We will have snacks and fun! Please be on time as we have much to accomplish. You do not need any materials for this meeting so just bring your energy and excitement. 

Tollison's Tidings:
We have gotten off to an excellent start with our school-wide expectations and behavior system. Thank you to all who have worked hard to make this happen. Please continue to look for classes showing their PVES Pride in the hallways, restrooms, and cafeteria and reward them with a lion head. If you need more lion heads, those can be found in the workroom by the Ellison machine. 

Please continue to use SeeSaw to share the wonderful things happening in your classrooms. If you need some help with this platform feel free to book an appointment with Nicole Alford. We also have several SeeSaw Ambassadors in our building who can help!

Mark Your Calendar
Tuesday, October 3rd- Last morning to visit the Bookfair
Friday, October 6th- Fountas and Pinnell Levels are due
Friday, October 6th- PTSO CFA Biscuit sales and spirit Friday

Video of the Week:

Please watch this month's "In the Know" to be aware of the things happening this month at PVES. 

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