Sunday, October 15, 2017


Control. As teachers, we seek control on a daily basis. We want to control our classrooms so that students are on task and learning. We want to have control of content so we know what to teach. We desire to control "best practices" so we can reach our students. We spend countless hours grading papers, posting in SeeSaw, creating newsletters and more. Why? So we can control the message that is communicated to our students and parents. Control is a big deal to us. And what makes this pursuit difficult is the fact that we deal with so many unknowns. Children are all different. Work is demanding. Our own expectations and goals are ambitious. Typically, the result of seeking too much control is stress. Stress, that ultimately, can make our job much more challenging. Control is defined as exercising control or restrain over; to dominate; to command. I have used the graphic above before, but it is too good not to share again. This week, you are asked to focus on what you can control and worry less about those things outside of your control. Our faculty and staff is the best. However, part of being the best is a tremendous pressure to keep getting better. Let's enjoy our students and the precious time we have with them to help them learn. Let's build relationships with our students and one another. Focus on the positive. Control the input. 

Let's take a look around PVES ...

Some students visited the media center to learn about note taking while others participated in a "book tasting" with Mrs. Fowler. Mrs Fowler looks forward to planning more opportunities to team teach with other teachers and invite students into the media center to learn. Teachers, don't forget to include Mrs. Fowler when you plan each week. 

Reflex Math is up and running. We want our students to be motivated and in control of their learning. Reflex Math is a fun way for students to learn their math facts. 4th grade already has a class competition underway! We will be pulling students for PRIDE Time this week to also work in this program. Please send feedback to Mrs. Tollison and me as you use the program. 

Mrs. Tollison and I are working to get Chrome Book carts ready for teachers and students to use. Training for this, provided by the district, will take place this week during Live PD. We want to create a positive environment for our students to learn (and to test). 

Mr. Miller, president of the Anderson County Bee Keeper's Association, stopped by to help kick off our 3rd grade PBL unit. Students were challenged think about how they can protect honey bees. PBL takes some work and causes us to hand over some of the control of learning to the students, but the results are sure to come. 

Mrs. Fowler, Ms. Lee, Mrs. Redmon, and Mrs. Martin presented our second installment of OLWEUS training in the media center. Thanks! We continue to work on our time line for rolling out this program, and I appreciate everyone participating and learning how they can help us implement OLWEUS with success. 

Mrs. Jamie stopped by to dance with Ms. Marino's class one day last week. I thought this was a great reminder to stay focused on what you can control. For Jamie, she could focus on the countless children who visit her office (some sick, some not) or simply focus on an opportunity to enjoy our students. 

Teacher Data Meetings:
You can now sign up for an opportunity to share the data you have collected and analyzed pertaining to the students you serve this year. Simply look for a slot that works for you on our shared calendar and sign up for a "Book Me" time. We want to take a few minutes to discuss with you the make-up of your class. Your strengths; your challenges. What are your ideas to help students improve and what are you doing to ensure their success? What can we do to offer support? We look forward to meeting with you. There are a few slots available for this week and a bunch available the week of  10/30-11/3. Check out the available slots here.

ALiCE Drill:
Our ALiCE Drill will take place on Wednesday, October 18th. We will perform the drill at some point after lunch. Obviously, we have informed parents of this drill via a letter sent in progress report folders last week. You will want to make sure you have discussed the drill with your students prior to Wednesday. We will get on the "all call" and let everyone know that the drill is beginning and is "just a drill."  We will then disseminate information, as much as possible, for the next few minutes and allow you to respond as you see necessary. We will have an individual acting as our intruder. His job is not to scare our students, but simply to check doors and give us feedback on what he/she sees while walking around the building. It is also good practice for the office as we use the safe room. After the event, please take a few moments to discuss the drill with your students and praise the positive things that occurred during the drill. 

Q: Do we evacuate? 
A: If you feel evacuating the building gives your class the best opportunity to be safe, yes. 

Q: Do we have students jump out through windows in our classroom?
A: No. You can certainly discuss with students that this is an option during the "real thing" but we will not use windows as an escape option during the drill.

Q: If we evacuate, do we go all the way to the reunification point? 
A: No. You will simply leave the building and stand outside until an all clear is given (similar to fire drill). Don't forget your walkie, class list, etc if you do evacuate. 

Live PD:
Our next Live PD event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th. Nicole Alford will be training us on using Chrome Books. Pay close attention to our Live PD agenda and let us know if you have any questions. 

Earthquake and Fire Drills:
We will certainly be glad to have drills behind us this week. On Thursday, October 19th we will have participate in the Great ShakeOut with millions of others across the country. This is an earthquake drill. You can remind your class how to quickly respond in the event of an earthquake using this link. The drill will begin at 10:19 A.M. when Mrs. Tollison makes an announcement. The drill will last one minute and Mrs. Tollison will then announce the conclusion of the drill. Immediately afterward, please expect a fire drill and respond as necessary. Thanks for taking these drills seriously as it should be second nature in terms of our reaction if and when an emergency occurs. 

High School Parade:
Powdersville High School has again invited the feeder schools to a homecoming parade. This is a huge community event. This year's parade is scheduled for Friday, October 20th at 1:30 P.M. Mrs. Tollison will announce for grade levels to line up and leave the school building and head to the bus access road behind our property (next to the football stadium). We will line the sidewalk area on our side of the property and watch the parade from there. After the parade, you are dismissed back to your classrooms for the remainder of the day. We will need "all hands on deck" at the parade site in order to provide for the safety and security of our students. 

Moore's Musings:
Mrs. Tollison, Mrs. Lee, and Mr. Moore have been working on a few ideas to provide a few "stress free" time periods for our teachers. From chill pills to "cover my recess" passes and duty free lunch, we are committed to supporting you! More to come soon, but we want to control what we can control and part of that means loving on you. Let's start with this. Thursday and Friday are blue jean days. Please wear your PVES school shirt on Friday! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • PVES "New Best" Meeting on 10/17 at 2:40 P.M.
  • 4th Grade Launch Field Trip on 10/17
  • 3rd Grade to Vulcan on 10/17
  • 3rd Grade to Vulcan on 10/18
  • AliCE Drill on 10/18
  • Live PD on 10/18
  • Earthquake and Fire Drills on 10/19
  • Homecoming Parade on 10/20 

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