Sunday, September 23, 2018

Have Fun

Fun. Do you have fun when you come to work? Do you consider it fun to work with children everyday to mold and shape them for success? Fun is defined as enjoyment or amusement and, in this observer's opinion, should be a huge part of our culture. In other words, fun should be weaved in the very sinews of the day-to-day operations within our building. This doesn't mean we don't give 100% or stay motivated to take it to a "next level". On the contrary, fun might be the missing piece to doing just that. My advice is to work through the hardship and negativity and stay focused on the goal ahead. Fight through the temptation to be negative or lose faith. Instead, come to work and have fun with the process. Challenge yourself and expect great things. Enjoy the journey and stay motivated and hungry. And, no matter the circumstance, never take yourself too seriously and have fun along the way!

We had fun last week!

Weekly class meetings began on Monday and are an integral part of our OLWEUS bullying-prevention program. However, they also help define the climate in your classroom. Student should feel safe having conversation about issues and experiences that important to them. And who says you can't have fun in class meetings too? 

5th grade teachers and students celebrated "Rock Your School" with fun activities and learning opportunities last week. We enjoyed the looks we received from parents and students (and some of you). Batman even attended an IEP meeting!

Sometimes, you have to show students your students that you can have fun doing almost anything. Mrs. Tollison and I attempted this as we were transformed into ice cream sundaes on Monday and then duct-taped to the wall on Thursday. All in the name of fundraising!

Wednesday's Live PD session was a little different, but sorely needed. We had some food and fun and celebrated some tremendous test scores! I know everyone felt motivated to continue our pursuit of #1.

It was a long and hot day, but well worth it in the end. Our first annual "Pride Stride" was a huge success. Thanks to everyone for having a positive attitude and, most of all, for having fun! Our students responded when they saw their teachers out there running/cheering them on! 

And after a long and hot day after a long week of school...the 5th grade dance? That's right. And our 5th grade teachers rocked it out. Battling through the mental and physical exhaustion, they maintained a positive attitude and managed to have fun (as evidenced by our Teacher of the Year - DJ Lil' Wayne).

OLWEUS Meetings Continue:
Class meetings continue on Monday morning with lesson #2 as part of our OLWEUS bullying prevention program. Related arts and specialty area folks have been assigned to rooms to participate in discussion and offer support to those teachers. This program will only be effective if implemented with fidelity. Take advantage of these opportunities to strengthen your classroom culture and make our school a better place to learn! FYI - when we miss school on Monday, we do not schedule OLWEUS class meetings that week. We simply wait for the next week. 

Monday's lesson suggests using a video from the OLWEUS website. Once you sign in with the username and password, click on Core Program, then click on Teacher Resources. 

Once you are in teacher resources, there are several videos you can show about bullying. I would suggest "Darryl the New Girl" or "Daniel and the Kickball Game".

Login information for some OLWEUS videos:
username - pwdrsv1115082
password - Mr5DsgNte

Data Meetings:
Data meetings will be held this week. Participants will need a laptop to view a portion of the material presented. We will also need to use your SmartBoard/projector if we are using your room. SPED folks, we will work with you to find a time we can meet to discuss data as well. See the schedule below:
  • Monday - 4th Grade 1st Planning - 1:00 P.M./Ashmore's Room
  • Monday - 4th Grade 2nd Planning - 1:45 P.M./Heath's Room
  • Wednesday - 5th Grade 1st Planning - 8:45 A.M./Melton's Room
  • Wednesday - 5th Grade 2nd Planning - 9:35 A.M./Gibson's Room
  • Wednesday - 3rd Grade 1st Planning - 10:20 A.M./Thompson's Room
  • Wednesday - 3rd Grade 2nd Planning - 12:15 P.M./Johnson's Room 

No Live P.D. This Week:

There is no Live PD this week. Please join us in the media center for Layne Johnson's shower at 3:15 P.M.  Thanks!

From Melissa Thomas (ESOL):
It is now time we have accommodations in place for our new ELLs. If you have a new ESOL student, please carefully consider what accommodations (if any) are needed. Fill out an accommodation sheet for each student and put those sheets in Mrs. Thomas's box. Feel free to write notes/explanations on the sheets as needed. If not accommodations are needed, please email Mrs. Thomas so she can update ELLevation. Please have these turned in by Friday, September 28th. If you see that changes need to be made on other students' accommodations, please let Mrs. Thomas know this as well. Below is a list that indicates who is new to Powdersville this year.

New to PVES without an IEP:
Svyatoslav A.
Luis L.
Joshua A.
Aarush P
Jade P
Beni H.
Cindy V.

From Kelle Martin:
3rd and 4th grade teachers who plan reading will have a Lucy Calkins half day planning opportunity on Tuesday, September 25th at the district office. 3rd grade will meet in the morning and 4th will have the afternoon slot. You will need to bring your own lunch. Mrs. Martin will email you additional information including what materials to bring. 

Tech Friday:
Thomas McAuliff will be meeting with teachers during their planning on Friday this week. All groups will meet in the Strings room. This is part of the district's required technology PD, and I know Thomas will have some useful information to share. Please report to the Strings room as soon as you have dropped your students off at related arts. Related/specialty area teachers will meet with Thomas at 11:00 A.M. after you have dismissed your classes. 

Monday, October 1st:
Do not forget that Monday, October 1st is a professional development day. There is no school for students. Teachers have three options: 1.) Attend the reading endorsement training offered by the district. Please sign up in PD Express. 2.) Attend the alternate technology PD offered by the district. Please sign up in PD Express. 3.) Take the day. You will need to email Mr. Moore your request and, once approved, enter this absence in Absence Manager as a "no sub needed" absence. 

Moore's Musings:
PLCs continue at PVES. Mrs. Tollison and I have been encouraged by the deeper discussions we are hearing. I would challenge each group to continue to remember your "collective commitments". Hold one another accountable. Is everyone arriving on time? Is everyone engaged and participating? Are the 4 questions of a PLC being addressed or do we simply include a line about them and check that box and move on? Some of the most powerful things we have observed:
  • Data being used. Not just a brief discussion, but actual data being shown and discussed.
  • Teachers teaching teachers. We have seen teachers on the ClearTouch Board or whiteboards actually teaching other teachers.
  • A focus on standards/strands. Heard in one PLC - "Why is that on the assessment? Is that even a standard?"
  • A focus on students. We love hearing discussion about what is best for students; especially when they don't get it. 
Again, this is powerful stuff here and Rome was not built in a day. The more these key components can become the norm, a common language if you will, in your PLCs, the stronger we become. Keep up the good work!

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Fire Drill (weather permitting) - 9/24
  • OLWEUS class meetings - 9/24 (during PRIDE TIME)
  • 4th Grade Data Meetings - 9/24 during planning
  • 3rd and 5th Grade Data Meetings - 9/26 during planning 
  • Send home progress report folders - 9/26
  • Layne Johnson shower - 9/26 in media center at 3:15 P.M. 
  • Tech PD with Thomas - 9/28 in Strings room during planning periods 
  • No School for students (PD at Wren) - 10/1

Videos of the Week: Making News & A Different Perspective

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Little Things

There are 180 days of school in South Carolina. And if you think about that for a moment, you realize that 180 days go by quickly. Yet, pause for a few more moments and you begin to realize all of the intricate details, the little things, that make up the whole year. Not only do these little details create the school year as a whole, but they also define its success and its failure. In this blog, we ask you to focus on the little things that are often times overshadowed by "big things". Whether its an extra phone call home to a parent, tending to a colleague in need of assistance, or simply providing that extra push in your PLC after a long day of work, the little things truly make the big things happen. 

We enjoyed another busy week filled with little things ...

The little things just seem to show up each day at PVES. And they make a huge difference. Providing time with a therapy dog for some students in need. Of course! Dressing up for your students, including eye black, so they are motivated to read intensely? Check! Reading aloud to students before the day begins to foster a love of reading? Yes!

No one said all the little things were fun. However, completing them willingly and with a positive attitude make all the difference in the world. Thanks to Mrs. Tollison for leading the Teacher 4.0 training during Live PD and for Mrs. Heath for leading our SLO/GBE orientation. Don't forget that your SLO/GBE is due in the SCLead website on October 1st. 

Our assistant principal does the little things. This year, she is training substitutes for ASD1. I have seen firsthand the amount of effort she has placed into training these men and women to successfully fill in for our teachers when they need to be out of school. 

A coffee cart and some cute outfits might seem like little things, but they shape who we are as a school. Mr. Marino's class focuses on life skills and the Friday coffee cart, Powdersville Perk, allows these students to interact with our teacher and staff while raising money for their class. 

And sometimes, the little things can be fun. First of all, a huge thank you to our PTSO volunteers who give of their time and abilities to support PVES. And yes, little things sometimes can include taking a break from learning and using some silly string to celebrate the success of a fundraiser. Thanks to everyone for really pushing our fundraiser for another week! 

Thanks to Mt. Airy Baptist Church for providing lunch for our staff on Friday. I think we can all agree little gestures like this go a long way. It's great to be appreciated, and PVES staff, we appreciate you!

This is simply a friendly reminder that we are beginning this Monday, September 17th with OLWEUS class meetings during PRIDE Time. Also, PRIDE Time should be used as expected now that we have settled in to our school year. We plan to pull students for LLI groups this Thursday, September 20th based on names provided to us. Mrs. Thomas will be pulling 3rd grade groups beginning this week as well. Please refer to last week's blog with helpful links and information concerning OLWEUS and/or PRIDE Time. 

Live PD:
This Wednesday, September 19th, we have scheduled a special and important Live PD for you. Please refer to our Live PD agenda for details.

PRIDE Stride Details:
We are so excited about our first ever Powdersville "Pride Stride" coming up this Friday, September 21st. The weather forecast looks good. The event will be held at the practice field next to PVMS. Teachers, can you certainly dress for comfort as this is sure to be a busy day (i.e. shorts of appropriate length). 3rd grade Pride Stride begins at 8:15 A.M., 4th grade at 9:30 A.M., and then 5th grade at 10:45 A.M. You can expect parents and volunteers everywhere which means students safety is a priority (as always). Mrs. Heath has shared information with you, but please make note of the following:
  • PTSO will have breakfast and coffee for everyone from Kolache Factory on Race Day!
  • Teachers received Pride Stride shirts last Friday, along with student name tags, clipboard with lap counting sheet and a detailed description of the race day. (Everything is color coded, so make sure everything matches. Your color will determine your race tent).
  • PTSO will place race day snack bags in classrooms next Thurday afternoon (the day before the race). They will be placed on counter next to sink. If another location is desired please let PTSO know.
  • Pride Stride shirts should NOT go home before race day. It is up to you as the teacher if you would like for your kids to change into their shirts at school on the day of the race. 
    • Students can change shirts and wear them for the remainder of the day.
    • Students can put their t-shirt over whatever shirt they wear to school that day.
    • PLEASE make sure to remind kids to wear tennis shoes on race day.   
  • Each grade level has an assigned time and will be called to head over to the middle school. 
    • 3rd Grade: You will have to be at the practice field at 8:15 to race. Please be here by 7:45 on race day to get your kids inside the classroom, changed, and bathroom break before 8:00. We will call you to head over right after the morning announcements.
      • Remind students to be here on time, but we will have extra teachers available to walk students over if they are late. 

From the Reading Coach:
1. Please update students' F&P reading levels on the shared spreadsheet tilted, "Text Level and Intervention Plan".

2. Last call to add any more students to the "18-19 Pride Time Needs" spreadsheet. We are making LLI groups and would like to begin pulling groups during Pride Time on Wednesday or Thursday.

3. Teachers that plan reading for your grade level: Our next Lucy Calkins district planning day will be the following Tuesday, September 25. Third grade is 8:00-11:00am and fourth grade is 12:00-3:00pm. Please sign up in PD Express for your grade level session titled, "Lucy Calkins Training". 

Moore's Musings:
As things continue to get busier and busier, please do not forget to take the time to teach and stress our Pride Practices and to award House points. This goes for all faculty and staff; not just home room teachers. Our practices are a common language for our students and we have placed posters throughout the building as a constant reminder to us all. House points are awarded and compiled using Class Dojo. Let us know if you need any help with this. Being intentional and consistent about these will continue to develop and enrich our culture and push us forward! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Begin OLWEUS Class Meetings - 9/17/2018
  • Begin guided reading groups - by 9/19/2018
  • Fall MAP Window closes - 9/21/2018
  • "Pride Stride" at PVMS Practice Field - 9/21/2018
  • 5th Grade Dance hosted by PVES - 9/21/2018 from 6-7:30 P.M.

Video of the Week:

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Business As Usual

Three full weeks gone by and our school has resumed "business as usual." This phrase originated as an announcement that a commercial establishment was continuing to operate in spite of fire, construction or other similar interruption. I like the phrase "business as usual" for several reasons. One, just as in the original context of the word, teachers understand the need to operate in spite of interruption. We value each moment in the classroom as another second to positively impact students in an effort to grow and stretch them. No moment should be unplanned or wasted. Interruptions come each week, but excellent teachers truly keep things moving in spite of them. Secondly, PVES has experienced success and growth because our "business as usual" is really anything but. We remain focused on challenging ourselves, and our students, through creativity, collaboration and innovation. We realize that the very essence of our success lies in the fact that our business is anything but usual. We thrive in this role and push our school forward to experience the best that is yet to come. 

Another successful week in the books...

Ms. Marino has been visiting classrooms to educate our students about disabilities and the students in her classroom. In her class, business is unusual; and that's just the way they like it. Her students are special to us and they are treated like rock stars, well, because they are. 

Mrs. Berry has placed an important reminder to us all outside of her computer lab. We all leave a digital footprint. It is important that our students are taught and constantly reminded that using technology, though business as usual for us, carries with it responsibility and weight. 

Hey! Remember me? Don't forget to stop by the pineapple chart, located at the teacher boxes in the office, and share some of the great things taking place in your classroom. This gives other teachers the opportunity to break their "business as usual" and see new and innovative ideas. 

Teachers new to PVES has an opportunity to learn from Mrs. Tollison and Sandra Goff this past week. Specifically, Mrs. Tollison shared the structure of guided math. At one point in our school, math was "business as usual", but this is no longer. And we have incredible results to show for it! 

5th graders learned about chemical changes in Science last week. And their teachers made learning hands-on, fun, and .... tasty! Thanks to everyone for always researching innovative ways to engage our students. This is truly business as usual at PVES. 

We celebrated International Literacy Day on Friday by reading aloud to classes throughout the day. A special thanks to our reading coach, Kelle Martin, for organizing this opportunity. Business as usual means we understand the role literacy plays in the success of our students. We know the power of literacy and enjoyed stressing its importance to our students! 

And finally, Friday afternoon was hot. As in 92 degrees and sunny HOT. However, this did not prevent a group of 30 plus teachers and parents (and a few students) from spreading mulch on our playground. Business as usual for many schools would be to pay extra to have someone do the work. Not at PVES ... we worked together and got it done in an hour! 

Teachers, we will begin our OLWEUS class meetings on Monday, September 17th in the morning at 8:10 A.M. OLWEUS is our bullying prevention program and it is so important that we are all on board and have a common language to combat bullying behaviors. Don't forget about our shared folder with great resources including the lesson plans for the first 6 class meetings. Related arts and other teachers may be assigned to classes to participate in the discussion and help the classroom teacher as needed to make the program successful. After the first 6 lessons, work with your grade level to plan lessons, activities and discussions that focus on areas of concern in your class or grade level. 

PRIDE Time is specifically designed as Tier 1, in-class intervention for all home rooms. We were very intentional about carving out a 30-minute period each day of the week from 8:10 A.M. - 8:40 A.M. This is not a time for make-up work or grading papers. It should be intentionally planned as intense intervention for students based on real data and needs. Please view slides 3 and 4 from this old presentation as a refresher. I know we have been using this time to level students and get some beginning of the year items tucked away, but the expectation is that we are committed to using PRIDE Time to support our students and help them grow. Some ideas:
  • Pull an extra guided math or guided reading group.
  • Front-load material for struggling students or GT students.
  • Students not with teacher can build reading stamina or work on DreamBox or Reflex.

Our Powdersvile Pride Stride fundraiser continues. We have seen pledges increase the past few days and have eclipsed the $5,000 mark with 16 more days to go before the actual fun run event. Obviously, there is a long way to go to reach our goal. Teachers, we are dependent upon you to motivate and encourage your students to participate. Communicate often with parents and really talk the fundraiser up with students. Our first school-wide goal was reached so, on a Monday coming soon, Mr. Moore and Mrs. Tollison will endure being made into an ice cream sundae. Don't forget we need forms turned in from all students to participate. Even students who raise no money can and should participate and will receive a free shirt and healthy snack on race day. Thanks for your help with this!

Papa John's "Dollars for Dough":
Our first "Dollars for Dough" mini-fundraiser will be held September 11th and 12th. Encourage families to visit a local Papa John's on either or both days. Then, they simply turn in their receipt and our PTSO receives a portion of the profit. Thanks for getting the word out and even supporting this opportunity yourselves if at all possible. 

Live PD:
Our next Live PD session is scheduled for Wednesday, September 12th at 3:15 P.M. If you are on duty, please finish in time and take any students not picked up to front lobby so you can make it to your session. Please read our session agenda to know specifics about your session. 

FALL Pictures:
Fall pictures will be taken this week on Thursday and Friday. 3rd grade and Ms. Marino's class will have Fall pictures taken on Thursday while 4th and 5th grades will have them taken on Friday. Pictures will be taken in the media center both days. Please access using the double doors across from the office.  We will call your class at some point before lunch and you will line students up tallest to shortest. If you have your class ready to follow directions and quickly move through the process, we can get things done efficiently. Thanks again for your help with this! 

"Thank You" Friday:
On Friday, please plan to wear blue jeans as a "thank you" for a great start to the school year. And, thanks to Mt. Airy Baptist Church, lunch will be provided for you on Friday during your regularly-scheduled lunch period. Just walk your class to the cafeteria and we will take them from there. Then, head to the Strings room to enjoy food and fellowship. Simply come back to the cafeteria at the end of your lunch period to pick up your class. Thanks for all you do!

Moore's Musings: The Power of the Hashtag
Teachers, when we first began our iPad journey, we placed a lot of emphasis on using Twitter as a means to tweet our great things taking place in your classroom and as a means to connect with other educators to steal ideas from them. I would ask that you do your best to use Twitter as a professional development tool. Let's have a great online presence to positively brand our school and share great ideas. You can tag us at @pvespride and use the hashtag #pvespride when you tweet something out. Thanks! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC)
  • September 11th and 12th - Papa John's "Dollars for Dough"
  • September 11th -  5th Grade Field Trip Meeting at 6 P.M. in Cafeteria
  • September 12th - Progress Report Folders sent home (Teachers have one week to input grades in computer after a grade is given).
  • September 13th - Fall Pictures for Marino and Grade 3
  • September 14th - Fall Pictures for Grades 4 & 5
  • September 14th - Lunch provided by Mt. Airy and Blue Jeans
  • September 17th - Begin OLWEUS Class Meetings 

Video of the Week:

Monday, September 3, 2018


For most of us, we have arrived at that point in the school year where our first of many moments of adversity come knocking on our doors. Adversity is defined as a condition or event marked by misfortune and distress. These moments are inescapable, uncomfortable, and controlling. Even worse, no one is immune. Whether it be the challenging student, parent or even personal situation, I would challenge you this week and beyond to look at adversity through an entirely different lens. Might adverse circumstances actually be needed; welcome even? Whenever we face adversity, we must first look deep inside and reflect on our beliefs and our purpose. Calmly, we must face the challenge with a well-devised plan of action. We must show grit as we steadfastly attack the situation with a positive determination to overcome. As the quote above suggests, our real optimism and faith in our students and, in one another, will be revealed in the coming months as we respond to these adverse situations. I'll finish with a quote from my favorite professor: "You can tell me about your conviction today, but I'll see your courage tomorrow." I look forward to this journey together with you

We enjoyed another wonderful week at PVES...

PLCs are the driving force behind the transformation that is taking place at PVES. Thanks to all three grade levels for your preparation and willingness to tackle adversity in the classroom from an instructional standpoint. You will hear this repeatedly, but we are no where close to being where we want to be, but we sure are better off for starting. Mrs. Tollison and I shared feedback to each grade level related to your PLC meetings. It was great to have plans shared and on the Clear Touch board. We obviously, want to begin and end on time and make sure we adhere to those norms and collective commitments we agreed upon. However, the greatest challenge I have for all involved is to keep those four driving questions in the forefront of all you do. Those four questions are the engine that drives the PLC forward. Without them, you do not have a PLC. Fourth grade provided this document as a means to drive the discussion forward. I would strongly suggest others do the same. 

We enjoyed our second house meeting in as many weeks. Specifically, we used our meeting last week to kick off our "big" fundraiser for the year. The Powdersville Pride Stride is designed to celebrate fitness and fun at PVES. Our PTSO (have you joined yet?) has worked so incredibly hard to make this a reality. We are raising money for a avriety of things including improving our garden area to make it a more learning-friendly environment. Yes, our goal is $30,000 and this is attainable with your help. How can you help?
  • Communicate daily with parents.
  • Get your class excited about the fundraiser and celebrate successes. 
  • Discuss class and school rewards with students.
The "Pride Stride" runs are scheduled for Friday, September 21st so let's get busy and achieve our goal! 

MAP Testing:
The Fall MAP testing window opens on Tuesday, September 4th and closes on Friday, September 21st. Students will test on iPads. Our students are to take both the Reading and Math tests. Keep in mind that MAP is typically one of the data points used for teacher SLOs. More importantly, MAP data is to be used as an instructional tool. This year, we are allowing grade levels and individual teachers to determine when they want to MAP test. We will not be re-arranging schedules. It is critical that testing is completed by the September 21st date. If you are new toMAP or need a refresher, we have some information in this shared folder that will be of assistance to you. Mrs. Tollison and I are also available to assist. Do not forget the importance of discussing results with students and engaging them in goal setting (see forms in folder). Please let Mrs. Tollison and/or I know if you have any questions.

September 5th On-Site PD:
For some of you, Mrs. Tollison has emailed you to inform you of your day of learning on Wednesday, September 5th, 2018. That morning (8:30-11:30), fifth grade has a planning session with Sanrda Goff focused on upcoming units, assessments, and rigor. At the same time, Mrs. Tollison will be leading a session on the Guided Math components with all teachers new to PVES. New to PVES Teachers will then enjoy an afternoon session with Sandra Goff in the afternoon (11:30-2:30) focused on the Mathematical Process Standards. Thanks for leaving excellent resources and plans for your sub. For those not in PD, thanks for looking out for those subs and ensuring our students are being respectful and learning.

Live PD:
There is no Live PD scheduled for Wednesday, September 5th. We do look forward to hosting Hollyn Barnett's bay shower after school in the Media Center.

International Literacy Day:
PVES will celebrate International Literacy Day on Friday, September 7th (actual is Sept 8). The purpose of this event is to bring global awareness to the many issues surrounding adult and child literacy. Mr. Moore, Mrs. Tollison, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Fowler look forward to reading to classes throughout the day. Thanks to Mrs. Martin for setting this up and thanks to everyone for focusing on the importance of literacy!

Mulch Party!:
On Friday, September 7th beginning at 3:30 P.M, we will be spreading mulch on the main playground. It is much needed and will require some effort to get it done. I realize it is the very last thing anyone would want to do on a hot Friday afternoon, but we sure could use the help. Anyone volunteering to assist will receive a week-long blue jean pass and much gratitude from PTSO!

iPad Information:
iPads can be sent home beginning on Tuesday, September 4th.Only students who have paid the protection plan and do not have any outstanding debts related to the iPad should take their home. Mrs. Ellison will provide you with information about protection plan payment. Mrs. Fowler has already shared the list of students who still owe for lost/damaged items/accessories. It may be necessary to contact parents to remind them of what they owe. When you plan to MAP Test, simply notify parents so they will know devices will remain at school during those days.

Also, the district technology folks will be locking student pass codes on Tuesday afternoon. Students should have their codes set to the mandatory four-digit code based on their birth date before they leave on Tuesday. Thanks!

Moore's Musings:
The leadership team was charged with working with their teams to compile a "wish list" of items and materials that positively impact instruction. These should involve needs more than wants and, again, directly impact instruction. Your representative should be in touch soon to discuss. This money comes from the penny sales tax (local option). I am very pleased that the district is providing these funds to schools to impact the classroom. Leadership team, your information is due by Friday, September 7th.

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Fall MAP Window Opens - 9/4
  • iPads Sent Home with Students - 9/4
  • Good News Forms Sent Home - 9/4
  • Sandra Goff and Guided Math PD - 9/5
  • Barnett Shower - 3:15 P.M. on 9/5
  • International Literacy Day - 9/7
  • Spread Mulch - 3:30 P.M. on 9/7

Videos of the Week: Adversity