Sunday, December 3, 2017

Choose Joy

It is that time of year when we are surrounded by events and happenings every single time we turn around. There is the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Often times we are catching up with old friends, squeezing in social events, and celebrating traditions with family. This is the time of year when it is easy to find ourselves tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. We wait all year for this time to come, and it is said to be the most wonderful time of the year. Yet, when it gets here, we can find ourselves feeling as though it is the most stressful time of the year. I am guilty of feeling this way during previous years. This season I have challenged myself to stop and be joyful. Embrace the events, traditions, and busyness and in it all to choose joy. It has made a huge difference in the way I interact with others and the things we do together. I want to invite you to join me in this process of choosing joy. In a time where it would be so easy to choose to feel stressed and overwhelmed, I want you to choose joy. 

We had some amazing things happening around PVES this past week! I am so thankful for each one of you and how you go above and beyond for our students. 

Literacy Night this year was one of our best attended parent events! Thank you to everyone who played a part. The theme captivated our families from the moment they walked into the building. Many found it difficult to pass up a photo opportunity by the train. Students enjoyed hot chocolate, decorated a book mark, and received a new book in the cafeteria. In the classrooms, families read together and many said this was the first time in a long time that they had this opportunity. Our parents appreciated the community connection that took place when students made cards for our local retirement home. We are excited to begin planning for next year's event. 

Last week's Live PD sessions were well attended, and we received wonderful feedback. Many teachers left with tools and ideas to use in their classrooms. People were able to ask questions, explore, and learn about interesting topics. We will offer sessions again this week and look forward to many more in the future! Thanks to those who have already signed up for Wednesday, December 6th. 

Our first semester group of Boys of Virtue celebrated their work together with a special lunch. Mr. Spearman, Ms. Lee, and Mr. Riddlehoover have worked with some of our at-risk males on being leaders and focusing more on the various virtues of our EAFK program. Thank you teachers for being flexible and helping us educate the whole child. 

Christmas Happenings at PVES:
This week is a busy week, and we kick it off with our Christmas performances for third grade and our fourth and fifth grade chorus students. Please see the Smore created by Mr. Moore for more details on our December events. Teachers, please make sure you have reviewed this carefully and shared this with your parents on SeeSaw. Third grade teachers, please return to school and be in your classroom ready to receive students by 5:40 P.M. Mr. Moore sent out an email to third grade teachers with more information.  

Live PD:
Please be reminded that we have Live PD sessions scheduled for this Wednesday, December 6th from 3:15 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. You can still sign up to attend sessions using this link. Thank you to our facilitators for their leadership and assistance! The goal of these sessions is to provide participants with choice in their professional development and an opportunity to work side-by-side with colleagues for meaningful collaboration. Don't forget to "sign in" by scanning the QR code provided by your facilitator. You can review session information using this link.


Faculty Christmas Party:
We are very excited about our upcoming Faculty Christmas Party. The party is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th beginning at 6 PM at Breakout Greenville followed by food and fellowship at Wild Wings downtown at 7:30 P.M. We are looking forward to fun night of fellowship. Thanks to our PTSO and hospitality funds, we can provide this experience at NO cost to you! #pvespride

Fundraiser Need to Know Info:
Items will be at the school for pick up from 1:30-5:30 in the library. Items must be picked up on this day. Information regarding pick up was placed in teacher boxes. We will also send this information out to parents via social media and BlackBoard. Friday, December 8th is the limo ride to Chick-fil-a for students who reached this prize level. We will send more information about the times, etc. 

Tollison's Tidings:

  • Our Lion Head Competition is continuing and we all want to make sure we are recognizing students and classes who are showing off their PVES Pride in the different areas of the school. A helpful way to do this is to carry a lion head with you as you walk the hallways withe the goal of giving it away before you reach your destination. Thank you for being intentional about this school-wide incentive system.
  • Remember December 15th we will be showing Polar Express as a celebration for our successful Literacy Night. Be looking for an email with specifics about times and related arts. 
  • Please continue to be vigilant with your supervision during this time of year. Students sense a break is nearing and we want to make sure we are not letting our guards down in our school's "hot spot" areas such as the playground, the cafeteria, and restrooms.
  • Finally, thank you in advance for coming out and supporting our students at their events over the next two weeks. Our students love to see us at their performances.  It is also a great way to connect with them and their families. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):

  • Third Grade Performance- 12/4 from 6:30-7:15 (Jennings, Candler, Kallin, Payne)
  • Third Grade Performance- 12/5 from 6:30-7:15 (Henderson, Ashmore, Thompson, Crosby, and Carey )
  • Live PD Session- 12/6 from 3:15-4:00
  • Faculty Christmas Party 12/6 from 6:00-8:30
  • 4th and 5th Grade Chorus Performance 12/7 from 6:30-7:15 at PVES
  • Olweus Committee Meeting 12/12 at 3:15
  • 5th Grade Strings Performance 12/12 6:30 at PVES
  • Class Parties 12/15 1:40
Video of the Week:
Many of you may have watched this video but I hope you will watch again. Let's be like this sweet girl and choose joy!

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