The new year brings with it a sense of newness; a fresh start. Many of us take stock of what we have gained and what we have lost in the past year. Then, we transition our thoughts to what we want to achieve throughout he upcoming year. I am a firm believer in goal setting; both for our students and for professional educators. Many of us set personal resolutions for the new year. Let me challenge you to do so. However, let me also challenge you to set a professional goal. Ask yourself where you can improve, do a better job, make more of a positive impact...and resolve to reach your goal! I like one of the definitions provided by for resolution: a decision or a determination. In order for you to achieve your resolutions, you must resolve to do those things you set out to do. You must make the decision and then be determined to accomplish those goals. A final thought from me would be to consider the new year from your students point-of-view. Many of them have never been taught the importance of having resolutions and goals. With this new year, a fresh start, let us not hold the issues of the past against our students. It's a new year filled with incredible opportunities for growth, learning and next steps. Together, as a team, we will accomplish so much in the face of adversity and challenges. Let us resolve to be better educators than we were last year. Let us make the decision to make a difference and be determined in our journey to reach our goals.
So much has happened...
Remember the craziness surrounding the weeks leading up to Christmas break? It seems like ages ago to me, but we resolved the make the most of a stressful time period. We enjoyed our faculty Christmas party and performances while managing to smile (most days anyway).
The fundraiser has officially concluded. We raised a significant amount of money for our school. I am thankful for our PTSO for supporting us in many ways and making this fundraiser run smoothly. We resolved to celebrate with our students and celebrate we did. From the party bus and Chic-Fil-A with students all the way to the glow party, we celebrated the hard work of our students throughout the fundraiser.
Thanks to Kelle Martin and Nancy Hughes for allowing our student service council to deliver Christmas card, made during Literacy Night, to residents of Oakview Park Assisted Living. We resolve to make a difference in the lives of our students, but also in our community. Great job!
We resolve to continue to make our building safer for students and adults alike. A handful of us were trained in CPR before the break. It was quite the enjoyable experience thanks to Nurse Jamie!
Safety and Security:
By now, you are all aware of our changes with afternoon dismissal. No one should be picking students up at the double doors after school. They need to go through the car line like everyone else. If they have a middle school student, they can go through our line and then park in our overflow lot to walk over and get their middle school child. Additionally, all cars must display their car name tags. If you are a caller and someone does not have one to display, direct them to park in a spot and check their child out from the main office. Things went very smoothly today with this process and should only improve provided we are all on the same page.
Live PD:
Our next Live PD session is this Wednesday, January 10th. Please refer to our agenda for important details and information. It is important that you are able to log in to Ellevation to participate in the training. Please see below:
Logging in the first time or you forgot your password:Link: https://login.ellevation unable to log-in/forgot my password. Type in using the OLD E-MAIL format to retrieve information. on if you have logged in previously, you will either send yourself another invitation or have a link e-mailed to you. E-mail Melissa Thomas if you can't log in and she will get it fixed.
Professional Development Day:
School is closed on Monday, January 15th for MLK Day. Tuesday, January 16th is a professional development day. Please be reminded that we will meet in the MP Room from 8:30 - 10:30 A.M. to continue our professional learning using Ellevation. This training is a continuation of what we begin in our Live PD sessions this week. However, only home room and SPED teachers need to attend. Anyone who works with an LLI group with meet with Kelle Martin in the Art room during this time. Immediately following our training, I would like to meet with our OLWEUS team (Leadership Team) for about 20-30 minutes concerning our kickoff event. Don't forget that we will have a food truck on site at one of the campuses. Additionally, you can attend a free health screening or sign up for a free screening at he mobile mammography bus. See Nurse Jamie for details.
EAFK Ceremony:
Our next EAFK ceremonies will be held on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018. We will call grade levels to the MP Room when ready. Here is our tentative schedule:
3rd grade: 12:05
4th grade: 12:50
5th grade: 1:40
At the beginning of each ceremony, I will define the virtues so you do not have to do that in your narrative of your student. Indeed our goal is for the ceremony to be heartfelt and to honor each student; however, we do have to be cognizant of our time schedule. As you are writing your narratives, please keep in mind the time factor.
Moore's Musings:
Plan. And plan well. As we hit this crucial portion of the school year, please make sure you are planning consistently with your team. Have you mapped out your units to ensure you cover key material prior to testing? How will you engage students in test prep as we near that time of year? Are you fully engaged in guided math/reading? Are you using the standards, support documents and your own test data to make informed decisions? Yes, plan and plan well.
Also, thank to everyone for your support of the PVES Talent Show. I was so impressed to see so many teachers and staff sign up to serve in a variety of ways. Don't forget that we use funds from this event to pay for our I Heart Arts Day in the Spring! You can review the sign-up form here.
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
- Papa Johns "Dollars for Dough" - 1/9 & 1/10
- 3rd grade meetings during planning - 1/10
- Progress report folders - 1/10
- Student Service Council Meeting - 1/11 after school
- Chic Fil A biscuit sales - 1/12
- Letter of Intent Due by 8:45 A.M. - 1/12
- Spelling Bee at 9:00 A.M. - 1/12
- MLK Day - No School - 1/15
- Professional Development Day - 1/16
- EAFK Ceremonies - 1/17
- End of 2nd 9 Weeks - 1/18
- Talent Show Rehearsal from 2:45-4:45 - 1/18
- PVES Skate Night from 6-8 P.M. - 1/18 (Wear Pajamas)
- Mid-year F&P leveling due - 1/19
Video of the Week:
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