Monday, November 27, 2017


Believe. There are not many words more powerful than this one in our language. Belief drives nations to war, inspires mankind to invent and explore, and creates within us all a sense of belonging and meaning. Belief, as defined by, is a confidence in the truth. With Literacy Night this week and our Polar Express theme, we are reminded that "the bell still rings for those who truly believe." Belief, indeed, is a powerful force within our school. We are made better and stronger when we believe in our purpose and when we believe in our students. With this in mind, I would challenge you to reflect on the following:

  • Do you believe in yourself as an educator? Your talents and abilities?
  • Do you believe that you are truly called to serve students?
  • Do you believe that all students can learn and achieve? 
  • Do you tell students you believe in them on a regular basis? 
  • Do you believe in making PVES a better place to work and to learn?
  • Do you believe that you play a vital role in our culture at PVES?
I would ask you to truly reflect on these questions. If you can answer "yes" to these questions, then I know we are a team committed to do what is best for our school, and especially, our students. As we have for over two years now, we will challenge you to show your conviction and courage on a daily basis. Your belief will show in your actions and words. We must believe in our team, our students...our school. You must first believe in yourself and then in our vision for Powdersville Elementary School. I am honored to join in this journey and want you to know that I believe in you. 

Let's catch up on some great things happening at PVES ...

 The Art Show was a huge success and one of our better turnouts. Mrs. Nix does an incredible job making this a fun event for our families. She had some help from some dedicated faculty members! I believe we have some incredibly talented students as well.

Isn't it great when someone believes in you? Mrs. Garrett was nominated for the Golden Apple Award by one of her students. It was fun having WYFF's very own Geoff Hart on campus to spend some time in Mrs. Garrett's classroom. We are always proud to showcase our students and our teachers. Great job!

Do you believe that our role as educators is to provide students with more than just academically-focused learning? Character education plays a huge part in our success. Our students enjoyed the Joust before we left for Thanksgiving Break and it reminded me of how important our ability to teach students how to treat one another truly can be. It is powerful when students apply the virtues we teach within our school building and beyond.

Thanks to Ms. Marino's class for Thanksgiving lunch last Tuesday. I believe this special group of students makes our school a better place to work and learn. It is crucial that ALL students know we believe in them and include them in all that we do!

Third grade teachers made learning fun for their students as they took part in Settler Day. Students were challenged to dress the part and many of our teachers did so as well. Classroom doors were decorated as well. When we believe that learning can indeed by fun and imaginative our students quickly invest their time and interest and begin to engage!

I'll end with this one. Can you BELIEVE what he is wearing? Mr. White participated in 80's Night at Skate Night while Mandi Moore and I just tried to stay upright and not collapse out of sheer exhaustion. I believe this type of commitment is what makes our community so invested in our schools. They know our teachers care and are willing to support the school beyond the classroom!

Literacy Night Reminders:
Literacy Night is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28th from 6:00-7:15 P.M. I am so appreciative of Mrs. Martin and our Literacy Committee for their hard work in preparing this event for an expected crowd of now over 600! A special "thank you" to those teachers who have given of their time and talents to decorate. I have seen Mrs. Redmon, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Nix, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Fowler, and Mrs. Golden all over the place these last few days. Please remember to be at your station by 5:30 P.M. on Tuesday evening. Check this document for your assignment. This has to be a team effort. It is sure to be a great evening!

Live PD:
Please be reminded that we have Live PD sessions scheduled for this Wednesday, November 29th from 3:15 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Thank you to our facilitators for their leadership and assistance! The goal of these sessions is to provide participants with choice in their professional development and an opportunity to work side-by-side with colleagues for meaningful collaboration. Don't forget to "sign in" by scanning the QR code provided by your facilitator. You can review session information using this link.

Faculty Christmas Party:
I sent an email on 11/27 with information about our exciting Faculty Christmas Party. The party is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th beginning at 6 PM at Breakout Greenville followed by food and fellowship at Wild Wings downtown at 7:30 P.M. We need a final count by Friday morning so please complete the Google Form and let us know if you can attend. Thanks to our PTSO and hospitality funds, we can provide this experience at NO cost to you! #pvespride

Moore's Musings:

  • Congratulations to Ms. Grier who had her Donors Choose project for flexible seating fully funded! 
  • Thanks to everyone for making sure you are on time for morning and afternoon duty. Supervision is important for a variety of reasons and we depend on all of our faculty and staff to serve throughout he building. Additionally, please make sure you are fully committed to supervision (i.e. not on your cell phone during duty). 
  • Mrs. Tollison and I will be in and out of classrooms this week for evaluation. It's great to be in classrooms and we are dedicated to being in even more to provide feedback when we return from Christmas Break. This is important to us so please help hold us accountable. 
  • Speaking of Christmas Break, we are 14 days away! Please help us keep a positive climate in the building. That is accomplished when adults have positive attitudes on display at all times.  

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):

  • Literacy Night - 11/28 from 6-7:15 P.M.
  • Progress Report Folders - 11/29
  • Live PD - 11/29 beginning at 3:15 P.M.
  • November Fire Drill - 11/29
  • "New Best" Lunch - 11/29 at 11:00 A.M.
  • Boys of Virtue Lunch - 11/30 at 11:30 A.M. in the PD Room
  • PTSO Chic Fil A Sale - 12/1 in morning car line (pre-sale going on now) 
  • Clemson Christmas Event - 12/1 after school

Video of the Week:

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