Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Leadership can best be defined as a person who guides or directs a group. While leaders come in all shapes and sizes, let's focus on the most important leaders in our building. Our teachers. As the quote above suggests, your leadership should inspire your students to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. You are the greatest influence in the lives of your students. The relationships you build; those countless hours of molding and shaping those young people, are the very essence of what makes you a successful educator. Indeed your leadership will determine the outcome for many of the eight, nine and ten year old children in our building. This responsibility can't be taken lightly. We can't have "off days" when we only have 180 to make such a difference. Every moment counts. I am proud that we as a school are committed to doing what it takes for our students for our students. And what it will take, more than anything, is leadership.

Leadership Team:
I wanted to take a moment to provide more information about our recently-formed Leadership Team at PVES. Mrs. Tollison and I created this team with representation from various content areas, each grade level, and special education/related arts. We wanted to provide a voice for all teachers and improve feedback and communication between our administration and faculty. Most importantly, we wanted to build leadership capacity and influence in the building. Our leadership team will meet to discuss a myriad of topics designed to improve our product at PVES. Chief among their responsibilities to be be a catalyst for positive change within our school walls. These teachers are not part of a decision making body. They won't create school policy or practice. They are simply working to make PVES a better place and represent our tremendous faculty and staff. We will add new team members throughout the years to continue to build leadership capacity and influence among our teachers. We are so excited about this opportunity! 

Leading in Other Areas:
You probably don't notice it, but I sure do. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Golden have been taking time many mornings to help serve breakfast in the cafeteria. This is not exactly a glamorous job and no one asked them to do it. They simply took the lead where they saw the need. Thanks, ladies!

Guided Math/Technology PD with Preisig:
Our next guided math PD for all math teachers will be held in the PD Room Thursday, February 9th during planning periods. Mrs. Preisig or Mrs. Tollison will send out more information soon. 

Grades and Gradebook Reminders:
It's a great time to mention a few important reminders now that we have just completed end of 9 weeks procedures. First, please make sure you get grades inputted in the computer in a timely manner. For most assignments, this would be within a week's time. Also, please make sure you choose your assessments carefully. A child's grade should, as accurately as possibly, reflect their knowledge and mastery of the content. Finally, please make sure you have enough minor and major grades as outlined by our district requirements

Let's take a look around PVES and ASD1 ...

January was School Board Appreciation Month. We donated a series of books and community leaders to our school's media center in honor of one of our board members, Mr. Wilson. Our school board backs our teachers and administrators so we can do our jobs and be successful. Thanks, ASD1 School Board!

Thanks to Mrs. Golden for organizing our school spelling bee. We are proud to broadcast it live online and it did not disappoint. There are always some nervous moments, but our students were good sports and enjoyed the competition. Congratulations to Connor Brooks (Lockaby/Barnhill) for being our runner up. And a huge congratulations to Ellie Horner (Horn/Gibson) for winning our school spelling bee and advancing to regional competition! 

Our 5th grade students (and teachers) have been working hard on their Jet Toy Car unit. If you haven't seen them in the hallways you certainly have heard them. And that's okay, that's the sound of learning taking place! Our school winners will advance to district competition next Friday at Spearman. Great job, 5th grade!

Thanks to your leadership our students are enjoying success throughout their school experience. PVHS celebrated their 97.1% graduation rate with us in a variety of ways over the last week. Our class of 2024 has big shoes to fill. It certainly puts things into perspective when we realize that our 180 days with students play a vital role in a child's development and culminates in graduation!

Thanks to Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Nix, and Mrs. Hildebrand for making our Talent Show one of the best we have ever had! A special thanks to the many faculty and staff who assisted that evening and then stuck around to support our students. We had a huge crowd and they did not leave disappointed. Ms. Marino once again had our teachers rocking the house with our teacher dance and Codie Hammond stole the show with his rendition of My Girl. We can't wait for next year and we will need YOUR help to make it even better. 

Our Leadership Team was challenged to work hard and make the most of our time together during our first meeting. We are blessed with a building full of potential leaders! 

Moore's Musings:
This is such a crucial time for us. With very few breaks, we are in the midst of a critical stretch of teaching and learning. Yes, it can be heavy and stressful. But our work as leaders is full of those anxious times and we are geared to take this challenge head on. However, let's take a step back next week and enjoy some peace and quiet...and soup. On Wednesday, February 8th, the office will provide delicious soup options for all faculty and staff for lunch in the PD Room. We will cover the cafeteria so simply escort your class to the cafeteria and enjoy your lunch time in the peace and quiet of the PD Room. We will send out a reminder closer to next Wednesday. I hope you enjoy the opportunity to "get away" for a few moments. Additionally, this Friday will be a blue jean day. I would ask that everyone wear their new ASD1 shirts provided by our district office. Feel free to take pictures of your grade level or team wearing their shirts and send them my way to be shared with others. Thanks!

Mark Your Calendar:
Make sure you check our shared calendar. Something was added to a day next week that you might be interested in. Thanks!

Video of the Week:

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