Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Educating the Whole Child

Each week Mr. Moore and I look around Powdersville Elementary to get the "theme" for the week's blog. This week it was evident that we needed to focus on the wonderful things happening as we educate the whole child. I am a firm believer that a picture is worth a thousand words. This week I will let the photos speak for themselves as we take a look into the amazing week we've experience at PVES. Take pride in being a part of a staff that looks beyond just standards and content but into the hearts of our students.

Fourth Grade LAUNCH students completed their Zoo projects and presented to parents and some other special guests from Ms. Marino's class. It is amazing watching the joy and connection between these students. Samantha (pictured below in the precious Hello Kitty shirt) taught some of the LAUNCH students signs for various animal names. 

Our garden area continues to develop. Wednesday afternoon some wonderful folks learned more about our gardens by planting some models and preparing for our students. I couldn't help but think about the excitement and anticipation our students will experience while taking ownership of the class garden. 

We continue as a school to be blessed by mentors who pour into our students. Below is a mentor (Mr. Mackey) who took the time to hang around and just chat with his mentee after the Boys of Virtue luncheon. Mr. Mackey has also taken the time to support this student when he was recognized at one of our EAFK ceremonies. Teachers and staff members can also mentor students. See Tammy Lee if you want more information of how you can get started! 

You may have noticed some nicely dressed young men in our building on Tuesday. Our Boys of Virtue program wrapped up with a lunch celebration on Tuesday. The boys were treated to a delicious lunch. They reviewed the virtues discussed throughout the program. The event concluded with several boys taking home door prizes such as Walmart gift cards, footballs, and one student won a bike! Thank you teachers for supporting this program and our students. 

Ms. Marino's class went around passing out valentines to some very special people on Tuesday. I know it can be a challenge for Ms. Marino and friends to go around and visit, but it was greatly appreciated! 

Our ESL students began their ACCESS testing this week. Thank you to all the teachers and staff members who took the time to write notes of encouragement for our friends. It was so awesome to watch their faces light up as they took the time to carefully read each note and comment. It is about the whole child!  

Thank you to our Principal who takes the time to model this well by...

 Giving a pep talk and high fives to our ESL students before their testing begins. 

 Shaking hands, greeting, and speaking with each of our Boys of Virtue...

 Investing in students through building relationships and listening. 

Another person who knows all about investing and educating the whole child is Ms. Tammy Lee. We were able to express our thanks to her for impacting student lives last week during National School Counselor Week. Thank you to all who shared in this! 

Faculty Meeting:
Our next faculty meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 21st. Please make plans to attend. We will follow the schedule below:

2:45 P.M. - All teachers currently taking the R2S class with Kelle Martin will meet for 15-20 minutes to further your coursework. 

3:10 P.M. - All faculty and staff report for our meeting. We will discuss several topics including our finalized testing schedule. 

3:45 P.M. - The Leadership Team and Literacy Team will stay after the meeting to discuss the Read 2 Succeed Reflection Tool

Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Program:
Please make sure you continue to encourage students to participate. Students basically must read 5 books in 4 weeks beginning on Monday. They can get their log signed by a parent (or you can sign them as well). Participating students will receive a free ticket voucher for a Drive game, a free t-shirt and a free book. Our school goal is 300 participating students. If we reach the school goal, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Tollison and Ms. Fowler will be spending the day on the roof dressed as the Three Little Pigs. Classes from each grade level who earn the highest percentage of participation will be rewarded with a pizza party. Make sure to get your students excited about the program! Please turn in all completed forms to Ms. Fowler as soon as you receive them. 

Literacy Night is Coming!
Our school wide Literacy Night will take place on Tuesday, February 28th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Please make sure to communicate this with students and families. We would love to have a great turn out for this event. Look for more details to come in our next blog and on next week's Roar Report. Thank you to Mandi Moore for donating some of her PTSO money to the literacy committee. We were able to buy these books to give to students on literacy night. 

Tollison's Tidings
  • Mrs. Turner sent out an email about meeting with students who are planning to audition for the Aladdin KIDS Musical. A list was attached to this email for each grade level of students who signed up to audition for Aladdin KIDS. She will meet with them at 10:30 am on Friday to give them important audition information. Please send them to the music room at 10:30 am. She will send them back asap.
  • Monday, February 20th is our other comp day for summer staff development. Please make sure you have made plans to either attend a session or take a personal day if you did not earn the day in the summer. Contact Mr. Moore or Mrs. Tollison with questions. 
  • Our testing schedule was revised and we will discuss this in detail at our next faculty meeting. Thank you in advance for your flexibility as we make this work for our students! Please pay special attention to the faculty meeting schedule for Tuesday. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
  • Garden Committee Meeting 2/16 at 3:10
  • Fire Drill 2/17
  • Hat Day $1 (Raising money for Aquarium)
  • No students- Comp Day 2/20
  • NAEP Testing for 4th Grade 2/21
  • Faculty Meeting 2/21 at 3:10 (see schedule above) 
  • Fourth Grade Field Trip Meeting 2/23 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Video of the Week

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