Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Grit is defined as a firmness of character; indomitable spirit. We talk about grit when we speak about our students. Rightfully so, in my opinion. Our students often need help discovering the grit they possess deep inside their being. As educators, we have to teach grit. We have to coax it out of our students little by little. More importantly, we must model grit. We must live it in our professional lives so that our students have a firsthand perspective of what it means to positively persevere under all sorts of circumstances and while facing a myriad of challenges. As I have mentioned many times, we have reached that point in the school year in which everything gets magnified. The "nitty gritty" of the year where we start to steer our laser-like focus on preparing students to perform at their best for testing. It's stressful. It can wear on even the strongest of teachers. And this is where grit comes into play. I challenge you to grit it out. Anyone can be negative. Anyone can make excuses. PVES is successful because our teachers have, shall I say it, PRIDE in what they do and what they still want to accomplish. Join me in gritting it out for the benefit of our students. Indeed the grit we model for our students this year will leave a lasting mark on our school and students. 

Let's take a look around PVES and see the wonderful things taking place...

Faced with the huge task of revamping our library with funds from the penny sales tax, Mrs. Fowler showed grit in getting the job done. Not only did she get the job done, but she has equipped the media center with more reading material, creative seating opportunities for students, and improved technology. It would have been easy to simply copy another school's plan to modernize the media center, but now we have a place uniquely crafted to suit our students. 

Our math teachers in all grade levels have certainly shown grit this year. Faced with a decision to improve instruction and offer more differentiated opportunities for students, math teachers worked hard to better their craft and move toward a guided math model. Thanks to leadership from Mrs. Tollison and Mrs. Preisig, our guided math meetings have paved the way to some incredible things taking place in our classrooms. Check out Mr. White with a guided math group and some 4th grade students presenting their fractions pizza. 

PBL anyone? 4th grade students (pictured above) are working on their sea turtles PBL. They are researching and completing various checkpoints along the way. Ms. Wilcox has worked with teachers on the garden PBL. We hope to have a repaired green house, a brand new tool shed in place, and vegetables ready for planting by next week! Our goal was for each grade level to plan and implement a PBL unit of study this year!

And to thank everyone for their grit and hard work, teachers were treated to a quiet(er) lunch with soup and salad on Wednesday. A huge thanks to the office ladies for making this happen. Thanks to Mrs. Fowler and Tammy Lee for covering the cafeteria. I can assure you that took some grit. We hope you enjoyed your lunch! 

National School Counseling Week:
Let's take a moment to thank Tammy Lee for the hard work she does each and everyday for our teachers and students. Her work has transformed our school in a positive way. I am grateful for her determination and leadership. I cannot think of one task I have given to her that she has not been faithful in executing it to the best of her ability. She epitomizes true grit and we are better off as a school because of her. Take the time to stop by and thank her this week as we celebrate National School Counseling Week. We appreciate you, TL!

Math P.D.:
Math teachers are reminded of math PD with Mrs. Preisig and Mrs. Tollison tomorrow (2/9/17) in the PD Room. Please be on time and make sure to bring your laptop. You will be able to learn about our newly-acquired Triumph Learning resources that Mrs. Tollison emailed you about earlier. 4th and 5th grade reading teachers, Mrs. Tollison will meet with you on Wednesday, February 15th at 3:15 P.M. in the PD Room to share with you the ELA side of Triumph Learning. Bring your laptop. 

Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Program:
On Thursday, you will pass out information to go home pertaining to the Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Program. Please make sure you encourage students to participate. Students basically must read 5 books in 4 weeks beginning on Monday. They can get their log signed by a parent (or you can sign them as well). Participating students will receive a free ticket voucher for a Drive game, a free t-shirt and a free book. Our school goal is 300 participating students. On Monday next week, please make sure you show the ROAR Report (as always) as Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore will have an exciting announcement about our goal for the program. Additionally, we will announce what will happen if we reach our goal and what classes can earn who have the highest percentage of participation. Make sure to tune in and get your students excited about the program! 

Valentine's Day:
Tuesday, February 14th is obviously Valentine's Day. Please remember that we do not host class parties on this day. Room mothers should bring treat bags to your room. You then will pass them out to students at the very end of the day as students leave. Please let me know if you need any clarification with this process. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Math P.D. in PD Room - 2/9
  • District Jet Toy Car Competition (Go 5th Grade!) - 2/10
  • 4th Grade Launch Zoo Presentations - 2/13 at 8:20 A.M.
  • PVES Leadership Team Meeting in PD Room - 2/13 at 3:10 P.M.
  • Valentine's Treat Bags Go Home End of Day - 2/14
  • Boys of Virtue Luncheon in PD Room - 2/14 at 11:30 P.M.
  • 4th Grade Launch Zoo Presentations - 2/15 at 8:20 A.M. 
  • Middle School Band Performs for 5th Grade During Planning in MP Room - 2/15
  • 4th and 5th ELA Meeting Triumph Learning in PD Room - 3:15 P.M. 
  • Garden Committee Meeting - 2/16 at 3:15 P.M.
  • Fire Drill - 2/17
  • Hat Day - Bring $1.00 to support Charleston Aquarium - 2/17 

Video of the Week:

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