Sunday, September 13, 2020

Your Glass


As an educator, is your glass half full or half empty as we head into a new work week? Or, is that even the right question that we need to be asking ourselves? In a year that will test us emotionally and physically, we need to be reminded that we are the ones who need to bring the enthusiasm and energy to refill our own glasses. We also need to be in tune with the fact that our attitude and effort has the potential to refill a glass that belongs to someone else. Take care of yourself (i.e. make sure you refill your own glass) so that you can take care of others (i.e. fill up someone else's glass). With this mindset, we can and will do whatever it takes this year to reach our collective goals. 

Another week in the books at PVES...

Yes, things look different this year. Yes, you could even say weird. I am so appreciative that our faculty and staff is working hard to bring a consistent, high-energy approach each day for our students. Our students need to be loved and challenged. They need to learn and grow. They need us. We battle through the difficulties in order to provide these opportunities to our students. We refill our glasses, so we can refill those of our students. 

One way to refill our glass is to be innovative. Innovation in the classroom takes many forms, but it energizes our students and creates multiple pathways for learning. Even if it means taping a comma to your forehead. Doing whatever it takes can be fun and effective!

This past Thursday, we invited our Gujarati families to PVES for a "family night" in which they could learn more about how to assist their children in school. It was very well attended. I am thankful for Christie Shealy and our own Melissa Thomas for hosting this event and for supporting our ESOL population. There is no doubt support such as this refills the glasses our parents! 

House Celebration Week:
We look forward to introducing our House system to our students this week. While some of what we can accomplish may be limited due to restrictions, the camaraderie and sense of belonging that our House system brings cannot be overlooked. We will introduce and celebrate one of our Houses each day this week; starting with Peltasta on Monday (wear red). Let's have some fun, bring enthusiasm and do a wonderful job of implementing our House system. On Friday, all classrooms should allow students to spin our virtual House sorting wheel. Teachers should then record to which House each student belongs. This is for all 3rd grade students and any students new to PVES in grade 4 and 5. Use the helpful links below:

Thriving Thursday Reminders:
We were excited to kick off our collaborative team meetings this past Thursday. Thriving Thursday can be just that; a way for our teachers and students to thrive. We are the only school in ASD1 that has PLCs underway. This is another reason you are the best and we will continue to get better! Grade levels are reminded that they should remain socially distanced while in the PD Room. We recommend that you wear your mask at all times unless speaking. Please refer to the schedule; specifically the Thriving Thursday and 1st 9 Weeks tabs. A few reminders:
  • If your class has lunch during your grade level Thriving Thursday session, please leave specific times and information for the person covering your class during that time.
  • Grade level should end on time; allowing for teachers to leave and immediately get their classes from related or meet up with them in the classroom. 
  • Mr. Moore, Mrs. Tollison, and Mrs. Martin will do our best to facilitate transitions. We will help pick students up from related arts so related arts teachers can begin sanitizing for the next group. 
  • For Thriving Thursday teachers, Mrs. Tollison is making a tab for each teacher so they have their schedules all on one page for the entire year. She is also including room numbers.
  • Be flexible, help supervise and let's get better every Thursday!

Wednesday MAP Discussion:
Students have taken MAP testing, now what? Grade level teachers should report to the PD Room on Wednesday, September 16th at the beginning on their planning period for a 30 minute collaboration session as we dive deeper into MAP testing. Bring your laptop just in case. We will adhere to our 30 minute time frame so teachers have an opportunity to take care of other needs before picking up students from related. Don't forget to add student names to this sheet for intervention consideration. 

Moore's Musings:
Mrs. Tollison and I appreciate that everyone is doing a wonderful job requesting absences first and then putting them in the system. As a reminder, the district does ask that staff refrain from requesting absences on days that lead into or back up to holidays. If you have a specific question about absences/days off, please feel free to contact us. 

Please continue to take our COVID-19 protocol seriously. While numbers of positive cases continue to decrease in SC, we have felt the impact of possible exposure cases. Communicate directly with nurse Cynthia and our admin team if you have a concern, are experiencing the symptoms described in the school exclusion information or feel as though you have potentially been exposed. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry. 

Video of the Week: Act Like It (Some Language - Great Message)

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