Sunday, September 27, 2020



By this point and time in the school year, educators have practiced routines and procedures with students to death. We do so because we know that our students learn best when instructional time is maximized and there is an existing and reliable structure to the way our classrooms are run. I would encourage you to continue to implement and rehearse these routines. As our superintendent told me last Friday while he was bragging on our school, "You guys have a fine-tuned machine here!"

However, there is another element to the topic of this blog, and one that I hope challenges you. Routine, when used as an adjective, is defined as performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason. The E in PRIDE stands for BE EXCELLENT. Excellence is expected at PVES. We go above and beyond to make sure our students learn at high levels. This is the norm at PVES. Dare I say, this is routine at our school. Now, this is not the case in many other places. Whether it's in the depth of our conversations during Thriving Thursday or inherent in the innovative efforts we see in the classroom, the routine at PVES is indeed excellence! We don't need a special reason or circumstance in our pursuit of excellence. 

Last week was a busy one, and the "routine" we on display at #PVES...

When the routine becomes fun and inspiring, all students benefit. A little Rodeo Rounding in third grade caught everyone's attention. And props to our VLA teachers who don't let an empty physical classroom lessen their enthusiasm! 

A huge "shout out" to one of our local churches for supplying food and monies to support our students who are in need. One of the routine experiences at PVES has become our ability to partner with our local community. Thanks to Ms. Lee for leading this effort. 

It takes everyone to make routine our pursuit of excellence. Thanks to Mrs. Martin for working with teachers to provide strategies for PRIDE Time. Ms. Lee will be coming around on Fridays with our recycling crew to ensure we continue to take care of our environment, while freeing up some space in our classrooms! And yes, they even let Mr. Moore teach around here. Thanks to Mrs. Leftwich for the invitation to speak to her gifted and talented students. 

A new routine was introduced this year. Fund Friday involves one Friday a month in which students can support our PTSO by bringing in a dollar. Thanks to our teachers for participating in Hat Day as well. Our PTSO, under the leadership of Julie Williamson, is dedicated to supporting our teachers during this challenging year. Each month, they have a special blessing planned for us. The "Woo Hoo Wagon" was so appreciated this past Friday! 

Each fall, we raise money for our school during a two-to-three week stretch in October as part of our PTSO Fall Fundraiser. And each year, Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore are subjected to all sorts of punishment in order to fire up our students about raising these funds. We will be kicking off the fundraiser on Friday this week with a video and an announcement. As always, we need your help in motivating students and making this effort a success. We routinely raise $20,000-$30,000 during our Fall Fundraiser!

Live PD This Wednesday:
We are excited to provide a professional development opportunity for all homeroom teachers, SPED and GT teachers this Wednesday, September 30th from 2:45-3:30ish P.M. This PD will take place via Zoom and links with directions will be provided this week. Please register in Performance Matters so you can get an hour of credit toward your transcript for recertification. Several of our very own will be leading the session entitled: Homegrown Institute Reading Implementation (#10244). Thanks to Mrs. Martin for organizing this opportunity to make us better!

Custodian Appreciation Day:
This Friday, October 2nd we will celebrate our custodial staff as part of Custodian Appreciation Day. Hospitality (have you joined?) helps us recognize our staff with a gift card. However, please make it a point to share a kind word with our custodial staff this week. I would also ask that everyone provide a quick moment for our students to write "thank you" cards to the custodian that services your classroom. Please present these to the assigned custodian on Friday. 

PTSO and Fall Fundraiser Information:

  • Friday, October 2nd is our first Spirit Day of the new school year. Everyone is encouraged to wear House shirts and/or colors. Like last year, students who wear their House shirts/colors can write their names on slips of paper and these can be submitted to the front office for a drawing at the end of the day. 
  • Our PTSO Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off is also this Friday, October 2nd. PTSO will have a video for home room to view after announcements. We will mention it during announcements each school day afterward to provide updates and celebrate individual class and whole school accomplishments. Obviously, this year we cannot do a "Fun Run" so we have opted to participate in a "Sponsor a Day" Fundraiser Calendar. Students will collect pledges based on the date on the calendar. For example, if grandmother wants to sponsor Saturday, October 24th then she would donate $24.00 to our PTSO. A person can sponsor multiple days. We want to advertise this as a simple/easy way to help our school raise funds. There is no wrapping paper or cookies - no hassle. Stay tuned...

Moore's Musings:
Mrs. Tollison and I look forward to getting into classrooms starting this week. We will be using WeClimb/Master Teacher for walk-through observations. You will receive an email with any pertinent feedback. Please make sure you take the information from our data meetings and collaborative time (PLCs) and have a plan for Pride Time. Mrs. Tollison and Mrs. Martin are available for any scheduling issues as they pertain to your Guided Math/Guided Reading blocks. Remember, get in good habits and make these routine. On a related note, please discuss with your students how to react when a visitor enters your classroom. Some classrooms have a greeter who greets a visitor and explains what they are currently doing in the classroom. When we pop in and out for walk-throughs, we might ask students questions and walk around. We are not there to distract your students. Make sure your students are aware of our expectations. 

Mark Your Calendar:
  • Weekly folders send home on 9/30
  • Live PD on 9/30 at 2:45 P.M. (after dismissal)
  • Wendy's Spirit Night - 10/1
  • Spirit Day - 10/2 (Wear House colors/shirts)
  • Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off - 10/2 (Show video after announcements)
  • Office Staff Meeting - 10/2 at 9:00 A.M.
  • Custodial Meeting - 10/2 at 10:00 P.M.
  • PTSO Board Meeting - 10/2 at 1:00 P.M.

Video of the Week: Make Kindness Routine

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