Saturday, March 9, 2019


Some use the use the term lucky while others would say blessed. Regardless, our school is so fortunate to have each one of you. This past week we had the opportunity to celebrate our report card rank in the state. We have bragged on our staff and our students for their hard work in reaching our goal of excellence.  Jane Harrison joined us this past week to celebrate and say a few words. She mentioned that there are schools full of folks working hard and doing similar things but one thing makes us different. She said we are a school of no excuses. We challenge each one of our students and do not let other factors out of our control to determine the success or failure of students. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our students to achieve. We are so very lucky to have on team PVES! 

 PVES reading blocks have been buzzing with students researching and debating. It is impressive to sit back and watch students be fully engaged in books for 40 minutes. We are certainly developing lifelong readers and learners. Readers are leaders! 

Our students are so lucky to have teachers who are teaching bell to bell with urgency to make sure they are able to grow and experience success through guided instruction and small groups. 

We are lucky to have teachers and staff members who value all learners! Ms. Marino's class added STEM to their related arts rotation. Thank you to all our related arts teachers who make learning fun for ALL students! 

Spring Pictures:
We will take spring pictures on Monday for third grade students and Ms. Marino's class. Our fourth and fifth grade students will take pictures on Tuesday. All classes will be called to come to the strings room (room 100) when it is time. Please be sure to line students up tallest to shortest. There will not be a make-up day for these pictures. Teachers and staff members are not expected to take these pictures. 

Let the March Madness Fun Begin:
We have two March Madness events going on at PVES. First, we have our "Math Madness" challenge. Students are encouraged to complete Dreambox lesson and practice facts in Reflex. Information has been sent out from Mrs. Berry regarding rewards. This week we will start our "March Book Madness" competition. Each day listen to a book using THIS google slides. One designated days you will have students use their iPads to submit a vote. We will continue until we have the winning book. Thank you for helping us celebrate and encourage reading and math! Thanks Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Martin for taking the lead on these competitions. 

MAP Testing: 
Spring MAP Testing begins this week. Please refer to our MAP help/info sheet and the student goal setting sheet for assistance. It is imperative that our students understand the need to take their time and do their best work. We will use the data collected from MAP, not only for SLOs, but to assist us in planning for our test testing preparations. On these two days, we will forego PRIDE Time so you can ensure that students have ample time to complete their MAP sessions. You may start testing at 8:15 A.M. I would suggest 10:00 as a logical stop time, but you can ultimately decide for your class.  Beginning Monday we will ask you to keep iPads at school and notify parents through clear communication. While iPads are at school, make sure parents are still connected to the classroom and send iPads home as soon as testing has been completed. Students will take ELA on March 13th and math on March 14th. Look for a separate email on Monday with specific information regarding MAP Testing and directions on how to administer the test. 

Tornado Drill:
Powdersville Elementary will participate in a state-wide tornado drill on Wednesday, March 13th. We will make an announcement with instructions around 1:30 P.M. When the drill begins, you will assist students as they seek shelter in the hallway. Students will get on their hands and knees and put their lowered heads against the wall while protecting their heads with their hands/fingers. It would be a great idea to spend a few minutes explaining this procedure and the importance of quick, quiet and intentional movement based on teacher instructions. 

LAST CALL: Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars:
We want 100% participation in this program. Teachers, that is your goal. The end of the program is Friday, March 15th.  The forms do not have to be signed, meaning you can simply make copies of the form if misplaced and help students get this completed and turned in. Once completed, the form can be submitted to Mrs. Fowler in the media center. Talk this program up with your students and continually notify our parents. Students who submit a form, receive a free ticket to the Drive game on May 5th. They also receive a free t-shirt and book at the game.

Referendum/ASD1 Building Program:
As you know, there will be a referendum in our area this Spring. Tax payers will be voting "yes" or "no" to allow  a millage increase in order for facility and security upgrades across the district. There is a community informational meeting this Thursday at PVMS at 6:00 P.M. You are not required to attend, but it certainly would be great idea to attend if you have questions. Additionally, Mr. Binnicker will be meeting with our faculty and staff on Wednesday, March 27th during our Live PD time from 3:15-4:15 P.M. All faculty and staff are required to attend. It is important to remember that you cannot speak for or against the referendum while on "company time" (i.e. while at work serving in your role as teacher at PVES) nor can you speak for or against using any district equipment and technology. You can certainly be active in this process when you are not at school and not using school equipment/technology. Please let me know if you have any questions. As many of you know, our school would receive an 8 room addition if the referendum were to pass. 
Tollison's Tidings: 
  • We will have some visitors from Spearman Elementary in the building on Monday, March 11th. Thank you for making them feel welcome and answering in any questions they may have if they stop by your classroom. Thank you for being a school that others want to visit and learn more about. 
  • There will be no formal Live PD session this week. A video will be sent out with our MAP reminders and set up information. Please be sure to watch this video before Wednesday to prepare for testing. This will be our Live PD for this week. 
  • Thomas McAuliff will be here on Friday, March 15th for our Tech PD. Plan to meet him during your planning period in the strings room. Thank you for being present, on time, and participating. We are lucky to have Thomas serving our school! 
  • Mark your calendar and make plans to be at our March 27th Live PD session with Mr. Binnicker. He will be speaking to our faculty and staff about the upcoming referendum. This will be required for all staff. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Spring pictures 3/11 and 3/12
  • Keep iPads at School 3/11
  • Fourth Grade Parent Chaperone Meeting 3/12 at 6:00 p.m. (PVES Cafeteria) 
  • PVMS Band Mouthpiece Testing for rising 6th graders 5:00 p.m. at PVMS
  • Powdersville Community Referendum Meeting at PVHS at 6:00 p.m.
  • Progress Report Folders go home 3/13
  • Papa John's Dollar for Dough 3/12-3/13
  • MAP Testing 3/13-3/14
  • Tech PD with Thomas 3/15
  • Reading All-Stars Forms Due 3/15

Video of the Week: March "In the Know" Video Newsletter

Please take a moment to watch our March "In the Know" video newsletter to learn about other important things happening at PVES. 

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