Saturday, March 16, 2019


Energy. Students deserve ours, yet it can be quite difficult for us to produce this time of year. I am convinced that schools, in which a positive and student-first culture exists, are able to separate themselves from other schools during this crucial stretch based on one important and defining characteristic. Energy. Defined as a person's physical and mental powers, typically as applied to a particular task or activity, energy is vital if we are to positively impact the trajectory of our students. Do we focus our energy on solutions versus problems and excuses? When it would be easier to "take a break", do we pull one more group or engage just one more student? I would charge each adult in our building with the responsibility of building and maintaining a positive energy at PVES as we  gear up for testing. Encourage. Inspire. Lead. Let your energy do the talking. 

This past week, we continue to see how energy directly impacts our success at PVES.

Many students met, and far surpassed, their MAP goals. It was so much fun to high five students throughout the building as they shared their MAP success stories. These stories were a testimony to the positive energy our teachers created prior to, during, and after testing. Let us never forget that when we have high expectations and challenge our students, they often rise above and beyond the bar we set for them. 

Thanks to Mr. McAuliff for presenting to teachers during our Tech PD with Thomas last week. Students in Mrs. Wayne's classroom loved Gimkit! Thomas brings a great deal of positive energy to PVES and inspires us with new, fun and creative ways to integrate our technology! 

Our teachers travel far and wide in search of positive energy to bring back with them and share among our faculty, staff, and students. Whether it be at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta or learning directly from Lucky Calkins and Jennifer Serravallo in Brooklyn, there is something special about professional development that lifts our spirits, challenges our mindsets, and pushes us forward with a renewed energy. 

We invest so much of our energy simply in building relationships with our students. We endlessly toil to make a difference. And trust me, teachers, you make a difference. 

Thanks to everyone for really talking up our ongoing DreamBox/Reflex competition. It is amazing at how well our students (and teachers) respond to a little competition. Keep up the great work! We were pleased to announce that our students have now completed over 6 million math facts this year. Wow! 

Additionally, please get all Greenville Drive Reading All Stars reading log forms turned in to Mrs. Fowler in the media center ASAP this week so we can reach our 100% goal. Thanks!

A Word About MAP Testing:
Obviously, the majority of our students completed MAP testing last week. However, please make it a point to ensure all students have MAP testing ASAP this week. Please let us know if you have any questions related to test administration or the testing window itself. If 100% of your class has completed MAP, please plan to engage in OLWEUS class meetings on Monday. If you lack 100%, please focus on getting MAP testing completed. 

Speaking of MAP ... Data Meetings:
With MAP testing completed (for the most part), it is now time for us to focus on the results and be action-oriented. We need to focus our collective energy on solutions. Therefore, let's plan to meet during planning based on the schedule below (Monday or Tuesday depending on grade level). You will want to bring your laptop. We will look over a few MAP reports and challenge you to prepare a plan of action for your LEAP (Little Extra Attention Please) students. Remember, we do not have a Live PD planned for Wednesday. See below.
  • Garrett, Horn, Melton, Wayne - Monday, March 18th at 8:45 A.M. (Melton's Room)
  • Gibson, Grier, Michael, Thomas - Monday, March 18th at 9:35 A.M. (Gibson's Room)
  • Ashmore, Barnhill, Crain, Odom, Scarborough - Monday, March 18th at 1:00 P.M. (Scarborough's Room) 
  • Heath, Jordan, White, Williams - Monday, March 18th at 1:45 P.M. (Heath's Room)
  • Barnett, Kallin/Hudgins, Plowden, Thompson - Tuesday, March 19th at 10:15 A.M. (Thompson's Room)
  • Carey, Ezell, Henderson, McGaha, Williams - Tuesday, March 19th at 12:15 P.M. (Henderson's Room)

4th Grade Field Trip to Charleston:
The 4th Grade Field Trip to Charleston is this week. 6 buses will depart PVES on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00 A.M. We are scheduled to arrive back between 6:30-7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 21st. Mr. Moore is going on the trip so please keep this in mind as our office staff will be shorthanded. Also, I expect a majority of parking spaces at the front of the school to be taken these two days as well. 

Friday Professional Development:
Friday, March 22nd is a professional development day for teachers. There is no school for students on this day. Teachers and staff should arrive no later than 8:30 A.M. Please dress comfortably (i.e. blue jeans). Please be reminded of our agenda for the day below:

  • Read 2 Succeed Endorsement Class w/ Kelle Martin - 8:30-11:30 A.M. in MP Room (Breakfast and Coffee Provided)
  • 11:30-11:45 A.M. - Quick SLO Update for all employees completing a SLO.
  • You have the remainder of the day to have lunch on your own and complete work as needed. 
  • If all responsibilities have been fulfilled, please plan to be dismissed at 3:00 P.M.
Please keep in mind that we are not providing subs for planning purposes for the remainder of the year. While you do have time to work in your classrooms, please do not forget that any PLC planning/work can be accomplished during this time. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Moore's Musings:
19 days remain until a well-deserved Spring Break. Please help us to keep a strong focus on teaching, learning and growing during this time period. There should be no let up; keep pushing us forward with your positive energy. Make the most of your planning and PLC times, challenge your students, and keep the growth mindset alive and well at PVES! Additionally, let us not forget been keenly aware of safety and security and always carefully supervise students. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • 5th and 4th Grade Data Meetings During Planning - 3/18
  • 3rd Grade Data Meetings During Planning - 3/19
  • 4th Grade Field Trip to Charleston - 3/20 & 3/21
  • Spring Sing - 3/21
  • PD Day (no students) - 3/22

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