Sunday, March 31, 2019

Finish Strong

Finish. Finish strong. Mrs. Tollison's word for the year is finish and it is truly appropriate for all of us to turn our attention, for a moment, to this word. Finish means to bring something to an end or to completion. In other words, to finish is to take action. You have to act. You control your actions and attitudes that, ultimately, determine just how well you finish. As the picture above states, many other schools and teachers began the year just as we did. They were full of hope; fueled by passion and purpose. But the rigors and stresses of the job have worn them down. They will finish in name only. The promises of a new school year will fade away and give way to a mediocre "going through the motions" mentality that will cripple student progress and damage the culture of the school. I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to be at PVES. Our faculty and staff always answers the call, always rises to the occasion. Our culture is built on a solid foundation in which our positive energy, continuous focus on teaching and learning, and desire to push forward is only outmatched by our willingness to build relationships and motivate students to be better, learn more than they ever thought possible. As we inch closer to the end, don't let it slip up on you. It is not about the destination, but rather the journey. You are an encourager. You are a leader. You are an inspirer. You are a finisher. Finish. Finish strong.

Great things abound at PVES as we focus on the finish!

Students in Mrs. Horn's class enjoyed a TDA March Madness competition. Thanks to PVES faculty who stopped by to help judge. What a fun way to challenge our students to finish strong!

Speaking of March Madness, it was fun to see students get fired up about reading as they enjoyed our March Book Madness competition. The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors was our champion. Thanks to Mrs. Martin for leading us to the finish line! 

Mr. Binnicker spoke to PVES faculty and staff and the Powdersville Business Council this week as he continues to lead our district to the finish line; which culminates in the April 30th vote of yes/no to approve a bond referendum. 

We challenged teachers to get creative when preparing our students to finish the year strong as we inch closer to state testing. Of course, you came through! Here is one such example in which 5th grade students from Mrs. Horn's classroom mentored students from Mrs. Plowden's classroom to assist them with school work. 

It is always great to see our students enjoying learning. There is no better way to finish strong than to have fun. Using manipulatives and engaging in true hands-on learning is one such way to accomplish this - just ask these students from Mrs. Carey's classroom. 

We welcomed representatives from DreamBox into our school last week. They were so impressed with our school culture; even moreso than our implementation of their product.  On a wild and crazy day, they saw the true PVES, and came away so impressed. This is how we finish! 

This blog will front-load the next two weeks for us and get us to Spring Break. Two weeks remain; allowing us plenty of time to make a difference! 

Action Plans for LEAP Students:
It was wonderful to sit down with all grade levels and discuss the action plans you developed for your LEAP students. These students needs a little extra attention and they will soar to new heights! Please remember that you were given the opportunity to pass on OLWEUS meetings on Mondays until testing begins. I did hear several of you say you felt the need to hold a class meeting due to some behaviors you have observed. This is wonderful. Let's do our best to follow our action plans. Be specific. Be intentional. Help these students finish strong. 

End of 9 Weeks:
This is a final reminder that 3rd 9 weeks grades will be stored Monday morning at 8:30 A.M. Report cards will then be printed. Report cards should be sent home with students at the end of the day on Wednesday this week. 

Good Luck, Olympians!:
We want to wish our PVES Olympians the best of luck this week as they compete! Ms. Marino's students will participate in the Special Olympics on Wednesday. Coach Thompson will lead our 5th grade students in the 5th grade Olympic games on Friday. We are so proud of these teachers and students. Please read my separate email in regard to our celebrating and sending off Ms. Marino's class on Wednesday morning! 

Thursday PRIDE Practice Ceremonies:
We are excited to honor students from each home room in our 3rd 9 weeks PRIDE Practice Ceremonies on Thursday, April 4th in the afternoon. The times listed below are approximate. We will call for you to bring your classes to the MP Room when appropriate. Thanks for talking to your students ahead of time about respect and decorum during ceremonies such as these! 
  • 12:05 - 3rd Grade
  • 12:50 - 4th Grade
  • 1:35 - 5th Grade
PVES Art Show:
The PVES Art Show is scheduled for Thursday, April 4th from 5-7 P.M. This is a drop-in style event. Mrs. Nix does so much for our school from preparing the yearbook to assisting with decorations for Literacy Night. Let's show her our support by making it a point to stop by on Thursday evening. Please get the word out to parents as well. This is always one of our favorite events of the year! 

Friday is Spirit Day:
Friday is Spirit Day at PVES. Please wear blue jeans and your House shirt. Encourage your students to wear their house shirts/colors as well! PTSO will be selling Chic-Fil-A biscuits in the morning car line. We will have House meetings, weather permitting, on Friday afternoon shortly before 2:00 P.M. Let's truly make this a day or spirit and celebration! 

Raising Funds for United Way and Camp iRock:
In an effort to raise money for ASD1 to host Camp iRock this summer, we will be offering some fun opportunities for our students and teachers the week of April 8th. Teachers, for just $20.00 you can wear blue jeans April 8th-April 12th. In addition to blue jeans for the week, you will be able to leave early any day after you have completed your responsibilities for the day. For students, they are asked to bring a dollar on Monday-Wednesday that week to participate in some fun. Make sure you to check out this S'More newsletter and share with students are parents!

Monday Open House:
We are excited about PVES Open House on Monday, April 8th. This will be a great way to engage our school community prior to the referendum on April 30th. I have emailed more specific information about this event to everyone on Sunday, March 31st. Please take time to read this and ask questions. More specifically, use the link and graphic provided to get the word out to parents via SeeSaw. Thanks for your help in making this event a huge success! 

PTSO Events:
We have already mentioned Spirit Day on Friday this week. The next week is a big week for our PVES. On Tuesday, April 9th from 6-8 P.M., our Mother-Son Evening of Fun will be held at PVES. PTSO is still in need of volunteers. Our Papa John's "Dollars for Dough" monthly fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, April 9th and Wednesday, April 10th. Encourage parents to order from Papa Johns and send their receipts to school! 

Battle of the Books:
3rd grade "Battle of the Books" will take place in the MP Room on Wednesday, April 10th at 8:30 A.M. 4th/5th grade "Battle of the Books" will take place on Thursday, April 11th at 8:30 A.M. also in the MP Room. We will attempt to livestream these using this link. Mrs. Fowler will send out any additional information needed.

Tech Time with Thomas:
Teachers should plan to meet with Thomas McAuliff on Wednesday, April 10th during planning for our mandatory monthly technology PD. 

Spring ALiCE Drill:
We are required to hold a second ALiCE drill. Ours will take place during the day on Thursday, April 11th. We will be typing a letter to parents and putting that in teacher boxes by Thursday. It would be appropriate to review ALiCE procedures and information to the extent that you deem necessary prior to this drill. We will not be providing a time or location in regard to the type of intruder or emergency. I know this can be stressful, so making sure students are calm and clearly informed of procedures and expectations is key. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Spring Class Parties:
Class parties will be held on Friday, April 12th beginning at 1:40 P.M. If we are all set, we may let parents down a few minutes prior to this time. We would ask that non-homeroom teachers be very visible and help us locate any potential issues. We will allow parents to sign students out from the classroom after parties have concluded. 

Spring Break:
Spring Break is Monday, April 15th-19th. In addition to these days off, Monday, April 22nd is a snow make-up day that was not used so we will have this day off. I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break. Make sure you recharge your batteries! 

Moore's Musings:
Whew! That's a lot of information. The blog will resume when we get back from break. I do hope you finish strong and remain dedicated to our process; even in the midst of very busy few weeks. With so much going on, it is important to remember that our students will thrive with structure. Sprinkle in some grace and mercy and we have a great recipe for success! 

I think everyone saw the terrible news of the 5th grader from the lower part of the state killed in a fight in the classroom. I think this gives us a reason to quickly discuss why structure and supervision are so important - especially during these very busy times. Thanks for making sure we are safe and protected as we remain committed to the safety and security of our most precious students. 

Mark Your Calendar:
  • Grades stored at 8:30 A.M. - 4/1
  • Report Cards printed - 4/1
  • Special Olympics Send-Off - 8:05 A.M. on 4/3
  • Report Cards Sent Home - 4/3
  • PRIDE Practice Ceremonies - 4/4 in afternoon 
  • PVES Art Show - 5-7 P.M. on 4/4
  • 5th Grade Olympic Games - 4/5
  • House Meetings at 1:55 P.M. - 4/5 
  • United Way Fundraising - 4/8-4/11
  • 5th Graders Take SDE Survey - Pride Time on 4/8
  • Open House - 4/8 beginning at 6 P.M.
  • Papa John's "Dollars for Dough" - 4/9 & 4/10
  • Mother/Son PTSO Event - 6-8 P.M. on 4/9
  • Progress Reports Sent Home - 4/10
  • Tech PD with Thomas - Planning on 4/10
  • ALiCE Intruder Drill - 4/11
  • Class Parties - 4/12 at 1:40 P.M. 
  • Spring Break - 4/15-4/19
  • No School - 4/22

Videos of the Week: Finish Strong Teachers!

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Energy. Students deserve ours, yet it can be quite difficult for us to produce this time of year. I am convinced that schools, in which a positive and student-first culture exists, are able to separate themselves from other schools during this crucial stretch based on one important and defining characteristic. Energy. Defined as a person's physical and mental powers, typically as applied to a particular task or activity, energy is vital if we are to positively impact the trajectory of our students. Do we focus our energy on solutions versus problems and excuses? When it would be easier to "take a break", do we pull one more group or engage just one more student? I would charge each adult in our building with the responsibility of building and maintaining a positive energy at PVES as we  gear up for testing. Encourage. Inspire. Lead. Let your energy do the talking. 

This past week, we continue to see how energy directly impacts our success at PVES.

Many students met, and far surpassed, their MAP goals. It was so much fun to high five students throughout the building as they shared their MAP success stories. These stories were a testimony to the positive energy our teachers created prior to, during, and after testing. Let us never forget that when we have high expectations and challenge our students, they often rise above and beyond the bar we set for them. 

Thanks to Mr. McAuliff for presenting to teachers during our Tech PD with Thomas last week. Students in Mrs. Wayne's classroom loved Gimkit! Thomas brings a great deal of positive energy to PVES and inspires us with new, fun and creative ways to integrate our technology! 

Our teachers travel far and wide in search of positive energy to bring back with them and share among our faculty, staff, and students. Whether it be at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta or learning directly from Lucky Calkins and Jennifer Serravallo in Brooklyn, there is something special about professional development that lifts our spirits, challenges our mindsets, and pushes us forward with a renewed energy. 

We invest so much of our energy simply in building relationships with our students. We endlessly toil to make a difference. And trust me, teachers, you make a difference. 

Thanks to everyone for really talking up our ongoing DreamBox/Reflex competition. It is amazing at how well our students (and teachers) respond to a little competition. Keep up the great work! We were pleased to announce that our students have now completed over 6 million math facts this year. Wow! 

Additionally, please get all Greenville Drive Reading All Stars reading log forms turned in to Mrs. Fowler in the media center ASAP this week so we can reach our 100% goal. Thanks!

A Word About MAP Testing:
Obviously, the majority of our students completed MAP testing last week. However, please make it a point to ensure all students have MAP testing ASAP this week. Please let us know if you have any questions related to test administration or the testing window itself. If 100% of your class has completed MAP, please plan to engage in OLWEUS class meetings on Monday. If you lack 100%, please focus on getting MAP testing completed. 

Speaking of MAP ... Data Meetings:
With MAP testing completed (for the most part), it is now time for us to focus on the results and be action-oriented. We need to focus our collective energy on solutions. Therefore, let's plan to meet during planning based on the schedule below (Monday or Tuesday depending on grade level). You will want to bring your laptop. We will look over a few MAP reports and challenge you to prepare a plan of action for your LEAP (Little Extra Attention Please) students. Remember, we do not have a Live PD planned for Wednesday. See below.
  • Garrett, Horn, Melton, Wayne - Monday, March 18th at 8:45 A.M. (Melton's Room)
  • Gibson, Grier, Michael, Thomas - Monday, March 18th at 9:35 A.M. (Gibson's Room)
  • Ashmore, Barnhill, Crain, Odom, Scarborough - Monday, March 18th at 1:00 P.M. (Scarborough's Room) 
  • Heath, Jordan, White, Williams - Monday, March 18th at 1:45 P.M. (Heath's Room)
  • Barnett, Kallin/Hudgins, Plowden, Thompson - Tuesday, March 19th at 10:15 A.M. (Thompson's Room)
  • Carey, Ezell, Henderson, McGaha, Williams - Tuesday, March 19th at 12:15 P.M. (Henderson's Room)

4th Grade Field Trip to Charleston:
The 4th Grade Field Trip to Charleston is this week. 6 buses will depart PVES on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00 A.M. We are scheduled to arrive back between 6:30-7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 21st. Mr. Moore is going on the trip so please keep this in mind as our office staff will be shorthanded. Also, I expect a majority of parking spaces at the front of the school to be taken these two days as well. 

Friday Professional Development:
Friday, March 22nd is a professional development day for teachers. There is no school for students on this day. Teachers and staff should arrive no later than 8:30 A.M. Please dress comfortably (i.e. blue jeans). Please be reminded of our agenda for the day below:

  • Read 2 Succeed Endorsement Class w/ Kelle Martin - 8:30-11:30 A.M. in MP Room (Breakfast and Coffee Provided)
  • 11:30-11:45 A.M. - Quick SLO Update for all employees completing a SLO.
  • You have the remainder of the day to have lunch on your own and complete work as needed. 
  • If all responsibilities have been fulfilled, please plan to be dismissed at 3:00 P.M.
Please keep in mind that we are not providing subs for planning purposes for the remainder of the year. While you do have time to work in your classrooms, please do not forget that any PLC planning/work can be accomplished during this time. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Moore's Musings:
19 days remain until a well-deserved Spring Break. Please help us to keep a strong focus on teaching, learning and growing during this time period. There should be no let up; keep pushing us forward with your positive energy. Make the most of your planning and PLC times, challenge your students, and keep the growth mindset alive and well at PVES! Additionally, let us not forget been keenly aware of safety and security and always carefully supervise students. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • 5th and 4th Grade Data Meetings During Planning - 3/18
  • 3rd Grade Data Meetings During Planning - 3/19
  • 4th Grade Field Trip to Charleston - 3/20 & 3/21
  • Spring Sing - 3/21
  • PD Day (no students) - 3/22

Saturday, March 9, 2019


Some use the use the term lucky while others would say blessed. Regardless, our school is so fortunate to have each one of you. This past week we had the opportunity to celebrate our report card rank in the state. We have bragged on our staff and our students for their hard work in reaching our goal of excellence.  Jane Harrison joined us this past week to celebrate and say a few words. She mentioned that there are schools full of folks working hard and doing similar things but one thing makes us different. She said we are a school of no excuses. We challenge each one of our students and do not let other factors out of our control to determine the success or failure of students. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our students to achieve. We are so very lucky to have on team PVES! 

 PVES reading blocks have been buzzing with students researching and debating. It is impressive to sit back and watch students be fully engaged in books for 40 minutes. We are certainly developing lifelong readers and learners. Readers are leaders! 

Our students are so lucky to have teachers who are teaching bell to bell with urgency to make sure they are able to grow and experience success through guided instruction and small groups. 

We are lucky to have teachers and staff members who value all learners! Ms. Marino's class added STEM to their related arts rotation. Thank you to all our related arts teachers who make learning fun for ALL students! 

Spring Pictures:
We will take spring pictures on Monday for third grade students and Ms. Marino's class. Our fourth and fifth grade students will take pictures on Tuesday. All classes will be called to come to the strings room (room 100) when it is time. Please be sure to line students up tallest to shortest. There will not be a make-up day for these pictures. Teachers and staff members are not expected to take these pictures. 

Let the March Madness Fun Begin:
We have two March Madness events going on at PVES. First, we have our "Math Madness" challenge. Students are encouraged to complete Dreambox lesson and practice facts in Reflex. Information has been sent out from Mrs. Berry regarding rewards. This week we will start our "March Book Madness" competition. Each day listen to a book using THIS google slides. One designated days you will have students use their iPads to submit a vote. We will continue until we have the winning book. Thank you for helping us celebrate and encourage reading and math! Thanks Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Martin for taking the lead on these competitions. 

MAP Testing: 
Spring MAP Testing begins this week. Please refer to our MAP help/info sheet and the student goal setting sheet for assistance. It is imperative that our students understand the need to take their time and do their best work. We will use the data collected from MAP, not only for SLOs, but to assist us in planning for our test testing preparations. On these two days, we will forego PRIDE Time so you can ensure that students have ample time to complete their MAP sessions. You may start testing at 8:15 A.M. I would suggest 10:00 as a logical stop time, but you can ultimately decide for your class.  Beginning Monday we will ask you to keep iPads at school and notify parents through clear communication. While iPads are at school, make sure parents are still connected to the classroom and send iPads home as soon as testing has been completed. Students will take ELA on March 13th and math on March 14th. Look for a separate email on Monday with specific information regarding MAP Testing and directions on how to administer the test. 

Tornado Drill:
Powdersville Elementary will participate in a state-wide tornado drill on Wednesday, March 13th. We will make an announcement with instructions around 1:30 P.M. When the drill begins, you will assist students as they seek shelter in the hallway. Students will get on their hands and knees and put their lowered heads against the wall while protecting their heads with their hands/fingers. It would be a great idea to spend a few minutes explaining this procedure and the importance of quick, quiet and intentional movement based on teacher instructions. 

LAST CALL: Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars:
We want 100% participation in this program. Teachers, that is your goal. The end of the program is Friday, March 15th.  The forms do not have to be signed, meaning you can simply make copies of the form if misplaced and help students get this completed and turned in. Once completed, the form can be submitted to Mrs. Fowler in the media center. Talk this program up with your students and continually notify our parents. Students who submit a form, receive a free ticket to the Drive game on May 5th. They also receive a free t-shirt and book at the game.

Referendum/ASD1 Building Program:
As you know, there will be a referendum in our area this Spring. Tax payers will be voting "yes" or "no" to allow  a millage increase in order for facility and security upgrades across the district. There is a community informational meeting this Thursday at PVMS at 6:00 P.M. You are not required to attend, but it certainly would be great idea to attend if you have questions. Additionally, Mr. Binnicker will be meeting with our faculty and staff on Wednesday, March 27th during our Live PD time from 3:15-4:15 P.M. All faculty and staff are required to attend. It is important to remember that you cannot speak for or against the referendum while on "company time" (i.e. while at work serving in your role as teacher at PVES) nor can you speak for or against using any district equipment and technology. You can certainly be active in this process when you are not at school and not using school equipment/technology. Please let me know if you have any questions. As many of you know, our school would receive an 8 room addition if the referendum were to pass. 
Tollison's Tidings: 
  • We will have some visitors from Spearman Elementary in the building on Monday, March 11th. Thank you for making them feel welcome and answering in any questions they may have if they stop by your classroom. Thank you for being a school that others want to visit and learn more about. 
  • There will be no formal Live PD session this week. A video will be sent out with our MAP reminders and set up information. Please be sure to watch this video before Wednesday to prepare for testing. This will be our Live PD for this week. 
  • Thomas McAuliff will be here on Friday, March 15th for our Tech PD. Plan to meet him during your planning period in the strings room. Thank you for being present, on time, and participating. We are lucky to have Thomas serving our school! 
  • Mark your calendar and make plans to be at our March 27th Live PD session with Mr. Binnicker. He will be speaking to our faculty and staff about the upcoming referendum. This will be required for all staff. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Spring pictures 3/11 and 3/12
  • Keep iPads at School 3/11
  • Fourth Grade Parent Chaperone Meeting 3/12 at 6:00 p.m. (PVES Cafeteria) 
  • PVMS Band Mouthpiece Testing for rising 6th graders 5:00 p.m. at PVMS
  • Powdersville Community Referendum Meeting at PVHS at 6:00 p.m.
  • Progress Report Folders go home 3/13
  • Papa John's Dollar for Dough 3/12-3/13
  • MAP Testing 3/13-3/14
  • Tech PD with Thomas 3/15
  • Reading All-Stars Forms Due 3/15

Video of the Week: March "In the Know" Video Newsletter

Please take a moment to watch our March "In the Know" video newsletter to learn about other important things happening at PVES.