Sunday, January 13, 2019

Teachers are Champions

In this blog, we hearken back to this quote from Rita Pierson. I would suggest to you that no quote we have introduced to you has been more impactful at PVES. These words are entrenched in our culture and rightfully so. You are familiar with the more well-known definition of the word champion. We indeed aspire to be champions; first place in our profession. I believe we are making our way, intentionally, toward this goal. However, I believe the only way we will ultimately enjoy this type of success is if we make the lesser-used definition of the word be our true focus in our daily professional lives. A champion, in this sense of the word, is a person who fights for or defends a person or cause. This applies to our students and fellow faculty and staff. We must fight for and defend our culture - who we are and what we believe. This means we value one another. We have personal and professional relationships designed to ensure we are supported and that we are constantly encouraging one another to push forward and be the best we can be. This means we do whatever it takes for students. Sure, some schools and some teachers will do the bare minimum. Not at PVES - this has never been the case and it has never been accepted. So, this week and beyond, be reminded that you are a champion in so many ways. You are appreciated and respected. Our students and their success is our first priority and one we take seriously. We act like a champion, we talk like a champion, we do the "next level" work no one else is willing to do, because, we are champions.

We enjoyed our first full week back fro Christmas Break!

Students in fourth grade enjoyed playing Order of Operations Go Fish. Students worked in groups to solve equations then fished for mystery points. Champion educators make learning fun and have fun when they teach!

Students in 5th grade discussed their research to determine pros and cons for the question "Are extreme sports worth the risk?". Champion educators challenge their students and provide ample time for them to collaborate and gain knowledge. 

We kicked off another RISE intervention group in the media center on Friday. We invited a former RISE student to share his successes and share with the new group how they might be successful as well. Champion educators celebrate student success and find ways to offer interventions that make a difference. 

House meetings were a great way to finish off the week. I could hear House chants/cheers around the building and the enthusiasm was contagious. We use House meetings to spread a consistent positive message, raise the level of expectation in our building, and building meaningful relationships with our students. This is the work of champions. 

As you know, class meetings are scheduled for Monday this week during PRIDE Time. Through collaboration, we have seen some great lessons prepared including the use of read-alouds, quick videos, student discussion and role playing, and much more! Don't forget to share ideas in our shared folder and keep students actively discussing our expectations for behavior and rules against bullying behaviors. 

Intervention Pull-Outs:
Part of our intervention program involves pull-outs for LLI and RISE groups. We have re-structured groups and are ready this week to begin again. RISE students meet in the media center Tuesday-Friday until otherwise stated. LLI groups meet Tuesday-Friday as well and will begin again on Wednesday this week. Thanks for allowing these students to leave your classroom and ensure that they are on time for their intervention groups. We have seen some very positive movement and results with these groups!

Live PD:
Our next Live PD session is scheduled for this Wednesday, January 16th, 2019. Please refer to our Live PD agenda for additional information. You can receive credit for attending by logging into PD Express and signing up for the session "Understanding Common Formative Assessment". 

End of 9 Weeks Information:
As you know, the end of the 2nd nine week period is Wednesday, January 16th. Grades will be due in the computer before you leave on Friday, January 18th. Verifications will be printed the morning on January 22nd and you will need to check these carefully that day. Grades will be stored at 8:00 A.M. on January 23rd and report cards will be printed ASAP for report cards to be sent home on Friday, January 25th. Please ensure the following:
  • Behavior/citizenship comments are included for each student in the home room section.
  • Appropriate comments are included for content areas related to student progress. Please keep comments focused, short and to the point. 

Friday Professional Development:
Friday, January 18th is a professional development day. There is no school for students on this day. Teachers are encouraged to dress comfortably (i.e. blue jeans). Your schedule for the day is listed below:
  • 8:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. - Essential Standards and Common Formative Assessment Planning (Homeroom teachers) will be in the MP Room. Please bring your standards, laptop, etc. 
  • 11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. - Lunch on your own. Enjoy lunch of campus or bring something in! 
  • 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. - Read 2 Succeed Course with Kelle Martin (required if you are taking class this year).
  • Everyone will be free to leave or work in room after 3:00 P.M. 

Moore's Musings:
It is indeed flu season. We have one classroom with 5 confirmed cases of flu and three teacher children with the flu. Please make sure students are constantly and consistently washing their hands. They also need to wipe down desks and other common areas of the classroom when appropriate. I will make sure our custodial staff is aware of our concerns so they can clean areas of concern. If parents notify you of any confirmed cases or other issues, please let the nurse know ASAP. 

Additionally, the talent show is coming on Thursday, January 24th form 6-8 PM at Powdersville High School. The talent has been identified through auditions the past week. Ms. Epperson will need your help to make this event a success. Many of you are involved in the teacher dance as well and this is greatly appreciated. This is always a huge event for our school so thanks for supporting it!

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • OLWEUS class meetings - 1/14 during PRIDE Time 
  • Names of 2 students for Pride Practice Ceremonies Emailed to Booth - 1/14
  • Live PD - 1/16 at 3:15 in Media Center
  • End of 2nd 9 Week Period - 1/16
  • Progress Report Folders - 1/16 
  • Writer's Wall of Fame Break in Media Center - 1/17 at 7:20 A.M. 
  • PD Day (No Students) - 1/18 
  • No School/Work - MLK Day on 1/21
  • Talent Show Rehearsal - 1/22 at PVHS from 2:30-5:00 P.M.
  • Fire Drill - 1/23
  • Class Pictures - morning of 1/24 in Media Center 
  • Talent Show - 1/24 from 6-8 P.M. 
  • Report Cards Sent Home - 1/25
  • Winter F&P Due - 1/25
  • Pride Practice Ceremonies - 1/25 in MP Room (3rd - 12:05 P.M., 4th - 12:50 P.M., 5th - 1:35 P.M.).

Video of the Week: Champions Love and Change Lives:

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