Sunday, January 27, 2019

Moments are Created Through Momentum

Moments are created through momentum. Every school has a culture; whether it be good or bad, positive or negative. This culture is created and sustained by the human beings who work and learn inside the walls of that school building. Every day that those individuals can collectively produce and maintain a laser-like focus on the vision and mission of the school, momentum is built. This momentum is hard to obtain and much more difficult to sustain. It only takes one to potentially destroy the aforementioned momentum. However, in those days when the momentum is sustained and built upon, magical moments are forged. These special moments, when learning and growth are evident and students realize their potential, are not to be taken lightly. Every thought, every decision, and indeed every conversation that takes place in our school can build or destroy momentum and directly impact the moments we share with one another and our students. Moments, in this case, are defined as particular time or period of success, excellence (the E in PRIDE). So, if we are to truly reach our "next level" best and create these moments daily, we must protect our culture. These next few months will define our success. Will you create and sustain our momentum?

Let's review some "moments" from these past few weeks at PVES...

A huge "thank you" to Ms. Epperson, Mrs. Berry, and Mrs. Williams for making sure our Talent Show was a success. The students did an incredible job and we enjoyed a large crowd at PVHS on Thursday evening. Social media was flooded with statements like "the faculty and staff and PVES are just awesome!". It took practice and extra "work" to prepare for the teacher dance. That work created momentum. And a moment was born that created an impact. This is culture. Check out the teacher dance here

We do things in an uncommon way at PVES. Often times, this leads to going the extra mile and very high expectations. As teachers learned about common formative assessments in Live PD and then worked tirelessly on a professional development day to put that knowledge into practice, it was evident that momentum was created. I have no doubt that special moments will occur in all of our classrooms thanks to this focus! 

Every teacher makes a difference. Mrs. Redmon is working with her students on vocabulary that will assist them in test taking. Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Martin are cultivating a love of reading with students during "lunch bunch" time. We must always approach our job from the perspective of "what can I do to support our culture and assist in achieving our vision?". Momentum. Moments. 

We celebrated writers from each homeroom during our "Wall of Fame" breakfast. As teachers and parents read each piece of writing, it was obvious that a great deal of teaching had created momentum that, in turn, created a writing sample to be proud of. The special moments captured during our breakfast were only made possible by the work done in the weeks leading up to the event. 

We were glad to host our friends from Fair Oak Elementary in Oconee County. Collaboration is important within the building, but momentum is certainly created when we visit with professionals from other schools. This moment, captured above, is powerful. Part of our vision is to be a school that others want to visit.

Monday OLWEUS:
As always, Monday morning during PRIDE Time should be spent in OLWEUS class meetings. Remember, this time can be as impactful as you want it to be. Use our shared folder for ideas and collaborate with others weekly to make the most of this opportunity. 

Make-Up Fire Drill:
We will be having a Fire Drill at some point by Thursday. I would like to get this done as early in the week as possible. Please ensure you have your class roll, contact information, red/green signal card and wound packing kit in an easy-to-reach location in your classroom. If you have a walkie, always take it with you during any emergency situation. Doors to classrooms should be closed on your way out in the event of a fire. Thanks for your help with this. 

Live PD:
Please remember that if you are currently taking the Reading Endorsement class with Kelle Martin, you have a one hour session this Wednesday afternoon in the media center. She will email any details concerning this PD to you directly. This is required if you want to receive credit for the class. 

Tech PD with Thomas:
Thanks to some help from our 5th grade friends, we have have the full version of Newsela (Pro). On Thursday during your planning, you will meet with Thomas McAuliff in the media center to engage in PD using Newsela. Bring your laptop/iPad. 

Friday Fun:
On Friday, February 1st we will kick off our day with our "Real Men Read" event. Thanks to those of you who have been able to secure men to read to our classes. We will meet with them briefly in the media center before sending them to your classrooms. Thanks for welcoming and engaging them. 

We want to thank all of our faculty and staff for your patience and hard work. The end of a nine week period is always difficult so we thought we would celebrate with you this Friday. During your normal lunch schedule on Friday, simply drop your students off at the cafeteria and head to the Strings room where lunch will await you. Chicken Salad Chick is the order of the day. We will line your class up for you when you come to pick them up from the cafeteria. Don't forget to wear blue jeans. You are awesome! Enjoy!

And finally this Friday, determinatae house members will receive a free snow cone in the cafeteria during lunch. Any staff members who are a part of this house will also receive one. 

Moore's Musings:
  • Cold weather is set to arrive Wednesday. Brutally cold temperatures in the morning will give way to still very cold afternoons. If we feel like we need to cancel outside recess, we will announce this ASAP. Please keep this in mind as we want students to be dressed appropriately when going outside.
  • Mrs. Tollison and I have already started interviewing for next year. Do not be surprised if you see potential candidates in our offices. I have my budget meeting with Dr. Pew this week and hope (crossing fingers) to find out good news in terms of adding positions. As always, if you know of any incredible educators who would fit our culture, please let us know ASAP. 
  • PLCs continue their transformation as more and more standards/data are being discussed and analyzed. We should be all a bout answering questions three and four of a PLC. How will we respond when some students do not learn it? How can we extend and enrich the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency? 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • 4th Grade Launch Georgia Aquarium - 1/29
  • Progress Report Folders - 1/30
  • Live PD (Reading Endorsement) - 1/30
  • Running Club Waivers Due - 1/31
  • S.I.C. Meeting - 7:20 AM on 1/31 (media center)
  • Tech PD with Thomas - 1/31
  • Skate Night - 6-8 PM on 1/31
  • Real Men Read - 2/1
  • Teacher "Thank You" Lunch - 2/1
  • Snow Cones for Determinatae - 2/1

Video of the Week: If You Were a Fraction (To Be Shown on Monday After ROAR Report)

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