Sunday, May 27, 2018

Time to Reflect

The time has come. For some educators, the 190 (180 with students) days spent on the job pass by at a snail's pace. For many, the school year passes as quick as the blink of an eye. The blood, sweat and tears spent educating our students is not spent wastefully and is never forgotten. In this, our final blog, I challenge you to reflect on your school year. defines reflection as a fixing of thoughts on something; careful consideration. Summer vacation will indeed be here soon, and I truly hope everyone enjoys this time to enjoy family and friends while resting and recharging those teacher batteries. However, don't let the opportunity to reflect pass you by. In our final Live PD session, we had some fun but also challenged you to begin this very important process of reflection via our "Wrapping Up" form. In addition, I would challenge you to reflect on the following:

  • What are your strengths coming out of the school year? What do you do well as an educator?
  • What are your weaknesses (yes, we all have them)? Where do you need to improve as an educator?
    • Now, what is your plan to improve? Be specific. Have a plan. 
  • Were you a team player? Did you actively listen to those with whom you work and plan? Did you compromise when needed? Were you present, physically and mentally, when your grade level met to plan? 
  • Did you positively impact all of your students in some way? What students gave you the most difficulty? How would you have done things differently in terms of connecting with those students? 
  • Am I on board with our school's mission/vision? 
  • What next? What now?
I hope these questions challenge you. I hope they make you think. And after you have had an opportunity to reflect, I hope you take time away from school both mentally and physically. The building, and all that work that comes with the job, will be waiting for you in August. Reflect, recharge, refresh, re-energize ... and be ready. You have another special group of young people who will be relying on you next school year. 

A few pictures to mark the end of our journey...

District principals had a wonderful time celebrating Mr. Havird's retirement (notice the blue jeans!). As we transition to new leadership, I think it heightens the need for our school to be aware of our progress and vision for the future. Mr. Binnicker is sure to bring new ideas and methods while maintaining that ASD1 mentality of "striving for perfection while settling for excellence. Indeed, the E in PRIDE stands for BE EXCELLENT. 

The end of the year is a wonderful opportunity for teachers of all levels of experience to reflect. Our induction teachers not only survived their first year of teaching, but excelled. We hire the best. That's what makes #PVES stand out from the others. 

As I have, and will continue to ask, we have stayed the course the final few weeks. This time of year allows us to have some fun while still engaging in our process. For instance, how about pulling some weeds, visiting your garden, and many other opportunities that exist that will enable you to engage your students?

Year one implementing our OLWEUS program was a success thanks to the efforts our Mrs. Barnhill (who heads up our OLWEUS team), our leadership team, and all of our faculty and staff. Mrs. Berry recently challenged students to create poster designs that would be printed and placed in the hallways our of school. There is no doubt that through class meetings and real discussion and engagement, our school is a safer and more friendly place for our students to learn and grow. 

As I have mentioned before, don't ever underestimate your influence on our students. Graduation day is a perfect reminder that Powdersville schools, K5 through 12th grade, work together toward the common goal of preparing our students for graduation and beyond. Your influence can be felt in every area and knows no boundaries. 

Thanks for your attendance and participation in our Live PD sessions this year. I don't claim that we have it all figured out, but several things are clear to me. When we work together, we are stronger. When we differentiate professional development, we are more equipped. And when we have a clear vision and work together to realize that vision, we are simply better. 

And lastly, my youngest would like to remind you that summer brings forth opportunities that you must take advantage of. Have fun, sleep in late, travel. Do something you have never done before. What are your plans for the summer? Whatever they may be, Grayson gives them two thumbs-up. Enjoy!

End of Year Reminders:
  • Your end-of-year checklist will be placed in your box by Monday, June 4th. It is due completed before you leave on Friday, June 8th. 
  • Have you signed up for your end-of-year SLO/GBE meeting yet? 
  • Our end-of-year luncheon is scheduled for 11:30ish on Friday, June 8th at PVES. Once this is finished and your checklist is turned in, you are free to leave. 
  • Half days are June 6, 7, and 8. Dismissal will be around 11 A.M. depending on when buses arrive. While you are free to leave for lunch on those half days (unless your planning day is scheduled for that day), please allow us to complete our dismissal before you leave the building. 
  • On June 5, 6 and 7, employees are required to stay until 4:30 P.M. This is to make-up an extra day lost due to weather earlier in the year. 
    • On June 6, there is a drop-in for Mr. Havird at Wren High School. If a teacher chooses to attend, he/she can attend and then leave from there (i.e. will not have to work until 4:30 and can go home). 3rd grade planning day is that day and we will do our best to finish up around 2:00 P.M. so you can leave and attend the drop-in if you so choose. Again, you must stay at school until 4:30 or attend the drop-in and leave from there. 
Field Day:
Field Day is scheduled for Wednesday, May 30th. The weather does not look promising. We do have a make-up day scheduled for Monday, June 4th. Students should be encouraged to bring $1.00 for snow cones and dress appropriately (tennis shoes, water bottle, etc.). We plan to make a final decision on Tuesday morning based on weather conditions. 

Report Card Reminders:
Please refer to our grade level meeting agenda for important report cart dates. Additional honor roll certificates and stickers are located in the front office if needed. Please encourage parents to send in a self-addressed stamped envelope if their child will not be present on June 8th. Your end of year checklist will include information related to what to do with report cards that are not claimed on June 8th due to absence or fines associated with iPads, cafeteria, etc. 

Half Day Planning Opportunities:
On June June 6th and June 7th, 3rd and 4th grades will be meeting to discuss ELA and Math topics and plan. Please view our agenda for those days here. You will meet in the PD Room. Around 9 AM on these days, we will call for those classes involved to come to the MP Room to watch a movie as a reward for working so hard during testing. Teachers who will not be at PVES next year do not need to plan on attending the planning sessions and will, instead, go with their class to the MP Room and assist in monitoring students. 

Animal Ambassadors:
On Tuesday, June 5th the Animal Ambassadors program will visit our school. See our shared calendar for times. Please remember that we need to try very hard to get permission forms signed for all students. If you need to make copies, extras can be found in the front office. We are on regular related arts on June 4th and 5th. We do have a revised related arts scheduled this week, however. If we postpone Field Day, we will be on a regular related arts schedule on Wednesday. 

iPads and Textbooks:
Mrs. Tollison will be checking in 3rd grade social studies textbooks on Tuesday, May 29th during planning period. Please have social studies textbooks out on student desks with bar code facing up. 4th and 5th grade classes, we will also be checking in iPads on this day during planning. Please have iPads, keyboards, charging cords, and envelopes on student desks before they leave for related arts. It takes us about 5-7 minutes per room when this is done. Help us keep up with students that owe money due to lost/damaged items. 

Moore's Musings:
I want to again thank, and draw your attention to, those teachers who will not be with us next year. My sincere appreciation and gratitude is extended to you for being a part of our family and impacting our school in a positive way. You will be missed!
  • Sarah Payne - resignation 
  • Bethany Crosby - resignation 
  • Mandi Moore - transfer to PVMS
  • Kelley Golden - transfer to PVMS
  • Stacey Turner - transfer to PVMS
  • Ginger Clary - retirement
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." We welcome in our midst some very special educators who will join our family. It is so important that we make them feel like part of our team as quickly as possible. They are key to our success. 
  • Anna Ashmore moving to grade 4. 
  • Nancy Hughes moving to STEM.
  • Nicole MaGaha - 3rd grade
  • Layne Johnson - 3rd grade 
  • Kate Plowden - 3rd grade 
  • Stacey Scarborough - 4th grade
  • Elizabeth Crain - 4th grade
  • Caitlin Epperson - Music 
Again, our expectation is always to work the hardest and be the best. This never changes. We must protect our culture of innovation and continuous improvement each and every year. 

Mark Your Calendar:
  • 3rd grade textbooks checked in - 5/29
  • 4th/5th iPads checked in - 5/29
  • Field Day - AM on 5/30
  • Yearbook Day - PM on 5/30
  • 3rd Awards - 8:30 AM on 5/31
  • 4th Awards - 12:45 PM on 5/31
  • 5th Grade Day - 5/31
  • 5th Awards - 8:30 AM on 6/1
  • Grades Due/Verifications Printed - 8 AM on 6/1
  • Supply Lists for Next Year Due - 6/1
  • Make-Up Field Day Date - 6/4
  • Report Cards Printed - 6/4
  • End of Year Checklist - 6/4
  • Animal Ambassadors Programs - AM on 6/5
  • Employees Stay Until 4:30 - 6/5, 6/6, 6/7
  • Havird Retirement Drop-In at Wren High - 6/6 from 2-4 PM
  • 3rd Grade Planning Day - 6/6
  • 4th Grade Planning Day - 6/7
  • Half Days (11:00ish for students) - 6/6 - 6/8
  • Last Student Day/Report Cards Issued - 6/8
  • Teacher Luncheon - 11:30ish AM on 6/8 at PVES MP Room 

Video of the Week: Heart of a Teacher

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