Sunday, May 6, 2018

Thank You Teachers

We will be celebrating our teachers this week during Teacher Appreciation Week. The calling to teach is a special one and impacts the lives of so many. I often think about a teacher's impact as that of a stone being thrown into the water. If you stand back and watch the ripples you understand that your impact, teachers, is endless. I challenge you to take a moment and think about the years you have invested in teaching and multiply that times the estimated number of kids you have taught each year. Those lives are continuing to better because of the investment you made in each of their lives. So we stop this week and say thank you, teachers, for your hard work, sacrifices, and continued support for students. 

We have some wonderful things happening around PVES...

This past Saturday we held our first "Celebrate Powdersville Spring Market" at our school. We had over forty local vendors, food, and music. A great time was had by all who came out for the event. Thank you to the teachers who helped with set up, running booths, and clean up. 

It was a pleasure to host our rising third graders from Concrete last week. Students visited third grade classrooms, took a tour of the school, and listen to a read aloud from Mr. Moore. Our fifth grade tour guides did an amazing job and represented our school well. We look forward to officially meeting this group in the fall. 

Thank you to Ms. Lee for training our staff for testing. We all feel prepared to tackle the big test. Be sure to carefully read testing reminders she sends out in the weeks to come. 

Stacey Turner and our students were incredible in their performance of Lion King Kids. Lindsay Nix's stage props were fantastic! Thank you to all those staff members who helped with practices, make-up, tickets, and more! It was definitely the best one yet! We will certainly miss Mrs. Turner when she goes to the middle school. 

Mr. Moore and I appreciate the time each teacher put into helping develop class rosters for next school year. Your careful thought and meaningful feedback are important to us during this process! 

Teacher Appreciation Week Information
We 💛 our teachers at PVES! This week we want to shower you with gifts and ways to say thank you each day. Monday be sure to check out the refrigerators in the workroom for a treat. (See picture below for a hint.) Monday-Wednesday are blue jean days! Be sure to stop by the workroom each day to see what treats are waiting for you. Thank you again for all you do for our students every single day! 

Testing Information
Third graders will begin testing on Thursday of this week. We want to wish the best of luck to our third grade friends. Teachers, make sure you show the ROAR Report for an important testing message from Mr. Moore and Mrs. Tollison. Ms. Lee has worked very hard this weekend to make sure you have class rosters for each day of testing as well as scratch paper in your boxes. Each teacher will also get a bag of mints and Hershey's kisses. Please post the slide (HERE) for the day and give each student a mint and Hershey's kiss each day. 

HERE is the slide presentation from our testing meeting with Ms. Lee. Please be sure to review this important information and ask questions. You can find schedule changes for each week of testing at the end of the presentation or located HERE

Important Parent Information
Mr. Moore will be sending out the information below to parents on Monday. Homeroom Teachers, it would be a great idea for you to cut and paste this into SeeSaw/email and send out as well. Thank you for your help! 

#PVES Parents,

Standardized testing begins this week for 3rd grade and will continue until all grade levels have completed testing on Thursday, May 24th. SC-READY and SC-PASS testing will be completed on the district-owned student iPads for most students. Therefore, iPads will need to remain at school to be used for testing. After testing, iPads will remain at school and eventually be "checked in" for the year. Teachers will still communicate via SeeSaw, email, and progress report folders as needed. Please make note of the following dates when iPads and chargers are due to remain at school for the remainder of the year:

*3rd Grade - Tuesday, May 8th
*4th Grade - Friday, May 11th
*5th Grade - Thursday, May 17th

Thank you for your support. Our students have worked exceptionally hard and are prepared to do very well on state testing! #pvespride 

Tollison's Tidings

  • Mr. Moore has created appointment sign-ups for SLO/GBE final meetings. These slots begin on May 30th and run through June 8th. Every certified teacher with an SLO or GBE will need to sign up for a time. You can use the link HERE to sign up. 
  • Teacher Cadets from PVHS will be visiting and observing classrooms from 8:00-9:15 on Monday. I have emailed a schedule out to teachers who can expect a cadet to come by. Thank you for opening your classrooms to them. 
  • iPads will start staying at school two days before each grade level begins testing. Once iPads are at school they do not go home again. Teachers, please keep this in mind as you continue to communicate with parents and assign tests, quizzes, and homework. 
  • There is no more "pull-out intervention" taking place during PRIDE Time. Please make sure students are still reading and receiving intervention in the classroom. It is also important to make sure all students have practice with the DRC App multiple times. 
  • As the weather warms and we can finally enjoy our playground, please ensure that you adhere to posted recess times and monitor students frequently. You know the "hot spots" and students who seem to have the most trouble. Ensure that these areas and students are monitored well. The same can be said for other areas of the school (hallway, cafeteria, restroom). We simply cannot let our guards down. I would also implore you to keep communication consistent with home. Newsletter, folders, emails, SeeSaw, and phone calls will all help us stay on the same page. And finally, please make sure you have a great plan for your students for those days after testing. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC)
This is a very busy time of year so please make sure to review the shared school calendar for upcoming dates and events.
  • Monday, 5/7- Strings concert at 7:00 pm at Palmetto High School
  • Tuesday, 5/8- Bookfair ends
  • Tuesday, 5/8- Third Grade iPads remain at school
  • Wednesday, 5/9- Drive Game for Teacher Appreciation (email was sent with details) 
  • Thursday, 5/10- SC READY Testing begins- 3rd Grade ELA Day 1
  • Friday, 5/11- Fourth Grade iPads remain at school 
Video of the Week (featuring some of our very own PVES folks) 

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