Sunday, April 15, 2018

What is Your Why?

Why? It is a simple question. It is a question that can keep you up at night if you really give yourself time to ponder. Why do you do what you do? Why did you choose education? Why do you pour every ounce of energy into making the most engaging lesson plans for your students? Why do you stay up at night worrying about that one student? Why do you come to work even when you do not feel like it? When you really take time to think about your why your soul gets re-energized. You reconnect with your purpose and passion. I believe when you remember your why you become unstoppable in your pursuit. 

A look at some of the great things happening at PVES...

We had another successful Writers Wall of Fame celebration before we left for Spring Break. Students and parents enjoyed reading the writings of our own PVES students. Teachers were able to stop by and speak with parents and celebrate our students as well. Thank you to Mrs. Horn and Ms. Fowler for working so diligently to make this special event take place. We are looking forward to our next one! 

Teachers met together at last week's Live PD session to formulate an Action Plan to help our LEAP students be successful on SCREADY. Thank you to everyone for your attention and participation. We are excited about our next Live PD sessions. 

Our next OLWEUS class meetings are scheduled for Monday, April 16th during PRIDE Time. Now that we have completed all of our prepared lessons, we now transition to a time in which class meetings are used to focus on specific areas of need/concern based on individual classes. You can focus on a school-wide bullying rule, rehash an event or incident that occurred the week before, or simply reinforce our expectations for behavior. It now becomes crucial that your grade levels plans/discusses ideas for upcoming OLWEUS meetings. We have a shared folder where you can drop lessons, presentations, etc for everyone to use. Additionally, we have recently purchased some literature for read alouds. Those will be shared soon. Whatever you decide, make sure you take this time seriously and give your students an opportunity to reflect and discuss in a safe, non-threatening environment. If you take it seriously and learn from this time, so will your students. 

See You There!
Teachers, with Teacher Appreciation Week coming up in early May, we would like to offer a free ticket to a Greenville Drive game on Wednesday, May 9th. We will sit together and enjoy a time to fellowship with one another. I hope you will consider joining us. Click on the link HERE to let us know if you intend to join us or not. Thanks!

Live PD
This week's Live PD session will kick off our "This is Us" series of Live PD. We are excited about this opportunity to really get to reflect and respond to who are we and what are we all about at PVES. You can find out details about our session this week by clicking HERE. Please be on time and ready to be an active participant. 

Senior Signing Day
On Friday, April 20th, 5th graders will again take part in PVHS's Senior Signing Day and Parade. The signing day will take place in the PVHS auditorium from 9:30-10:30 AM followed by the parade at 10:45 AM. Classes who have related arts at 8:45 AM will report to their assigned related arts class as usual. At 9:00 AM, related arts teachers and fifth grade teachers will escort all classes to the PVHS auditorium. Fifth grade teachers, you are more than welcome to return to school during your regularly scheduled planning period and then return to PVHS after your planning has ended. Related arts teachers will need to leave a few minutes before 10:15 AM so they can make it back to PVES for their next related arts classes. Fifth grade teachers, please talk to your classes ahead of time and remind them that we will be guests at PVHS. Talk to your students about the importance of doing well in school and graduating (one day they very well might be on stage for signing day). Students are more than welcome to make signs for the seniors. As we line up outside the high school for the 10:45 AM parade, please keep your class together and monitor students closely. After the parade, you are free to walk your class back PVES and resume regular schedule. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Tollison's Tidings:

  • Many of you know that IEP season is upon us and you have started receiving invitations for meetings. Our special education teachers work so hard during this time and are very busy completing many steps, completing paperwork, scheduling and holding required meetings. Thank you for supporting and encouraging them during these very busy weeks. It is also important that teachers invited to attend be an active part in developing a great plan for the child for the next school year. 
  • Along with spring and IEPs comes test prep. Students pulled during PRIDE Time will begin test prep on Tuesday, April 17th. Interventionists have been trained with materials and are going to working closely with small groups to practice test-taking strategies. It also important for classroom teachers to be making the most of these few weeks we have before testing. One way to do this is with your Action Plans for your LEAP students. Completed Action Plans should be dropped into THIS FOLDER by Wednesday, April 18th. 
  • Please review (below) and share our "In the Know" video. You can post this on SeeSaw for parents to view. This has helpful information for the remainder of the school year. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC): 

  • Test Prep begins during PRIDE Time- 4/17
  • District Battle of the Books Competition at PVES- 4/18
  • Skate Night (Glow and neon theme) from 6:00-8:00 PM- 4/19
  • PVHS Signing Day for fifth grade- 4/20
  • ESL Celebration at 1:15- 4/20 (students will be all called) 
  • PVES NEW Best Final Meeting- 4/24 (Rescheduled from 4/17)
  • Spring Book Fair- 4/27
  • Greenville Drive Reading All-Star Game 4/29

Video of the Week: What is Your Why?

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