Saturday, April 21, 2018


The finish line. The end. The culmination. A year's worth of blood, sweat, and tears all wrapped up into a mad dash to June 8th. Our blog this week focuses on the culmination of our efforts this school year and the critical days ahead. Culmination is defined as the final, highest, or decisive point. There is no arguing we have arrived to that place. In the weeks ahead, we put finishing touches on our school year. We will tighten the loose ends and polish the unfinished parts on our way to success. It is an undeniable truth that what has been gained in 150 days of focused energy can be undone in the final 30 if we are not careful to maintain our course and give our best effort. I challenge you to remain focused on the task at hand. Prepare our students for testing and a successful end of the school year. Build relationships; don't allow relationships to break down. The culmination of your purpose is now upon us. Finish strong. 

Another busy week in the books at PVES...

Congratulations to the Reading Warriors for winning our 3rd grade "Battle of the Books" competition.  And another congratulations to the Swedish Fish who finished second to Spearman in the district "Battle of the Books" competition. In many ways, these competitions mark the culmination of our efforts to encourage reading and stress the importance of literacy. Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for leading the charge! 

Our Launch students presented their research/PBL findings to a parents and visitors last week. I was encouraged by the ownership they took in their work and the choice provided to them by Mrs. Leftwich in their learning. The culmination of their efforts resulted in many successful presentations and conversations about their learning. 

The first session of our This is Us conversations via our Live PD Time was a huge success. I can think of no better way to mark the culmination of our school year than to discuss what is important to us as a faculty and staff and what makes us who we are. These beliefs mark our failures and our successes and guide our plan for the future. On Wednesday, April 25th we will continue to frame our concept of "us".

April and May marks the culmination of a journey for many of our former students. If there is any doubt of the importance of our jobs, look no farther than PVHS's senior signing day and parade to convince you otherwise. PVHS seniors "signed" their intent to join the workforce, the military, or attend college. As I looked on, I could not help but smile when several names were called. Oh yes, you make a difference indeed. 

Speaking of making a difference, we are so proud of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Wayne for their recognition on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Johnson was voted as our Support Staff Employee of the Year while Mrs. Wayne was officially named Teacher of the Year. This is the culmination of their hard work and determined attitude. Congratulations!

Our next round of OLWEUS class meetings will take place on Monday, April 23rd during PRIDE time. Please be reminded that we have some great read alouds and other lesson resources in our shared folder. It is important that you work with your grade level team to discuss lesson plan ideas. However, you ultimately make the call in terms of your direction/focus for your classroom. Based on what I have seen and heard in the hallways, cafeteria, and playground...there should should be plenty of material to act as a great source of learning and discussion. Again, I cannot stress how important he teacher buying into this time impacts the success of the program. 

Book Fair:
The Book Fair will be back this week. Mrs. Fowler will host teachers for a preview on Thursday afternoon in the media center before the Book Fair officially open on Friday, April 27th. The Book Fair will remain opened until Tuesday, May 8th. Please help get the word out to students and parents. Mrs. Fowler uses this money to add wonderful titles to our media center and help out our teachers as well! 

Blue Jeans All Week?:
Teachers and staff have the opportunity to wear blue jeans all week. Simply write a check for $20.00 (made payable to Anderson District One with a note mentioning ASD1 loves teachers). This money will go toward our ASD1 Loves Teachers scholarship fund. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. 

Live PD:
Our next Live PD sessions will take place on Wednesday, April 25th. Our structure will be very similar to last week as we continue with our This is Us series. Please take a moment to view our agenda for Wednesday's Live PD sessions. I look forward to this time of collaboration and improvement. 

Grade Level Meetings on Monday:
I sent a calendar invite to home room teachers last week for grade level meetings that will take place on Monday afternoon in the media center. During these meetings, we will discuss the upcoming student survey that ALL students will take that will actually impact our school report card rating. See schedule of meetings below:
  • 5th grade - 2:45-3:00 P.M.
  • 4th grade - 3:00-3:15 P.M.
  • 3rd grade - 3:15-3:30 P.M. 
Yellow Placement Cards:
Believe it or not, the time has come to prepare our yellow placement cards for next year. On Tuesday afternoon, we will send out spreadsheet and instructions. It is imperative that grade levels take this process seriously and carefully consider class placements for the following year. If parents ask, we do not accept requests for specific teachers. We ask that the spreadsheet be completed no later than Friday, May 4th before you leave. Please let us know if you have any questions once instructions have been shared on Tuesday afternoon. 

Lion King Musical:
We are so excited about our Lion King Musical with two performances scheduled for Monday, April 30th and Tuesday, May 1st at the PVHS auditorium. Both performances begin at 6:30 P.M. Rehearsals will take place this week Thursday and Friday after school. Stacey Turner could sure use your help. I would be grateful if you would consider emailing her and offering your support for the upcoming rehearsals! 

  • Our Papa Johns "Dollars for Dough" fundraiser for April is Tuesday and Wednesday this week (April 24th and 25th). Please encourage our families to visit a local Papa Johns and send their receipt to school. Thanks for getting the word out! 
  • We will be without our nurse and guidance counselor on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. They will be attending a training; leaving us short-staffed in the front office. 
  • The March for Babies event for March of Dimes is this Saturday, April 28th. You can visit our team page here. The event will be held at 3027 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Anderson, SC 29625 with registration at 8:00 AM and the event beginning at 9:00 A.M. This is a great cause to support! 
Moore's Musings:
A few things to consider as we do indeed reach the culminating period of our school year:

1.) Don't forget about our plan of action to "push" our LEAP students. Thanks for submitting your action plan for success

2.) Students need to access the DRC app and have multiple (at least 4-5) opportunities to take the "practice" tests and experience the tools. 

3.) Go ahead and mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 2nd. We will have our official testing meeting and training on this afternoon. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
As always please refer to our shared calendar for important events. This is a very busy time of year so check our calendar often! Our "New Best" are reminded of our final meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 2:40 P.M. Mrs. Tollison will send out information soon. 

Video of the Week: This is How You FINISH!

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