Sunday, April 29, 2018


Urgency. Urgency is defined as importance requiring swift action; insistence. The word itself can cause anxiety and fear. If harnessed appropriately, it can lead us to improvement and higher achievement. How we do "harness" this need for swift action? First of all, we must have a plan. Through grade level planning and the development of action plans, we create a plan of action to successfully accomplish our goals. Secondly, and more importantly, we have to execute the plan. We can't waste a moment; teaching from "bell-to-bell". Thirdly, we have to adjust our attitudes and impact the attitudes of our students. Students will pick up on stress and can "burn out" quickly. Do not neglect the emotional needs of our students. Praise them, push them, motivate them. As we approach testing, their mental state and frame of mind will ultimately determine the success they experience. Our focus these next few weeks should include a sense of urgency. After all, our students deserve it.

The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived. Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for providing treats for teachers and opening the Book Fair for a preview. She certainly feels the urgency in purchasing and providing updated reading materials for our students.  Please encourage students to visit the Book Fair through Tuesday, May 8th. 

5th grade Launch students presented the "Black Death" research to parents and visitors this past week. It was incredible to observe our students rise up to expectations. With a sense of urgency under the right conditions, their work was top-notch. 

Our instructional assistant principal certainly possesses a sense of urgency. Her influence and impact can be seen in many places throughout our building. In the first picture, you can see our PD Room prepared for our final "New Best" meeting of the year. Mrs. Tollison understands the urgency for faculty and staff who are new to our building to feel supported. In the bottom picture, Mrs. Tollison and Cara Beth prepare snacks for our Live PD session. Again, she understands the urgency in providing for our teachers and making them feel welcome and comfortable after a busy day's work. 

Do you believe that every student can learn? Remember that question? Ms. Marino's class is built to provide the support needed for her students to succeed. The correct amount of urgency combined with much needed love inspires students in her classroom. Above, students work on making puffy paint and finishing their bug theme last week. 

Former teachers from Concrete and Powdersville stopped by the media center this past Friday to present books to Mrs. Fowler in honor of former teacher Jane Freeman. It was a touching tribute to a women who knew firsthand the sense of urgency in both teaching and in life. Jane left such an impact on others; as evidenced from the picture above. 

Student Surveys and OLWEUS Class Meetings:
On Monday, April 30th all 3rd-5th grade students should have a student survey link and code emailed to them by 8:00 A.M. After the ROAR Report, homeroom teachers will ask students to open their email and click on the link, enter the unique code, and complete the survey. Don't forget that you should read the survey aloud to those students who have an accommodation for oral admin. You can help students will words they do not understand. but no additional help should be provided to influence the students. Please notify us if you have any major issues. After students complete the survey, you will use the remainder of PRIDE Time to conduct OLWEUS class meetings. As always, you will pull from classroom issues/experiences to engage students in thoughtful dialogue and/or use materials from the shared folder for lesson ideas. 

Live PD:
On next Live PD session is scheduled for Wednesday, May 2nd. This session includes our SC-READY and SC-PASS training session. All certified employees are required to attend. You can find out more details by viewing our agenda for this next session. There will be no Live PD the next two Wednesday afternoons (5/9 and 5/16). 

Lion King Performances:
We are very excited about our Lion King Kids musical performances to be held at PVHS on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Both events begin at 6:30 P.M. We are thankful for the many efforts of Mrs. Turner who has once again organized quite a performance. Thanks to Mrs. Nix and several others who have assisted with props, outfits, make-up, etc. I will ask again that you please let Mrs. Turner know how you can be of assistance either night and try to be there to support our students. You can remind your students that tickets are available at the door for just $5.00. 

Concrete 2nd Graders to Visit:
On Thursday, May 3rd from 9-10 AM, around 200 Concrete 2nd graders will be in the building to tour the school and visit 3rd grade classrooms. Mrs. Tollison has shared the schedule with 3rd grade and 2nd grade teachers. We want them to see PVES PRIDE in action! Thanks in advance for making them feel welcome. We will finish their time in the MP Room prior to their departure. 

Friday, May 4th:
Friday, May 4th marks the end of PRIDE Time pull-outs for all students. To clarify, PRIDE Time should be used in earnest beyond Friday, but all students will remain in classrooms after the 4th. Thanks to Mrs. Plowden, Mrs. Tollison and the related/specialty areas teachers who have provided much needed intervention through PRIDE Time groups this year. Also, don't forget that yellow placement cards should be completed and proposed classes typed in our shared form by Friday as well. Thanks for following directions carefully and doing your absolute best to set our teachers and students up for success next year. 

Powdersville's First Annual Spring Market:
We are very excited to host the very first Powdersville Spring Market right here at PVES on Saturday, May 5th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Our PTSO board has worked incredibly hard to prepare for this event. Remember that our PTSO supports our teachers in a variety of ways including a very nice sum of money for teachers to spend each year on various needs. Please do your best to be present to support this event. Furthermore, our PTSO still needs some help making this event a success. Consider signing up to assist using this link. Get the word out to your parents and feel free to share via social media. 

Moore's Musings:
As we bear down and focus on the final days before testing, let us remember to consider our students. We want them to be fresh, positive, inspired and motivated to do their best. Thank you for preparing action plans to keep us focuses on our LEAP students. Additionally, thank you for making sure all students have experienced the DRC at least five times to ensure their confidence manipulating the tools. However, develop a plan for how you can motivate and inspire your students. Goal setting is important. Positive notes and messages make a difference. Maybe you have more ideas to share. Let's blow our students away with praise and positive thoughts so they know we believe in them! 

As the weather warms and we can finally enjoy our playground, please ensure that you adhere to posted recess times and monitor students frequently. You know the "hot spots" and students who seem to have the most trouble. Ensure that these areas and students are monitored well. The same can be said for other areas of the school (hallway, cafeteria, restroom). We simply cannot let our guards down. I would also implore you to keep communication consistent with home. Newsletter, folders, emails, SeeSaw, and phone calls will all help us stay on the same page. And finally, please make sure you have a great plan for your students for those days after testing. Some ideas include:
  • Mini-PBL/research
  • Difficult standards you wish to re-teach
  • Grade level standards/content important for success in next grade level
  • Reflecting on the year
  • Focus on math fluency

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Student surveys and OLWEUS class meetings - 4/30
  • Fire Drill - 4/30
  • Lion King Kids - 4/30 at 6:30 PM
  • Lion King Kids - 5/1
  • Testing Training - 5/2 at 3:15 PM
  • Progress Report Folders - 5/2
  • 2nd Grade Visit - 5/3 from 9-10 AM
  • Chic-Fil-A Sale and Spirit Day - 5/4
  • Yellow Placement Cards Due - 5/4
  • Final Day Pull-out Intervention Groups - 5/4
  • 1st Annual Spring Market - 5/5 from 10-1 
  • Book Fair - All Week 

Video of the Week: Don't Forget What Your Students Wish You Knew

Saturday, April 21, 2018


The finish line. The end. The culmination. A year's worth of blood, sweat, and tears all wrapped up into a mad dash to June 8th. Our blog this week focuses on the culmination of our efforts this school year and the critical days ahead. Culmination is defined as the final, highest, or decisive point. There is no arguing we have arrived to that place. In the weeks ahead, we put finishing touches on our school year. We will tighten the loose ends and polish the unfinished parts on our way to success. It is an undeniable truth that what has been gained in 150 days of focused energy can be undone in the final 30 if we are not careful to maintain our course and give our best effort. I challenge you to remain focused on the task at hand. Prepare our students for testing and a successful end of the school year. Build relationships; don't allow relationships to break down. The culmination of your purpose is now upon us. Finish strong. 

Another busy week in the books at PVES...

Congratulations to the Reading Warriors for winning our 3rd grade "Battle of the Books" competition.  And another congratulations to the Swedish Fish who finished second to Spearman in the district "Battle of the Books" competition. In many ways, these competitions mark the culmination of our efforts to encourage reading and stress the importance of literacy. Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for leading the charge! 

Our Launch students presented their research/PBL findings to a parents and visitors last week. I was encouraged by the ownership they took in their work and the choice provided to them by Mrs. Leftwich in their learning. The culmination of their efforts resulted in many successful presentations and conversations about their learning. 

The first session of our This is Us conversations via our Live PD Time was a huge success. I can think of no better way to mark the culmination of our school year than to discuss what is important to us as a faculty and staff and what makes us who we are. These beliefs mark our failures and our successes and guide our plan for the future. On Wednesday, April 25th we will continue to frame our concept of "us".

April and May marks the culmination of a journey for many of our former students. If there is any doubt of the importance of our jobs, look no farther than PVHS's senior signing day and parade to convince you otherwise. PVHS seniors "signed" their intent to join the workforce, the military, or attend college. As I looked on, I could not help but smile when several names were called. Oh yes, you make a difference indeed. 

Speaking of making a difference, we are so proud of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Wayne for their recognition on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Johnson was voted as our Support Staff Employee of the Year while Mrs. Wayne was officially named Teacher of the Year. This is the culmination of their hard work and determined attitude. Congratulations!

Our next round of OLWEUS class meetings will take place on Monday, April 23rd during PRIDE time. Please be reminded that we have some great read alouds and other lesson resources in our shared folder. It is important that you work with your grade level team to discuss lesson plan ideas. However, you ultimately make the call in terms of your direction/focus for your classroom. Based on what I have seen and heard in the hallways, cafeteria, and playground...there should should be plenty of material to act as a great source of learning and discussion. Again, I cannot stress how important he teacher buying into this time impacts the success of the program. 

Book Fair:
The Book Fair will be back this week. Mrs. Fowler will host teachers for a preview on Thursday afternoon in the media center before the Book Fair officially open on Friday, April 27th. The Book Fair will remain opened until Tuesday, May 8th. Please help get the word out to students and parents. Mrs. Fowler uses this money to add wonderful titles to our media center and help out our teachers as well! 

Blue Jeans All Week?:
Teachers and staff have the opportunity to wear blue jeans all week. Simply write a check for $20.00 (made payable to Anderson District One with a note mentioning ASD1 loves teachers). This money will go toward our ASD1 Loves Teachers scholarship fund. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. 

Live PD:
Our next Live PD sessions will take place on Wednesday, April 25th. Our structure will be very similar to last week as we continue with our This is Us series. Please take a moment to view our agenda for Wednesday's Live PD sessions. I look forward to this time of collaboration and improvement. 

Grade Level Meetings on Monday:
I sent a calendar invite to home room teachers last week for grade level meetings that will take place on Monday afternoon in the media center. During these meetings, we will discuss the upcoming student survey that ALL students will take that will actually impact our school report card rating. See schedule of meetings below:
  • 5th grade - 2:45-3:00 P.M.
  • 4th grade - 3:00-3:15 P.M.
  • 3rd grade - 3:15-3:30 P.M. 
Yellow Placement Cards:
Believe it or not, the time has come to prepare our yellow placement cards for next year. On Tuesday afternoon, we will send out spreadsheet and instructions. It is imperative that grade levels take this process seriously and carefully consider class placements for the following year. If parents ask, we do not accept requests for specific teachers. We ask that the spreadsheet be completed no later than Friday, May 4th before you leave. Please let us know if you have any questions once instructions have been shared on Tuesday afternoon. 

Lion King Musical:
We are so excited about our Lion King Musical with two performances scheduled for Monday, April 30th and Tuesday, May 1st at the PVHS auditorium. Both performances begin at 6:30 P.M. Rehearsals will take place this week Thursday and Friday after school. Stacey Turner could sure use your help. I would be grateful if you would consider emailing her and offering your support for the upcoming rehearsals! 

  • Our Papa Johns "Dollars for Dough" fundraiser for April is Tuesday and Wednesday this week (April 24th and 25th). Please encourage our families to visit a local Papa Johns and send their receipt to school. Thanks for getting the word out! 
  • We will be without our nurse and guidance counselor on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. They will be attending a training; leaving us short-staffed in the front office. 
  • The March for Babies event for March of Dimes is this Saturday, April 28th. You can visit our team page here. The event will be held at 3027 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Anderson, SC 29625 with registration at 8:00 AM and the event beginning at 9:00 A.M. This is a great cause to support! 
Moore's Musings:
A few things to consider as we do indeed reach the culminating period of our school year:

1.) Don't forget about our plan of action to "push" our LEAP students. Thanks for submitting your action plan for success

2.) Students need to access the DRC app and have multiple (at least 4-5) opportunities to take the "practice" tests and experience the tools. 

3.) Go ahead and mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 2nd. We will have our official testing meeting and training on this afternoon. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
As always please refer to our shared calendar for important events. This is a very busy time of year so check our calendar often! Our "New Best" are reminded of our final meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 2:40 P.M. Mrs. Tollison will send out information soon. 

Video of the Week: This is How You FINISH!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

What is Your Why?

Why? It is a simple question. It is a question that can keep you up at night if you really give yourself time to ponder. Why do you do what you do? Why did you choose education? Why do you pour every ounce of energy into making the most engaging lesson plans for your students? Why do you stay up at night worrying about that one student? Why do you come to work even when you do not feel like it? When you really take time to think about your why your soul gets re-energized. You reconnect with your purpose and passion. I believe when you remember your why you become unstoppable in your pursuit. 

A look at some of the great things happening at PVES...

We had another successful Writers Wall of Fame celebration before we left for Spring Break. Students and parents enjoyed reading the writings of our own PVES students. Teachers were able to stop by and speak with parents and celebrate our students as well. Thank you to Mrs. Horn and Ms. Fowler for working so diligently to make this special event take place. We are looking forward to our next one! 

Teachers met together at last week's Live PD session to formulate an Action Plan to help our LEAP students be successful on SCREADY. Thank you to everyone for your attention and participation. We are excited about our next Live PD sessions. 

Our next OLWEUS class meetings are scheduled for Monday, April 16th during PRIDE Time. Now that we have completed all of our prepared lessons, we now transition to a time in which class meetings are used to focus on specific areas of need/concern based on individual classes. You can focus on a school-wide bullying rule, rehash an event or incident that occurred the week before, or simply reinforce our expectations for behavior. It now becomes crucial that your grade levels plans/discusses ideas for upcoming OLWEUS meetings. We have a shared folder where you can drop lessons, presentations, etc for everyone to use. Additionally, we have recently purchased some literature for read alouds. Those will be shared soon. Whatever you decide, make sure you take this time seriously and give your students an opportunity to reflect and discuss in a safe, non-threatening environment. If you take it seriously and learn from this time, so will your students. 

See You There!
Teachers, with Teacher Appreciation Week coming up in early May, we would like to offer a free ticket to a Greenville Drive game on Wednesday, May 9th. We will sit together and enjoy a time to fellowship with one another. I hope you will consider joining us. Click on the link HERE to let us know if you intend to join us or not. Thanks!

Live PD
This week's Live PD session will kick off our "This is Us" series of Live PD. We are excited about this opportunity to really get to reflect and respond to who are we and what are we all about at PVES. You can find out details about our session this week by clicking HERE. Please be on time and ready to be an active participant. 

Senior Signing Day
On Friday, April 20th, 5th graders will again take part in PVHS's Senior Signing Day and Parade. The signing day will take place in the PVHS auditorium from 9:30-10:30 AM followed by the parade at 10:45 AM. Classes who have related arts at 8:45 AM will report to their assigned related arts class as usual. At 9:00 AM, related arts teachers and fifth grade teachers will escort all classes to the PVHS auditorium. Fifth grade teachers, you are more than welcome to return to school during your regularly scheduled planning period and then return to PVHS after your planning has ended. Related arts teachers will need to leave a few minutes before 10:15 AM so they can make it back to PVES for their next related arts classes. Fifth grade teachers, please talk to your classes ahead of time and remind them that we will be guests at PVHS. Talk to your students about the importance of doing well in school and graduating (one day they very well might be on stage for signing day). Students are more than welcome to make signs for the seniors. As we line up outside the high school for the 10:45 AM parade, please keep your class together and monitor students closely. After the parade, you are free to walk your class back PVES and resume regular schedule. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Tollison's Tidings:

  • Many of you know that IEP season is upon us and you have started receiving invitations for meetings. Our special education teachers work so hard during this time and are very busy completing many steps, completing paperwork, scheduling and holding required meetings. Thank you for supporting and encouraging them during these very busy weeks. It is also important that teachers invited to attend be an active part in developing a great plan for the child for the next school year. 
  • Along with spring and IEPs comes test prep. Students pulled during PRIDE Time will begin test prep on Tuesday, April 17th. Interventionists have been trained with materials and are going to working closely with small groups to practice test-taking strategies. It also important for classroom teachers to be making the most of these few weeks we have before testing. One way to do this is with your Action Plans for your LEAP students. Completed Action Plans should be dropped into THIS FOLDER by Wednesday, April 18th. 
  • Please review (below) and share our "In the Know" video. You can post this on SeeSaw for parents to view. This has helpful information for the remainder of the school year. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC): 

  • Test Prep begins during PRIDE Time- 4/17
  • District Battle of the Books Competition at PVES- 4/18
  • Skate Night (Glow and neon theme) from 6:00-8:00 PM- 4/19
  • PVHS Signing Day for fifth grade- 4/20
  • ESL Celebration at 1:15- 4/20 (students will be all called) 
  • PVES NEW Best Final Meeting- 4/24 (Rescheduled from 4/17)
  • Spring Book Fair- 4/27
  • Greenville Drive Reading All-Star Game 4/29

Video of the Week: What is Your Why?