Sunday, August 27, 2017

TEAM Powdersville

Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say! Our collective dream at PVES is to make a positive difference in the lives of our students and school community through relationship building and education. I would say we got off to a fantastic start and are well on our way to realizing this dream for the 2017-2018 school year. Getting off to a successful start creates opportunities down the road. I am so proud of our PVES team for working together and making this one of the best "beginnings" we have ever experienced. When you reflect on the many defining moments that have already taken place in just two short weeks, it is encouraging and inspiring to consider what can be accomplished by our faculty and staff in the weeks and months to come. We have come together; not as grade levels or content area teachers, but as a collective whole, in pursuit of our dream and vision for PVES. We realize it's so much larger than just us. The challenge now becomes to press onward. We can't let up. We can't back down from the roadblocks. I know our team is ready for the challenge. Team Powdersville is ready.

Let's reflect back on a wonderful two weeks to begin our 17-18 school year...

Both orientation nights were a success thanks to all involved working hard as a team. Our homeroom teachers had their classrooms ready to go and so inviting. Our office staff and related arts/specialty areas teachers were so helpful directing parents and collecting fees. We made such a great first impression!

Speaking of orientation nights, our PTSO board and volunteers had one of our best starts, in terms of membership, in quite some time. Don't forget to join PTSO soon and encourage your families to do so. This should be included in communication with parents this week. The class receiving the highest percentage of memberships will be rewarded...the teacher as well. Our PTSO is an important part of our PVES team. Let's keep up the positive momentum and support our PTSO!

Our opening meeting was a huge success. Everyone focused on working as a team to make this a successful school year. Thanks to Newspring Powdersville for their hospitality. We discussed expectations for the school year and non-negotiables in terms of what we expect from our teammates. To quote a football coach around these parts, I truly believe "the best is yet to come" for PVES.

Shared leadership is a huge emphasis for Mrs. Tollison and I at PVES. I am thankful for our teacher leaders. All of you met with Mrs. Tollison and I in "grade level" meetings to discuss last minute details and expectations for duty. Thanks to Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Heath and Mrs. Horn for leading SeeSaw training for our faculty. SeeSaw is a tool that will enable our parents to be on our team throughout the year. Mrs. Wilcox shared lesson ideas and resources for using our garden area this year. This is a point of emphasis for our school and an area where our students can learn outside of the classroom (both literally and figuratively). Mrs. Tollison worked with our "new" teachers and staff as part of our PVES NEW BEST program. This group will meet throughout the year to assist those who are new to our team get acclimated to our culture. Team Powdersville was certainly on display leading up to the first day of school! 

Before we get to the first day of school, how can I forget to mention our eclipse viewing party? It was an incredible opportunity to view this once-in-a-lifetime event with our team. These experiences allow us to bond and grow closer as a team. Thanks for sharing in this experience with us! 

The first week of school is busy. There is no escaping the mind-numbing tired that envelopes all of us during this important week. I was so impressed with our faculty and staff. Everyone stepped up to be an active part of our team approach to the week. Mrs. Tollison and I enjoyed meeting with each grade level and introducing ourselves and our expectations. Our teachers worked hard to practice, practice, practice routines and procedures. From the lunchroom, to the hallway, to the restroom...our students relay on our high expectations. We should continue to rehearse and stress our expectations in these areas. iPads continue to be set up in the classrooms in order to have students prepared to use them successfully throughout the school year. All these things are vital to our success. Our team was certainly up to the challenge for the first week of school. Now, keep it going! 

Live PD:
There is no Wednesday Live PD this week. We will meet next Wednesday after school for our first Live PD session of the year. Our focus will be on test scores, among other matters. Please remember that Wednesdays should be kept clear on your calendar so you can attend Live PD Sessions.

We will begin PRIDE Time, intervention block, on Monday. If you need a refresher or you are new, click on the link provided to familiarize yourself with this 30-minute block of intervention. In short, as soon as morning announcements are over, you should begin PRIDE Time until 8:40 A.M. A bell will ring to signal the end of this period. The vision for this block is a highly focused and engaged block for intervention. We won't interrupt your classroom with announcements (unless it is very important). This first week, you will want to establish some routines and procedures so students know this a time meant to make everyone better...for improvement. We will address ideas and structure in future professional development, but all students can get very valuable read-to-self time and DreamBox math time out of this block. In addition, teachers should be pulling small groups and individual students daily to "meet them where they are" in reading and math. The expectation is that this block of time is a difference maker for our students and sets an academically-focused tone to the day. 

Fall Pictures:
Yes, I know it is 90 degrees outside, but Fall Pictures are upon us this week. 4th and 5th grade picture day is Thursday, August 31st. 3rd grade and Marino picture day is Friday, September 1st.  Pictures will be taken in the Strings/PD Room. We will begin as soon as we are able on Thursday and Friday. You will line your students up tallest to shortest when you are called. Obviously, we want this to be a smooth process so thank you in advance for being ready when called and directing students quickly and efficiently through the line. 

Fire Drill:
We are required by law to have a fire frill within the first 20 days of school and ours is scheduled for this week on August 29th. Make sure you know your evacuation route. Each teacher should bring a copy of his/her roll, green/red cards for signaling that you either do (green) or do not (red) have all your students accounted for. If you have a walkie, you will bring this with you. As your class quickly exits the building, make sure you turn the lights off to your classroom and close your classroom door. Once you make it outside, quickly account for your students and be prepared to tell the office staff member assigned to your area if you are missing anyone. 

Teacher Websites:
Please make sure your website is being updated. Many parents refer to your website for schedule information including lunch and recess. Let us know if you need any assistance. Additionally, work hard to ensure your parents are signing up for My Homework and SeeSaw. This may mean you need to make some phone calls. 

PVES Pals:
We have such a fun and tight-knit family at PVES. Thanks to everyone for again participating in PVES Pals. The goal is to simply brighten your pal's day with a note or small gift. Check in on your pal at least once a month and make a difference to that person. Refer to the "A Few of My Favorite Things" list to help you get started. 

Moore's Musings:
  • Thank you in advance for continuing to stress behavior and routine expectations in your classrooms, hallway, cafeteria and bathroom. These are school-wide expectations and we all play a part in creating a positive and structured environment for our students. We can't stop now. Use Lion Heads to compliment other classes. Everyone be involved! 
  • Speaking of behavior, use the online behavior referral form when a student needs to speak to school administration. Add this to your bookmarks/favorites. Remember, the expectation is that the teacher has used his/her clip chart and behavior management system to its fullest extent and that parents have been contacted, prior to referring a child. This, of course, does not apply for serious behaviors when/where administration is needed immediately. 
  • Please remember to be on time for morning and afternoon duty. The 8:00 A.M. bell is our tardy bell. All students must be in class by this bell. In the afternoons, class along the 100 and 200 hallways should be lined up at the lion mural by the time the 2:35 bell rings. 4th and 5th grade classrooms should be ready to leave at the 2:35 bell. We need everyone moving down the hallway quietly and with a purpose so we can begin afternoon dismissal as soon as possible. There is certainly a sense of urgency here as everyone is relying on us to get started quickly. Thanks for your help. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • MAP window opens - 8/28/2017
  • Fire Drill - 8/29/2017
  • First weekly progress report folders sent home - 8/30/2017
  • Mulch installed on playground - 8/30/2017 at 9:30 A.M.
  • Fall Pictures for grades 4 and 5 - 8/31/2017
  • Fall Pictures for grade 3 and Marino - 9/1/2017
  • PTSO Chic-Fil-A Biscuit Sale - 9/1/2017 (during morning arrival time)
  • Labor Day - No School - 9/4/2017 
  • iPads Can Be Sent Home - 9/5/2017 (Student must have paid iPad protection plan - Patty will get list out to teachers). 

Videos of the Week:
Let's take a look at some more dysfunctional teams out there...

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