Wednesday, August 9, 2017

New Beginnings

Well, here we are. The 2017-2018 school year is close at hand. Another summer has flown past us disguised as a blur. I trust that everyone had an opportunity to rest, refresh, and enjoy time with friends and family. Mrs. Tollison and I have been busy this summer; reflecting on our previous year and planning for what is sure to be our best year yet at PVES. I certainly enjoy the renewed commitment and enthusiasm at the beginning of the school year. In this first blog of the new school year, we appropriately focus on beginnings. A beginning, as defined by, is an origin; a source; a first cause. Think about that for a moment. We have a fresh start in front of us. We get to initiate a "first cause" in all that we do. Didn't like the way you arranged you room last year? Here's your chance to try something new. Want to do a more efficient job of planning? Sure thing. Here is your opportunity. Want to make building relationships in the building more of a priority this year? Why not? There is no better time to start than right now. As we work together, as a team, to get this year started off in a positive and focused manner, let us remember the words from a wise man: "You cannot change the past, but you can write a new history." A new beginning is upon us, and if we approach it wisely, it can be life-altering for our entire school community! 

Let's take a look at some beginnings in the life of our building...

Mrs. Wayne, Mrs. Thomas, and Mrs. Garrett represented our school at the Upstate Technology Conference this July. They had to literally close the door to the room due to overcrowding in their session! We appreciate their leadership. Their "Tech-infused Guided Reading & Math Station Ideas" session was a huge hit. We have now reached year 4 of our one-to-one iPad initiative in ASD1. Do you remember way back to the beginning? How far have we come? We are now a LEADER in the district in this area. 

The hallways look very nice and clean. Our hard working custodians did an incredible job in the classrooms and around the building to make sure we had a first-class building ready for our first-class faculty and staff. I remember way back to the beginning of this waxing project thinking there was no way we would ever get done. You are sure to notice the difference it makes when you first walk into the building. 

Speaking of our custodians, they have truly done an excellent job in and around the school. Whether it be cutting grass in 90-degree heat or cleaning walls (and everything in between), they truly worked as a team to get so much accomplished. Please make sure you thank our custodial team when you see them! 

I think everyone will notice the positive message now posted in and around the library and front office. Thanks to Deb Fowler for getting this organized.  We plan to continue to add more in order to creatively use our wall space. In other words, this is just the beginning to some of the improvements you will see at PVES.

From iPads to supplies, everyone has teamed together to make sure things run smoothly for everyone at the beginning of the school year. Our plan is to have all iPads in classrooms to be used starting day one. Thanks to our district technology team for all of their help. 

Thanks to this group of teachers (and one of students) for showing up to help pull weeds in our garden area. This is a learning space we will continue to improve upon and highlight. At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Wilcox will share with all of us more of our vision for this space and how everyone can and will chip in to make this a valuable asset to our instructional program. Not pictured: Deb Fowler.

Mrs. Horn has made our teacher work room a much more inviting place Make sure you stop by and enjoy some of the changes. We are even adding some music to the mix. From the very beginning of the year, I hope this is an area you will enjoy, be proud of, and take great care to maintain. 

Our leadership team has been hard at work. They met three days this summer to work on important school-wide initiatives; including OLWEUS (an anti-bullying program) that we will implement as a school this year! Thanks to the leadership team for their hard work!

There is no better beginning than to welcome a beautiful child into the world. This year, we were able to celebrate this many times over. And as Mrs. Payne gets closer and closer to the arrival of her newborn, we have to celebrate a "beginning" for Mr. White and his wife Amanda. They have adopted a son, Solomon, and they are finally home! I can't tell you how happy we are for that family. Additionally, Mrs. Pam welcomed a grandson into the world last week. Conner is doing well and it looks like Mrs. Pam is okay to have him around. 

New to PVES:
We are proud to welcome new members of our PVES family. Please make it a point to meet these wonderful people and make them feel at home. Offer help/assistance whenever possible to these new folks and show them the high expectations we hold for ourselves and our students. 

Jobie Henderson - Grade 3
Hollyn Candler - Grade 3
Ashley Williams - Grade 4
Laura Grier - Grade 5 
Kristie Berry - Computer Lab Manager 
Monica Banks - TMD Assistant 
Pam Adams - Custodian (joined us at the end of last year)

Orientation Nights:
4th and 5th grade teachers have Orientation Night on Monday, August 14th from 5:30-7:30 P.M. An email was sent to all those involved with more information. Remember that Orientation Night is an opportunity to usher in a new school year with a positive vibe and make that all-important first impression on our school community. 3rd grade teachers, your big night is Tuesday, August 15th from 5:30-7:30 P.M. We will get you additional information soon. Thanks for making these events a wonderful "beginning" to the new school year! 

Kickoff to 2017-2018 School Year:
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, August 15th to begin the school year together. Last year, we enjoyed a trip to Furman University. This year, we will be much closer to home. Our opening meeting will take place at Newspring Church in Powdersville. You will park on the side closest to Highway 153 (behind Coyote Coffee). You will see cars in the parking lot and there is plenty of parking. The address is 120 Woodson Street Greenville, SC 29611. Here is our agenda for the morning:
  • 7:45-8:45 A.M.  Meet & Greet with Breakfast - Enjoy Chic-Fil-A minis, fruit trays, coffee and juice. We will also have music and games. Take this opportunity to connect with colleagues before we get down to business in our opening meeting.
  • 9:00-11:30 A.M. Opening Meeting - We will discuss our vision for the 2017-2018 school year and engage our faculty and staff in discussion and collaboration about how we can continue to improve as a school. We would ask that everyone comes ready to be a part of our PVES team and contribute in this session. 
At 11:30 A.M., we will conclude the meeting. The remainder of the day is yours to use wisely. Refer to this "First Week" Calendar so help you plan your meeting times. It is a full calendar, much of it based on school and district expectations, but there are some spots for planning opportunities and working in your room. This schedule is subject to change. We will discuss in our opening meeting. Finally, we will be sending out a Flipped Faculty Meeting with important reminders from our office staff. You will want to view this ASAP at your convenience. 

Moore's Musings:
Pride. We use the word a lot around here. A pride is a family of lions and we are indeed a school family. A team. We are made stronger when we work together for a common vision. Our purpose fuels our passion. We also take great pride in our school. We have accomplished so much and have so much still to accomplish. For everyone, including our new faculty and staff, please take time to carefully consider our PRIDE Acronym. This is a guiding force in our building in terms of our belief system. We expect everyone to make time on the first day of school to discuss this and make this a point of focus each and every day. Speaking of pride, I am so proud of our teachers. Your rooms look incredible. Our students are blessed to be at PVES and learn from compassionate and competent educators. Great job!

Mark Your Calendar:
Remember that our shared Google calendar, along with this blog, are two important ways we communicate to you. As faculty and staff are expected to check the the calendar regularly and read the blog when it is published. Additionally, we use email and Remind text messages to disseminate information to faculty and staff.

Miscellaneous Resources:
Please take some time to read our handbooks for the 2017-2018 school year. Please let Mrs. Tollison or me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Video of the Week:

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