Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Thank You Teachers

We are blessed at PVES with the best teachers! This week we wanted to take a moment as a school to celebrate you, teachers, for all you do for our students and school. You go the extra mile to make sure our students feel loved, learn, and grow. It is because of your dedication and passion that our students succeed. Thank you for the investment you have made in the lives of each student. 

Saying Thank You
Teachers we have a breakfast planned for you on this Friday morning including Bojangles biscuits, fruit, coffee, and juice. Please be sure to stop by the workroom to get yours. We are also in the process of making special plans with PTSO for a very tasty treat at the end of the year as a way to show appreciation. More details to come! 

Foundations Reading Course
The LAST assignment for the Foundations of Reading Course is an article on conferring with readers. Mrs. Martin put a copy of the article in your box. You can also click here for the article. Please read the article and respond in Edmodo. Remember our Edmodo group is called "Powdersville Elementary Foundations of Reading". The assignment will be posted at the top of the page. Click the "Turn In" button and type your response to the 2 questions. The assignment will need to be turned in by next Friday, May 12th. All assignments for the course need to be completed by Friday, May 26th. If you are missing an assignment, then Mrs. Martin will let you know. Remember that you must complete all assignments to get credit for the course.

Report Card Schedule
Here is the schedule for fourth nine weeks report cards. 
Tuesday, May 30th - Grades due by 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 31st - Verification reports will be printed.  Any changes needed must be complete before June 1st, 8:00 a.m.
Thursday, June 1st - Grades will be "STORED" at 8:00 a.m.
Friday, June 2nd - Report cards will be distributed to homeroom teachers for completion.
Tuesday, June 6th - Report cards can be picked up or sent home with students.   

Testing Reminders
Third graders will have completed testing after Thursday. Thank you third grade teachers for your diligence to make these two weeks a success. We will begin with fourth grade on Friday. Please continue to keep in mind the following:
  • Arrive to your testing session on time and prepared. Someone will meet you in the lab to assist with getting the test started.
  • Be an active monitor. Walk around and take notice of anything out of the ordinary or potential issues with testing or test security. Notify Mrs Lee or school admin if something concerns you. 
  • Don't forget that your folder with testing tickets, rough drafts, seating chart, etc. is secure material that should never be left unattended. 
  • Thanks to Mrs. Lee and our related arts teachers for covering the hallway for us and providing a break for our teachers during testing. They are there to assist you. 
  • We are doing our best to keep scratch paper, sharpened pencils, and peppermints in each lab. 

ESL Accommodations Reminders
Melissa Thomas will be placing accommodation sheets for each of your current ESOL students in your boxes (homeroom teachers). Mrs. Thomas has marked current accommodations, if any. Please highlight any accommodations you feel are needed next year, sign each page, and return it to Melissa Thomas' box. If you team teach, please be sure to discuss this before returning it. Thank you Mrs. Thomas for a wonderful job this year! 
Nurse Jamie Vance was voted Support Staff Employee of the Year. Congratulations Jamie! We are thankful for how you care for our students and support our staff at PVES! 

Great things happening at PVES...

Fourth grade meets to plan for next year and prepare their supply list for students. Remember supply lists are due Friday. Thank you for taking the time to meet and discuss! 

PVES was well represented at the Drive Reading All Star Game. Thank you to teachers for pumping this up with students. We will still be spending time on the roof as promised! 

Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Ellison spent some time this week in training for our new online registration. Students registering for the 2017-2018 will do so online. Thank you ladies! 

The Book Fair will be here from now until Tuesday, May 9th. Ms. Fowler does an excellent job with this and students enjoy visiting. 

 Our strings students did an excellent job at the strings concert this week. There was a huge crowd! We are so proud of these students for their hard work this year. Thank you Mr. Velasco for working hard with our students. 

Tollison's Tidings

  • Student Service Council members will be assisting teachers tomorrow as a way to show appreciation. Homeroom representatives will report to their classroom and assist teachers until 3:15.  
  • Teachers received a leave early pass and jean pass in your boxes. You are also free to leave early on Friday of this week once your duties have been fulfilled for the day. Thank you for all you do! 
Mark Your Calendar
Please make sure you are reviewing our shared school calendar for important upcoming events. 

Video of the Week:
This week's video comes straight from our own PVES students.  We love our teachers and want to say thank you for all you do! 

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