Wednesday, April 26, 2017

See You At Work

Work can best be defined as exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something. I think this definition helps spotlight the point I hope to get across in this blog. Simply put, we have worked so hard all year to get to this point. Don't stop now. Working hard these last few weeks will make a huge difference in our pursuit for excellence. Sure, there are a variety of legitimate excuses for taking our collective foot off the pedal. We are tired. Worn out even. That alone is reason enough. I believe our building is full of teachers who love what they do and love with whom they work. I believe teaching is a passion and a true calling. Let us be motivated daily by the faces of the children who enter our classrooms each morning. Let's give them our best and change the future for the better. The only way to realize this vision is to push forward and work hard. There's only one thing to do. See you at work. 

Testing Reminders:
Third grade teachers have gotten us off to a fabulous start during this first official week of testing. Please continue to keep in mind the following:

  • Arrive to your testing session on time and prepared. Someone will meet you in the lab to assist with getting the test started.
  • Be an active monitor. Walk around and take notice of anything out of the ordinary or potential issues with testing or test security. Notify Mrs Lee or school admin if something concerns you. 
  • Don't forget that your folder with testing tickets, rough drafts, seating chart, etc. is secure material that should never be left unattended. 
  • Thanks to Mrs. Lee and our related arts teachers for covering the hallway for us and providing a break for our teachers during testing. They are there to assist you. 
  • We are doing our best to keep scratch paper, sharpened pencils, and peppermints in each lab. 

Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Game:
As you have heard by now, the Reading All Stars game was moved to Tuesday, May 2nd at Fluor Field. Please communicate the following to your parents, via email/text message, of students who participated:

Attention parents whose children participated in the Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars program! The game has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 2nd with festivities beginning at 6 pm. If you purchased tickets to the April 23rd game you MUST exchange your tickets by visiting or calling the Drive Box Office at 864-240-4528. Students who still have a voucher can also redeem it by visiting or calling the Drive Box Office. We look forward to seeing you at the game on May 2nd!

One School, One Book Reveal:
This Friday, April 28th we will reveal the book we will be reading as part of our One School, One Book initiative. We are asking that teachers wear yellow on Friday as part of the reveal. Mrs. Martin will deliver books to classrooms on Friday as well. You are certainly free to wear blue jeans on Friday as well!

Speaking of work, Mrs. Hughes and our SSC have worked hard this year. Here they are cleaning up trash outside. The SSC is a great opportunity for our students to work hard to serve others. Thanks to Mrs. Hughes for leading these students.

Our 5th graders who served as tour guides worked hard last week to welcome our second grade friends from Concrete. I was impressed with our soon-to-be third graders!

Through the environmental grant, the courtyard area of our school has been transformed and offers an opportunity for a different kind of "work" for our students. We caught a glimpse of students weeding various areas outside and found Mr. White working with a student from Ms. Marino's class in the greenhouse. Awesome!

If we expect our students to work hard during testing and show what they know, a little encouragement certainly doesn't hurt. Check out what Mrs. Kallin prepared for her students in the way or motivation and encouragement before testing!

Moore's Musings:
Testing certainly has impacted our schedule, though I feel we have all done a great job of maintaining a "normal" schedule as much as humanly possible. Please remember that we must monitor our students at all times; including recess, restroom breaks, dismissal, etc. Let's prevent possible issues by being proactive. Additionally, please keep in mind what we discussed in our last faculty meeting. Have meaningful learning planned for your students throughout these final days. Whether it be PBL, reviewing for a test, or frontloading for next year...make sure your students are working hard and engaged. Growth and improvement are still possible as long as we set the tone. Let this be our expectation.

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):

  • Book Fair Reception for Teachers - Media Center from 2:30-3:30 P.M. on 4/27
  • PVES Skate Night - 4/27 from 6-8 P.M.
  • Fire Drill - After lunch on 4/28
  • Strings Concert - 5/1 Wren High at 7 P.M.
  • Reading All Stars Game at Fluor Field - 5/2 
  • Book Fair begins on 4/28
  • Book Fair Ends on 5/9
  • Aladdin Kids Performance at PVHS - 5/18 at 6:30 P.M.

Video of the Week: Denzel Washington's "See You at Work":


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