Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The D in P.R.I.D.E

The D in P.R.I.D.E. stands for determination. As educators, it is an essential life skill we all believe is important for all students. We use words like perseverance to encourage our students to never give up even when a task seems impossible. We have the awesome ability to model this for our students in our speech and attitude every day. We can do this when we deal with a difficult student or reteach a difficult topic.

Full Steam Ahead in STEM

One place that determination is evident at PVES is in our STEM Lab. Mrs. Clary and her students are learning the importance of determination and problem solving. There are moments where the task of taking on something never done at PVES can be overwhelming. Her students also face frustration when she does not just "tell" them how to complete the task/challenge. Take a moment to read her thoughts below as our guest blogger this week. After reading, check out this incredible video Mrs. Clary took of some of our very own fifth graders. #kidscancode

"Funny how the word I chose as I thought about the new challenge/adventure I faced this school year was determination! I watched my 5th grade students think outside the box this week with Ozobot. They had to create codes for what they wanted their robot to do. I gave them a general task and just let them go and create; the product was amazing! I love light bulb moments when they problem solve. We fail many times in STEM lab but we are determined to succeed."

Celebrating Determination at PVES

We had several teachers (Mrs. Wayne, Miss Lockaby, Miss Wilcox, and Mrs. Garrett) who understand the importance of building relationships with students. They were determined to invest in students and show their dedication by supporting our U10 football players and cheerleaders at their game this week. Thank you ladies for being determined to reach each student and making an investment in the whole child. 

McKenzie Marino is also determined to do whatever it takes to acquire new playground equipment for her students. She is working to raise $40,000 through grants and local fund raising events. Look for more details to come of how we can support her! 

Important reminders, information, and announcements

Golden Rule Rally
Our Boosterthon Golden Rule will take place tomorrow. See below for specific times. Remember to bring your class flag and wear your red Boosterthon T-shirt. Please encourage your students to start collecting the money that goes with their pledges. We are hoping for 100%!
  • 3rd Grade- 12:15 P.M.
  • 4th Grade- 1:00 P.M.
  • 5th Grade- 1:45 P.M
International Dot Day
Friday we will be celebrating International Dot Day as a school. Please have your students listen to the book "The Dot" before Friday. There are two ways to access the book if you don't have your own copy.

Epic: If you have a teacher account in Epic, then all you have to do is search for the book. If you don't have an account, then I believe that it is still free for teachers to set up an account.

Tumblebooks: Click on this link-
When you open the link, you should click on the blue box that says "Click here for Tumblebooks". On the next page, go to the top right corner and click where it says "TumbleSearch". On the next page, find the box that says "Search by Title" and type "The Dot" in the box. It should pull the book up to click on "Read Online" and it will read the book aloud. 

Kelle Martin also sent out a email with an educator's handbook with ideas of activities that students can do incorporating dots for Dot Day. If you choose to take part in any of the activities, then please take pictures of students and post it on twitter using the #DotDay and @pvespride. Please allow students to sign (mark) their name on the banner outside of the library for participating in Dot Day. (Markers are in the mailbox right below the banner.)

Encourage your students to wear dots. Remember the class with the most participate will receive Popsicle. Thank you to Mrs. White (Mrs. Jennings' class) for creating this book trailer. Enjoy! 

Tuesday's Faculty Meeting
Tuesday we will be covering a variety of topics during our faculty meeting. Our main focus will be discipline and parent communication. Remember this is based on feedback from last year's survey data. It is important that you make sure you are present for the entire meeting. Please also keep in mind that Tuesdays are reserved for our faculty meeting days and attendance is expected. We will begin as close to 3:10 as possible. You will need to bring your iPad and laptop to the meeting. 

ALICE Training and Drill Information
Alice Training will be held on Tuesday, October 11th from 3:00-4:00 P.M. for all new employees. You should have received an invitation for this meeting. Anyone who is not new but like to attend for a refresher is welcome. Our Intruder Drill is currently set to take place on Friday, October 28th. We will send out more details closer to the date. Please remember to discuss ALICE with your students. A letter will be sent home to parents about the drill. 

Field Trips 
Several field trips are taking place this fall or are in the works for the spring. Here is the link to the Field Trip Checklist presented at the beginning of the year. Remember to have this completed as you plan your trip. One essential part of the checklist is to complete an Information Sheet for the front office. This assists our front office staff when addressing parent questions or concerns. 

The Book Fair Is Coming...
The Book Fair is coming to PVES! Teachers are invited to the Book Fair reception on Thursday, September 22nd beginning in the Media Center at 2:45. Please stop by to check out the items and create your wishlist. Students will be able to visit the Book Fair beginning Friday, September 23rd. 

Tollison's Tidings:
  • Sign up here for SLO meetings. These are first come, first serve with times. Remember to bring your data (MAP, F&P, benchmark, etc.).
  • Discovery TechBook Training will take place on Wednesday, September 21st for all science teachers. Teachers will receive training in one hour and five minute sessions by grade level. (4th Grade- 8:00-9:05 A.M.; 5th Grade- 9:10-10:15 A.M.; 3rd Grade- 10:20-11:25 A.M.)
  • Fountas and Pinnell levels are due on Friday, September 23rd. Remember to complete the online form. 
  • Monday, September 26th Professional Development will take place at Cedar Grove.
Mark Your Calendar
Please refer to our shared calendar for important dates and information. 

I thought the best way to end our blog on determination is to look at it through one of our very own PVES students. Many of you know the challenges Miss Marino and her wonderful Assistants face each day as they serve some of the awesome students at PVES. These ladies are determined to make a difference and help all of our students grow and become better each day. I wanted to take a moment and thank each and every one of you who consistently love on these sweet student. Many of you have stepped up to assist in our TMD Class in the hallways and cafeteria. 

This week's video comes from Mrs. Redmon's speech session. Most of you know our precious Codie. He worked so hard today in speech to focus on the routines and expectations of the school day. One of which included understanding the flag, and Pledge of Allegiance (also known as the country pledge). I want you to watch as Codie practices his final time. Pay attention to the determination. Notice the result is great pride in his success when he finishes up. Let's make sure we are not giving up, and that we are doing all we can for each student. Be determined and celebrate daily! 

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