Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sense of Urgency

Urgency is defined as importance requiring swift action. We have used the phrase sense of urgency many times this year in an effort to stress the critical nature of our responsibilities as educators. You will only have your students for 180 days this year. 31 of those days are now over. We can't get them back. Think about that for a moment. 1/8th of the school year is over. I think it is important to stop and point out that working with a sense of urgency is not equivalent to running around like chickens with our heads cut off (though it often feels that way). On the contrary, we work with a sense of urgency dedicated to careful planning. We take calculated, well though out steps on our journey. However, we must feel the pressure to understand and accept this urgency. Do we teach bell-to-bell? Do we make the most of our professional development opportunities, and better yet, our opportunities spent in the classroom with our students? PRIDE Time is a perfect example. We have 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to focus on getting better. Can we afford to take a day "off" and sit at our desk during this time? Let us have a laser-like focus on instruction. What will you do with the remaining 7/8ths of the school year? We do not have time to waste. 

Science Refurbishment Money:
Each grade level will once again receive science refurbishment money. This money is used to fund our science classes via purchasing necessary equipment and materials. Each grade level will receive $874.43 this year for science refurbishment. I would ask that you meet as a grade level team to plan purchases. Each person on the grade level team should be in agreement before purchases are made. Patty can work with teachers who need assistance using these monies. I would also throw in a plug for STEM as some STEM activities can be accomplished fairly inexpensively. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Lies, Dang Lies, and Statistics:
Thank you for your attendance and focus during our recent data meetings. Mrs. Tollison and I are pleased with our many successes and encouraged by the direction we are headed as a school. As we discussed in our meeting, our goal should always be continuous improvement. Getting better. Let's not focus on excuses, but rather solutions. Remember your homework. We shared a data folder with everyone. Have your homework ready to discuss after October 10th with your partner teacher. We are excited about these conversations surrounding our data. I am impressed with the questions and ideas that have already been shared by teachers. That's what makes you such an incredible staff ... the ability to move beyond the status quo and want more for our students. 

Homecoming Parade:
This Friday, September 30th we will participate in a homecoming parade along our bus access road behind our property (next to football stadium). The parade will begin at 1:30 P.M. We will call classes by grade level. Homeroom teachers, you will escort your class to the assigned location we discussed in our faculty meeting. Mr. Moore, Mrs. Tollison, and Mrs. Lee will be there to assist. Please make sure you bring your walkie if you have one. If your class is in related arts at this time, you will be expected to pick them up from related and walk them down to the parade. Related arts teachers and specialty area teachers we will need you to be present at the parade site to assist with child safety. Let's celebrate our growing and award winning community on this day! Please plan to wear blue jeans and our school t-shirts on Friday to assist in the celebratory activities. 

Are You Smarter Than?:
Please continue to send out notification of our parent events scheduled for next Monday (10/3) f0r grades 3 and 4 and next Tuesday (10/4) for grade 5. We shared some helpful information with you earlier this month to assist you with planning for this event. Speaking of a sense of urgency, this is yet another of the opportunities we have to interact in a positive way with our students and parents. Make an impact! Clear up confusing information, stress important events in your class, and help parents understand the high expectations we have for their students. If you can find a way to mention the P.R.I.D.E. acronym in your time with parents, that would be awesome. Mrs. Tollison and I will have STEM activity materials and the QR code for parent feedback to you by Monday during the day. 

Stress Literacy:
We are all teachers of reading. Let's set an example by reading aloud to students on a daily basis and talking about reading with our students (no matter what we teach). Mrs. Martin has students excited about our One District, One Book initiative (we apologize for the terrible dancing...if you want to call it that). Each day, we will announce the question during morning announcements for the chapter that was to be read at home. Students can scan the QR code emailed to you by Mrs. Martin to submit the answer to this question. Please refer to her emails for details. Let's get our students excited about reading! 

A look around PVES...

Ms. Marino's class visited Denver Downs on Wednesday and had a blast. Thanks to everyone for supporting their efforts to raise money for a new playground. We have a great feeing that we will raise what we need to get the job done. 

I hope you are as proud as we are about our performance on what is obviously a very rigorous assessment (SC READY). We have a solid foundation and wonderful educators in this building who are committed to making us the best. You are appreciated! 

Thanks to our very own reading coach, Kelle Martin, for leading our professional development on Monday. Obviously, reading is everyone's responsibility. Make sure you are prepared to help your students with strategies regardless of what content you teach. 

Oh, and we'll just leave this here ...

I've read chapter 1. Have you? Thanks to all of you for making our kickoff to One District, One Book a huge success. Literacy is something we stress (as mentioned earlier in the blog). It is our single most important focus as teachers of 8, 9, and 10 year olds. 

Moore's Musings:
Our next R.O.A.R. event is scheduled for Friday, October 14th before the home game at PVHS. Loved ones are invited so we expect a huge crowd at our pre-game tailgate event. Our R.O.A.R. committee will send out information very soon because we will need your help to make this event a success. I have to admit, I look forward to any opportunity for us to be together and celebrate our relationships. It's what makes PVES such a special place. 

Mark Your Calendar:
Please check the shared calendar for important dates including EAFK, math PD, make-up pictures, etc. Thank you!

Video of the Week:

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