Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Plenty of "Power" in Teamwork

Teaching is a stressful job for a variety of reasons. It's not easy on the calmest and quietest of days. On Tuesday this week, we experienced "one of those days" that made our jobs that much more difficult. When the power went out we were initially told that it would be back on by 11:30 A.M. I worked with our cafeteria staff on a "back up" plan for lunch. We had ourselves convinced that we could make it through an hour or two and then get back to normal. Boy were we wrong. As the estimated time for the problem to be corrected continued to be pushed back, we knew we were in for a long day. Long story short, 400 or so ham or cheese (not both) sandwiches and 5 1/2 hour later, the last of our students had departed from school and the day was done. I can't say I would want us to repeat that activity again in the near future (or ever), but as I reflected on the events of the day it became apparent to me that one word stood out above all the others as to why we made it through such a trying day ... teamwork! And guess what the key to good teamwork turns out to be?

When the power went out, many of you immediately offered your assistance. Teachers checked on the safety and well being of other teachers and students. Our cafeteria staff sprung into action to feed our 605 students with no electricity to power ovens or coolers. Our office staff handled a variety of demanding requests and situations with professionalism and efficiency. Teachers ran around locating students for early dismissals and helped direct traffic and lead dismissal. I could go on, but the amazing thing was that we taught, fed and safely dismissed all of our students amidst all the chaos and confusion. Teachers, I was so impressed with you and our school. I cannot put into words the PRIDE, pun intended, that I felt watching everyone rise up and answer the call. It was easy to complain on a day like Tuesday. However, we met the challenge by working together. We were stronger because we worked toward a common goal. We were better together than we were as individuals. Just imagine if we can harness the power of teamwork school-wide on a consistent basis. 50th in the state, anyone? 

Here are a few highlights from the last week at PVES...

Yes, I was "hotdogged" by some of our awesome students. The relish was hard to take, but it was certainly worth it in the end! By the way, we collected 74% of our pledge money this week. This is a great start, but our goal is 95%. Our next collection day is Wednesday, March 23rd. Please help get the word out to parents!

As you well know, Mrs. Tollison and I are committed to developing teacher leaders in our building. During Friday's staff development, several of our teachers presented their discoveries from various conferences/workshops. Thanks to Mrs. Martin, Ms. Powell, and Ms. Jordan for their hard work. Ms. Lockaby, Mrs. Freeman, and Mrs. Wayne had some information to share and will do so at another meeting. 

Speaking of professional learning, a group of teachers attended the Furman Consortium this week and have some great reading information to share with us soon. Thanks to the ladies in the picture below for being willing to attend and help us grow as a staff in our professional abilities! 

Well, we are one step closer to housing honey bees (yes, real ones). Our hive/encasement was installed in the media center this week. Third graders have been working hard on their PBL (Problem Based Learning) and will be presenting their findings and discoveries on Monday, May 16th. May 16th will be known as "bee day" (we might come up with something more creative later). Mr. Havird and Mrs. Harrison will be among our guests in attendance on this day. Thanks to the third grade team for getting us started on the path to PBL. It's been awesome to watch your students learn in this way! 

Jessica Preisig hosted our Digital Playground event for the month of March. It was a smaller than usual crowd, but those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the event. The pie made it all worthwhile! We continue to be a leader in technology integration. Keep up the great work! 

AdvancED Final Reminders:
The AdvancED team visiting our district will be in our area next week from Sunday, March 20th-Wednesday, March 23rd. They will be visiting Powdersville High School and Concrete Primary on Tuesday, March 22nd. I doubt they will visit our school. However, be prepared just in case. Remember that if someone comes to observe your classroom they are looking for STUDENT ENGAGEMENT. That means your students need to be actively engaged. Refer to the ELEOT observation tool for specifics. Also, please be familiar with our School Renewal Plan. This document will be useful for us throughout the next five years and we will refer back to it. Thanks again to everyone for serving on an AdvancED committee this year! 

Last Week Before Spring Break:
We are 6 days away from a well-deserved break from school. Let's make the most of these six days! Keep structure in your classroom by providing engaging activities. Also, please continue to make sure all students are closely monitored at recess and in the restroom. Additionally, please make every effort to be at school as subs will be scarce the week before a long break. Friday, March 25th is "I Heart Arts" Day at PVES. Mrs. Nix and Mrs. Turner will provide additional information soon for you. They have worked hard to prepare this day for our students! Class parties will begin at 1:40 P.M. on this day. You are free to leave ASAP after students are dismissed. Spring Break runs from Monday, March 28th-Friday, April 1st. Enjoy this time with your friends and family and REST! 

Moore's Musings:
Be ready. When we come back we will have two months of school remaining. We all know how busy this time of year is. Testing is on the horizon. I know you all are working tirelessly to prepare your students to do their absolute best. The week we return from Spring Break, grades will be due by 4 PM on Monday, April 4th. Verifications will be printed on Tuesday, April 5th in the morning and will need to be checked that day so report cards can be printed on Wednesday, April 6th. Report cards will be sent home on Thursday, April 7th. Hang out tight and enjoy the ride! 

Mark Your Calendar:
As always, please refer to our shared Google Calendar for the latest updates. It is imperative that we use the calendar to effectively communicate important dates. If you see an event missing that needs to be added, please contact me ASAP. Thanks!

*A note about the blog: There will be no blog next week due to Spring Break the following week. 

Videos of the Week: Teamwork

Friday is NOT a jean day due to EAFK. Wednesday and Thursday next week
are great days to wear blue jeans!

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