Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Booster Out!

Boosterthon is over. At least the majority of the craziness that accompanies Boosterthon is over. We have done this fundraiser for six years in a row and each year we raise between $18K-$20K in just over a week's time. Personally, I love the positive energy and message Boosterthon brings to our students. Yes, there are interruptions and challenges. However, there is something special about our teachers and parents cheering on our students as they run around the track. There is something very special about our TMD class being cheered on by students and teachers as they participate. The Color Run for 5th grade was a tremendous success and a great way to celebrate with our 5th graders. After having some discussions with our PTSO, we may be headed for a one year hiatus from Boosterthon. Thank you for making it a special day. Don't forget - we really need our students to bring in the pledge money throughout the next two weeks. The first collection day is scheduled for March 16th. Per my agreement with Super Syd, I will be "hot dogged"  tomorrow. We will capture this on camera so you can share with your class when you feel necessary.

Enjoy some more pictures from our Boosterthon event today!

The third grade LAUNCH class has been studying ancient Egypt.  They went on a field trip to the Michael C. Carlos Museum which is on the campus of Emory University in Atlanta.  The students toured the ancient Egypt exhibit and were able to see actual ancient Egyptian artifacts including mummies, canonic jars, amulets, hieroglyphics,and a replica of the Rosetta Stone.  They learned about gods and goddesses, mummification and their belief about the afterlife.  The docents for the museum were impressed with our students knowledge and behavior.  They also visited the World of Coca Cola and ate lunch at the food court of the CNN building.  It was a fun and educational day! 

March 11th Staff Development Day:
Friday is a staff development day for teachers. We will plan to meet in the PD Room beginning at 8:30 A.M. Hopefully, this will give you a few extra minutes to sleep in and get to school. We will have a general meeting including some teachers sharing information they have learned from various conferences and workshops. Mrs. Martin will meet briefly non-homeroom teachers after our general meeting to discuss Read 2 Succeed reading endorsement/certificate. We will provide coffee, juice and water along with doughnuts. You health nuts need to eat at least one doughnut. You earned it! Please come prepared to pay attention and learn. We will do our best to be done by 10:00 A.M.

March Book Madness:
The goal is to have all 8 books read by Monday, March 21st.  Mrs. Martin gave the grade level basket of books to the first teacher on the rotation list. Make sure to read at lease one book a day. Also, Mrs. Martin put a shadow puppet video of her reading all 8 books in Google Drive in the 2015-16 PVES Teacher folder in the March Book Madness folder. Please use this if you would like. By the end of the day on March 21st, all students should have used the QR code provided to you in your box to vote on the their favorite book out of all 8 that they heard.  Thank you so much for helping make this happen! 

Speaking of reading initiatives, please put a plug in for the Greenville Drive Reading All Stars program. Students who read five books, complete the form, and return it to Mrs. Fowler get a free game ticket and are honored on the field prior to the game. We want a huge crowd of our students at the game!

Moore's Musings:
  • Thanks to Jill Kallin for training ELA teachers on how to administer MAP sessions. She provided some great information and "cheat sheets" for everyone to use. I like the fact that teachers are now in charge of their own MAP testing. This gives you much more flexibility and control. 
  • Thanks to Jena Putnam for handling a plethora of sub requests thus far. It's not easy to handle subs in this district and it is especially not easy when we go through a time period of sickness like we have seen recently. 
  • Thanks to Kelley Golden and Jill Kallin for being willing to work in Ms. Marino's class as she begins to test those students. They have seen quite a lot down the hallway in that classroom. 
  • A huge "thank you" to Lindsay Nix who worked incredibly hard on our yearbook this year. Almost 3/4 of our student body purchased a yearbook this year and they will not be disappointed. Mrs. Nix also creates our EAFK parent program that you will see each each ceremony.
  • EAFK letters have been mailed out. Please make sure you contact parents of students being recognized. Also, have a meaningful, short, and concise paragraph to read at the event.
  • Don't forget about that Christie Shealy is keeping our testing website updated. Please visit this website to see sample items, answer documents, and much more! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
We continue to update our shared Google Calendar. "I Heart Arts" Day has been moved to March 25th. Spring parties will be held on that same day beginning no earlier than 1:40 P.M. Also, check out the calendar for information on when grades are due and when report cards will be sent home. 

Video of the Day:

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