Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Do Your Best... Don't Stress

First, I want to acknowledge that teaching is one of the absolute most difficult professions. A teacher pours all his or her time and energy into growing students. Keep these truths in mind as you enter one of the toughest stretches of our academic year...

  • What you do matters...
  • How you treat your students shows how much you care...
  • If your students know you care they will work hard to succeed..
One of the things discussed at my Assistant Principal's meeting this week was that stress does not help brain growth and development. We just need to do our best and prepare our students. Keep this mindset and teach your students to do the same. We will all be fine! 

SC Ready Testing Update

We now have more information about our new test, SC Ready. Right now the plan is to discuss this in great detail at our February 9th faculty meeting. The State Department's website has some resources for you to explore before our faculty meeting. All writing teachers should take a look at the rubric for the Text Dependent Analysis item. A paper copy of this will be placed in your box tomorrow for you to review. We will analyze sample TDA items as well as exemplars.  

This link with take you to an overview of the SC Ready Assessment. Scroll down to see types of test items and very helpful resources for the writing component of SC Ready. More information about administration, test design, and scoring will be provided at our meeting. Come prepared to discuss these items and bring questions you may have.  


We are working on finalizing our AdvancED Accreditation document for our school. Mr. Moore and I would like to say again how thankful we are for the time and effort you all have devoted to this process. It has not been easy and we understand the demands of such an important process. The final report will be submitted to the District Office on Friday, February 5th. Thank you to folks who are taking additional time to work on the narratives for your committee. 

Happenings of PVES 

Great things are always happening around Powdersville Elementary. We have a lot of wonderful opportunities coming up as well. 

Snow Days
We had many of our PVES teachers and students enjoying the winter weather this weekend. Pictures were posted to our social media so be sure to take a look if you missed it. 

Updates to the Library
New furniture has been delivered and looks fabulous. Recently our Clear Touch Board has been set up and teachers attended training. This is an amazing tool so be sure to stop by to play and explore. 

PBL #weBEElearning
Third graders are hard at work during their PBL unit. Follow their learning using #weBEElearning and see all the wonderful things going on in each classroom. 

Upcoming Happenings: 

PVES Talent Show: The talent show is Thursday (1/28) night from 6:00-8:00 P.M. at Powdersville High School. Thank you to the many of you who are serving or participating that night. I hope to see a huge crowd of PVES teachers and staff at the event! Please email Mrs. Turner if you are available to assist with this event. 

TOY Forum: This Friday we have the privilege of hosting our District Teacher of the Year Forum beginning at 8:30. We will have fifth grade ambassadors who will greet our TOY and lead them to Room 102. Mr. Havird will also be joining these folks. Please stress to your students the importance of being on their best behavior in the hallways and moving quietly from related arts classes. 

Spelling Bee: Our school spelling will be on Friday, January 29th at 8:15 in the Multi-purpose Room. We will have many parents and grandparents in our building for this event. Mrs. Golden will send information about where and when to send your class winner. 

Tollison's Tidings
  • Access Testing begins for our ESL students on February 9th in Computer Lab 101. They will also be testing on the 10th and 11th. Please encourage students being tested to be present, on time, and to do their best. Thank you in advance for your flexibility with this testing. Also be sure to escort your classes to related arts and pick them up to ensure that the hallways remain quiet for those testing. 
  • Class pictures have been rescheduled for Friday, February 19th in the library. 
  • Referrals should be completed using the online form. Save this link to your desktop or add to your home screen on your iPad. 
  • Clemson junior students will begin their visits to classrooms next week. They will report to their assigned classes and will observe for the first visit. 
  • NO iPads should be used at the tutoring table in the morning. We have a good handful of students who are completing homework and requesting assistance each morning. Please encourage your students to seek out the adult on duty for assistance. This is built-in intervention, but we need your help.
Mark Your Calendar
  • January 28th Talent Show @ PVHS 6:00-8:00
  • January 29th TOY Breakfast 8:30
  • January 29th School Spelling Bee 8:15-10:00
  • February 2nd Clemson Juniors Visit 8:30-11:30
  • February 2nd Technology PD with Preisig in Room 104
  • February 8th Reading PD with Kelle Martin (5th Grade 8:00-11:30; 4th Grade 11:30-2:30)
  • February 9th ACCESS Testing (ESL)
  • February 9th Reading PD with Kelle Martin (3rd Grade 8:00-11:30)
  • February 9th Faculty Meeting
With this busy testing session approaching I hope we all can have the confidence that these kids have! 

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