Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Back At It

As quickly as Christmas Break arrived it had ended and here we are back at it once again. I don't have to tell you that we now enter a crucial stretch in the school year where we need our students to be focused and make tremendous gains. I was very impressed this week as I walked the hallways to see our students engaged and learning. We didn't waste any time! I want to challenge everyone to remember the word you chose as "your word" at the beginning of the school year. I challenged our office staff to do the same in preparation for the second half of the year.

 I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers over the last two weeks. Rainbow and I received many texts, phone calls, emails, etc. after Grayson was born and it simply meant the world to us. Grayson gave us a scare, but he is a healthy and happy little boy.

We will have a somewhat abbreviated blog this week. I would refer you to our last blog from before the break for pertinent information. Additionally, we will be "flipping" our next faculty meeting meaning we will provide a video recording with important information that will be emailed to you early next week. Let's run through some important information and reminders:

SLO Mid-Conference Meetings:
Earlier this week, I emailed everyone a link to a sign-up genius so all certified staff could sign up for a time to meet with Mrs. Tollison and me regarding SLOs. You can also access the online sign-up here. 

As it pertains to the SLO mid-conference, please do not panic. This is simply a meeting to check on student progress. In very few cases, will we actually alter a student's goal. To do so, there must be a preponderance of evidence. The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Review student progress
2. Additional support- discuss what is needed for students not making progress and for teachers 
3. Adjust SLO- only based on significant information 

While we all want each and every student to meet growth targets, we also know this is very often not the case. In order for you to receive a rating of PROFICIENT, 70-89% of your class needs to meet their growth targets. Also, don't forget that we will take an "average" of MAP and F&P for reading and an "average" of MAP and benchmark for math. This will also help. 

Our Next EAFK Ceremony:
Our next EAFK ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, January 14th. We will recognize students who embody the virtues of honesty and compassion. You should have already submitted to Mrs. Booth the names of your students who will be recognized. We will follow the schedule below:

3rd grade:  12:05-12:45

4th grade:  12:50-1:30

5th grade:  1:35-2:20

*Please email or call parents to confirm they received the letter sent by the front office. These letters were sent via mail today (Wednesday). 

Testing Update:
We will obviously meet several times to provide the latest testing information to you. As you already know, 4th and 5th grade students will take SCPASS for Social Studies and Science. All students grades 3, 4, and 5 will take SCREADY ELA-Writing, ELA-Reading, Mathematics. 5th grade will be tested online for SCREADY but will paper and pencil test for SCPASS. We also now have a testing calendar. (5th grade teachers, we will meet with you as a group to propose an online testing calendar)

ELA Writing (Paper-Based) - April 26th
ELA Reading (Paper-Based) - April 27th
Mathematics (Paper-Based) - April 28th 
*Online testing window for all is April 19th-May 6th. 
*Make-up testing through May 6th 

Science - May 11th
Social Studies - May 12th 
*Make-up testing through May 19th
*3rd grade does not test SCPASS

  • All faculty and staff members are expected to enter in absences through the AESOP system starting today, January 4th. 
  • It is imperative that you enter these absences in accurately since this will be used to track days, pay, and substitutes. 
  • Remember that you must use Annual Days first (option A). 
  • Select the appropriate type of day (half day of full day).
  • The system defaults to needing a sub. If you do not need a sub or do not typically get a sub, please change this to "No" substitute required. 
  • Patty will continue to place the absence forms in your box for the remainder of this school year. 
  • All employee login information is attached. This document is also in our PVES 2015-2016 Teacher folder. 

End of 2nd Nine Week Period:
  • All grades are due by 8:00 AM on Tuesday, January 19th.
  • Grade Verifications will be printed first thing in the morning on Tuesday, January 19th. Please carefully review these verifications and make necessary changes before grades are stored. It is a difficult process to make changes to grades once they have been stored. 
  • Grades will be stored in the morning on Wednesday, January 20th. 
  • Report Cards will be printed and placed in your box on Wednesday, January 20th. 
  • Send report cards home with students on Thursday, January 21st.  
Friday, January 15th:
This day is marked as a staff development day. As I mentioned in an email sent to faculty and staff, we will send out a more detailed schedule of events after my principal's meeting this week. It is our intent to provide ample time to work in your classrooms and with one another. As you know, the following Monday, January 18th is MLK Day and we are out of school that day!

iCoach January Session with Preisig:
Thank you for your participation during our January iCoach session with Mrs. Preisig. Please be reminded that you need to complete the activity by the end of this week to be registered for the drawing. You need to complete the activity by the end of the month to receive credit. Don't hesitate to email Mrs. Preisig with any instructional technology questions or concerns!

In summary, please make sure you are constantly checking your calendar so you are aware of the MANY events taking place in our school. Thank you to everyone for striving to be the best. As Jane Harrison likes to put it, we strive for perfection but settle for excellence. This excellence is achieved because of your dedication and hard work. It does not go unnoticed. Whether you are celebrating a Clemson birth in the national championship game or simply making it to the end of the week, Friday is certainly a blue jean day! 

Video of the Week:
What Makes a Great Teacher?

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