Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I am intentionally providing much less content in our blog this week. Why? Well, simply put, here at the beginning of our second nine week period is a logical time for reflection. I am a firm believer that reflection is both a key element for teachers who are focused on continuous improvement and often times ignored due to time constraints and busy schedules. Reflection is important. After reading through this short blog, I would encourage you to reflect on the year. What has been difficult? What has gone well? What are your challenges? What are your success stories? What do you need to do differently? What students need more of your time and attention? I would also challenge you to consider who/what your positive influences are and acknowledge who/what drains you of your positive energy. To quote a football coach in the area "the only disability in life is a bad attitude."

Thanks to committees 1 and 5 for their time and attention in Wednesday's meetings. We are framing our school's direction and goals for the present and future. This process is important! Committees 2, 3 and 4 will meet on Wednesday, November 11th next week. Mrs. Tollison and I will send out a schedule for this day a soon as possible. If a sub is needed, we will make sure you are covered. Please note: We will have a faculty meeting on Tuesday, November 17th. This meeting will focus on the AdvancED process so it is important that you make every effort to be present. We had originally scheduled this day for another Digital Playground session, but AdvancED will take precedence. Thanks again to our committee chairs and to all of you for taking this process seriously and giving of your time and effort to get things accomplished.

Moore's Musings:

  • I appreciate our teachers who worked so hard to have SLOs ready to turn in last week. I can tell you spent a great deal of time on these documents. One of the positives of this process is the reflection you had to engage in throughout. You have some pretty specific goals for students and have identified a target for them to reach. I look forward to our mid-course conferences in December and January. 
  • Speaking of evaluation, Mrs. Tollison and I are in the midst of our own evaluations. I will present to our district office staff this Friday morning as part of my yearly evaluation. Mrs. Tollison will submit her evaluation information to me very soon. We are certainly all in this together!
  • Please take time to at least mention Veteran's Day on Wednesday the 11th of November. We will work on hosting an actual Veteran's Day ceremony next year. In the mean time, our students need to hear about the meaning behind the day. We have many brave men and women connected to our school and community who have proudly served our country. Thanks!
Mark Your Calendar (MYC): 
  • Anderson County Rotary to deliver dictionaries to grade 3 (schedule already sent to teachers) on Thursday, November 5th. 
  • 5th Grade "Battle of the Badges" (tentative) in cafeteria on Friday, November 6th at 1:40 P.M.
  • 3rd Grade Rock Bus - Monday, November 9th. 
  • 4th Grade Launch to Greenville Zoo - Monday, November 9th.
  • Veteran's Day - November 11th 
  • If you are reading carefully, Friday is a blue jean day. 
  • Committees 2, 3 and 4 to meet (schedule to come) - Wednesday, November 11th 
  • Read Your Way to the Big Game Tailgate Celebration (see calendar for times) - Thursday, November 12th. 
  • Faculty Meeting - Tuesday, November 17th at 3:10 P.M. in PD Room. 
  • PVES Art Show - Thursday, November 19th from 5:00-7:00 P.M. 
  • Thanksgiving Break - Wednesday, November 25th - Friday, November 27th. 

Video of the Week - Teacher Reflection and Continuous Improvement

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