Wednesday, November 11, 2015

4 Questions

This week, our district hosted the Digital Transformation Conference at Palmetto High School. Educators from around the state and other areas attended to hear about ASD1's commitment to digital transformation via our one-to-one iPad initiative. After a break-out session, visitors were taken by bus to other schools on that side of the district to visit classrooms and observe. I was happy to attend and enjoyed the keynote presented by Dr. Philip Lanoue, the national superintendent of the year. He has driven school transformation and reform in Clarke County Georgia (Athens). In his keynote, he offered four (4) questions that drive conversations, planning, and improvement in his district. I wanted to share these questions with you (below) in hopes that you would have some serious conversations with your partner teacher and grade level peers so that we might continue our efforts to improve as a school. See below.

Speaking of continuous improvement, I am thankful for our entire faculty and staff for their participation in our AdvancED process. This week and last, the faculty and staff met as a part of various committees to discuss our strengths and weaknesses in various areas. I think we can all agree we do a lot well and certainly have room for improvement in many areas as well. During our discussions, I appreciate the "real" conversation and focus on improvement that took place within each group. While I know it is difficult to be pulled out from class for reasons like AdvancED, it is truly amazing to watch our faculty work together. It's what makes you special. A very special "thank you" to our committee chairs who have taken on a leadership role and added responsibility throughout this process!

Fall Fundraiser:
Simply put, our PTSO could use some more money to support our classrooms. While Boosterthon is on the calendar again for March, our PTSO board feels like a fall fundraiser is needed. I certainly agree with this and know the money raised will be spent to support our teachers and students. Therefore, we will hold a quick fall fundraiser and sell items that would make great Christmas gifts for family and friends. You and your students will learn more at our kickoff event scheduled for Wednesday, November 18th. A schedule for the kickoff event, which will be held in the MP Room, is posted below. Orders can be placed through December 2nd and will be delivered on December 16th meaning all items ordered will arrive in time for Christmas! After our kickoff event, it would be helpful for you to talk this fundraiser up with your parents and students using a variety of communication (newsletter, email, text messaging, etc.). I even agreed to be SLIMED by the top 9 sellers at the end of the fundraiser. Thanks for your support!

Fall Fundraiser Kickoff Schedule:
3rd Grade, Tate/Jordan, Wilkie/Hughes - 1:30 - 1:50 P.M. in MP Room
5th Grade, Fulbright/Moore, Barnhill/Thompson - 2:00 - 2:20 P.M. in MP Room*
*Please have your classes packed up so they will be ready for dismissal when you return to your rooms.

As usual, we've spotted some wonderful "goings-on" at PVES:

Congrats to our very own reading coach, Kelle Martin, for getting her Donors Choose project funded. She will now be able to order almost $600 worth of leveled reading materials. We have several additional Donors Choose projects still waiting to be funded. Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Leftwich took our 4th grade Launch students to the Greenville Zoo on Monday. Parents and students braved rain and cold to learn a lot and enjoy their time at the zoo. Thanks to Mrs. Leftwich for organizing this field trip and making learning fun for her students!

Third graders enjoyed visiting the Rock Bus this week. Mrs. Clary was there to make sure everything ran smoothly. Speaking of science, I continue to be thrilled with the ownership and creative approach many of our "new" teachers of science have taken with the content. Students enjoyed the Chemical Change Cafe in science this week. The end result looks quite delicious.

Mrs. Tollison and I visited Mrs. Thomas's room this week to observe guided reading and practice using a guided reading observation form. You can view the form here. Mrs. Thomas was, of course, meticulously organized and things ran very smoothly! Mrs. Tollison and I will be visiting your room soon in an effort to practice using the form linked above and provide feedback for our teachers of reading. Please do not forget to use Mrs. Martin as a resource. She will help you structure and plan your guided reading groups, select appropriate leveled materials, etc.

Moore's Musings:

  • Mrs. Tollison and I were reflecting on the small number of discipline referrals submitted thus far. This is excellent because it shows our teachers have classroom routines and procedures established and fair and consistent rules in place. Way to go! 
  • Our PVES Art Show is next Thursday, November 19th. We have various performances scheduled for December. I hope that our faculty and staff will consider attending these events and supporting both our teachers and students. It means a great deal when parents and students look out in the audience and see a strong representation of our faculty and staff present at these events. 
  • Have you joined our Relay for Life team? Get on board today and start raising money. You can join our PVES team by clicking here
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Read Your Way to the Big Game Tailgate Party - 11/12. Email was sent by Kelle Martin with details. Wear your blue jeans and favorite team shirt. 
  • 5th Grade "Battle of the Badges" - 11/13 at 1:40 P.M. in the cafeteria. 
  • Fire Drill (re-scheduled from rain-out on 10/29) - 11/16 at 10:30 A.M.
  • Faculty Meeting (topic: AdvancED update and more) - 11/17 at 3:10 P.M. in the PD Room. 
  • 5th Grade Jet Toy Car Training - 11/18 from 8:00-11:30 A.M. in the room 104. 
  • Fall Fundraiser Kickoff - 11/18. See above for schedule. 
  • PVES Art Show - 11/19 in MP Room/Cafeteria beginning at 5:00 P.M. 

Video of the Week:

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