Sunday, March 8, 2020

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions speak louder than words. This statement has been used for many years to indicate the importance of one's ability to act on idea or belief rather than just give lip service to an idea or belief. Schools that act out of a sense of urgency tend to be more successful. Teachers at these schools understand their purpose and greater calling. Due to this belief that all students can learn at high levels, when action is required action is taken. Have you been meaning to speak up more in collaborative planning?  Need to make that phone call to a parent? Wanted to try that new idea or strategy but just haven't gotten around to it? Whatever the case may be, let me challenge you with a quote from my favorite podcast that has challenged me this week: "Attack, don't yak!" Let's work together to embrace the final 55 days of school, make it impactful for our students, and create solutions to any problems that come our way. Now is the time!

There is a lot of ACTION taking place at PVES...

Mrs. Hughes has taken action in the STEM Lab. 5th grade students completed the Jet Toy Car STEM unit and our winning teams competed in district competition. 4th graders completed the Cardboard Regatta unit and our winning teams actually won the district competition. What's next? How about the Robotics team competing soon? 

3rd grade students enjoy action in the classroom! Whether it be completing research in research groups, students sorting sentences to determine main idea, or acting out a naval blockade, our students learn more and stretch themselves when they are up out of their seats. This is when learning comes to life!

4th grade Launch students researched different types of submersibles and then designed their own. Another perfect example of action in the classroom transforming the way our students learn.

OLWEUS Meetings:
As always, we will hold our OLWEUS class meetings on Monday morning during Pride Time. By now, you know to check the shared folder for idea and lessons. Feel free to also submit lessons to our folder. I recently had a conversation with a teacher and OLWEUS was the topic. We agreed that some of the most meaningful class meetings don't always involve a presentation. They involve real discussion about real issues in the classroom. And the teacher takes front and center in inspiring students to take positive action!

Tech PD with Thomas:
Due to some scheduling issues, we will have a revised Tech PD schedule with Thomas McAuliff. On Tuesday afternoon, 4th grade will have their PD at 12:55 P.M. (Scarborough's room) and 1:40 P.M. (Heath's room). Everyone else will have Tech PD with Thomas on Friday, March 13th at 8:45 A.M. (Schumpert's room), 9:30 A.M. (Michael's room), 10:15 A.M. (K. Thompson's room) 11:00 A.M. (Carey's room), and 11:45 A.M. (STEM Lab). Speaking of March 13th, it is a Friday and blue jeans are certainly in order for this one. We can do it!

Live PD This Wednesday:
We will have Live PD Wednesday, March 11th after school at 3:15 P.M. in the media center. Home room teachers will discuss our vision for ELA block and some MAP testing information as well. I would encourage you to reflect upon what you consider to be the most valuable way to structure ELA block; including what practices and methods are most impactful in terms of student learning. 

Pride Practice Names Due Thursday:
Student names for the 3rd 9 Weeks Pride Practice Ceremony are due by Thursday, March 12th. Please submit the names using this form. Mrs. Kendall will mail Pride Practice letters by March 17th. Each home room teacher is responsible for also making a personal contact to a parent of each child being recognized from your class. This is to ensure that parents have plenty of advance notice. 

MAP Testing:
Map testing is scheduled for March 16th (ELA) and March 17th (Math). We will discuss this in more detail during Live PD. Please ensure you are engaged in goal setting with your students this week if you have not done so already. iPads should be kept at school on Friday this week and charged at school so we can ensure that all students are ready to test next Monday. Let parents know via SeeSaw that iPads will be kept at school. This shared folder has a great deal of MAP information you need; including how to set up your testing sessions and the goal setting forms. 

March Book Madness:
We will begin our yearly March Book Madness Monday morning. There are 8 picture books this year. Please refer to this presentation which will have all the books on video. All you will need to do is go to the slide to be read for the day and press play. Please try to have the book read before students leave your room for PRIDE time during the week. Mrs. Martin put a copy of the bracket in your teacher box. On the bracket, are the dates to read each book.  We will read for two days and then vote on which of the two books was the class favorite. You will see on every other slide a link to a Google form for your class to vote. Thank you for your help with promoting this.

Moore's Musings:
  • As is our practice, there will be no blog the next two weeks. We will send out emails with reminders. 
  • Mrs. Tollison and I will call students to the cafeteria on Monday morning during Pride Time who still need to take their engagement survey. You can refer to this document to determine if you have any students who will be called. We are only pulling those students who was listed as "Absent" on the sheet. 
  • The Literacy Committee will meet Monday afternoon after school per Mrs. Martin's email. 
  • On Wednesday morning, a former student will make a short announcement about water safety. We will then have brochures she has completed about water safety that need to be sent home with students this day. 
  • 4th Grade Fractions Celebrations will held in the afternoon on Friday, March 13th. They will still attend related arts. 

Mark Your Calendars (MYC):
  • Student Engagement make-up surveys - 3/9 at 810 A.M. in cafeteria 
  • PVES Ambassadors meet - 3/9 after school 
  • Literacy Committee Meeting - 3/9 after school 
  • Papa John's "Dollars for Dough" Spirit Nights - 3/10 & 3/11
  • 4th Grade Tech PD w/Thomas - 3/10 during planning 
  • Grade Level Planning - 3/11 from 2:45 - 3:10 P.M. 
  • Live PD - 3/11 after school in media center at 3:15 P.M. 
  • Submit Pride Practice student names - 3/12
  • Robotics Club - 3/12 after school 
  • Keep iPads at School - 3/13
  • Tech PD w/Thomas - 3/13 during planning (minus grade 4) 
  • 4th Grade Fractions Celebrations - 3/13 afternoon 

Video of the Week: Take Accountability for Your Actions

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